1 | 由于极度的自大,乔尔拒绝了所有他极需要的帮助。 | Joel turn down all offer of help he badly needed because of his excessive egoism. | |
2 | 由于文化上的原因,依赖对西方人是一个令人不安的词;由于实际上的原因,过分的独立也同样令人不安。 | For cultural reasons, dependence is a disquieting word for Westerners; for practical reasons, excessive independence is, too | |
3 | 有些是自然原因如地形、气候造成的,有些则是人为原因造成的,如草原过度放牧,不适当开发利用水资源造成绿洲萎缩等。 | Partially, it is caused by natural factors, such as topography and climate, and partially it is man-made, such as excessive grazing and the improper development and utilization of water resources, which has caused the withering of oases | |
4 | 在回波抑制器控制的电话线路中,用户的一方或双方因为过量的局部线路噪音或对方连续说话而不能通话的情况。 | In a telephone circuit controlled by an echo-suppressor,the inability of one or both subscribers to get through because of either excessive local circuit noise or continuous speech from one subscriber. | |
5 | 在显示技术中,指由于电子束电流太大而产生的光点太亮的现象。参阅beam,spot。 | In display technique,excessive luminosity of the spot due to excessive beam current. | |
6 | 躁狂一种烦躁抑郁病的表现,特点是有过多变化极快的观念,过分的狂喜以及剧烈的身体活动 | A manifestation of manic-depressive illness,characterized by profuse and rapidly changing ideas,exaggerated gaiety,and excessive physical activity. | |
7 | 曾有一段时期,由于过度放牧和肆意毁林,山区生态环境遭到严重破坏,动植物资源明显减少。 | At one time, due to excessive herding and reckless deforestation, the ecological environment of the mountain area was severely damaged, and the resources of animals and plants significantly dwindled | |
8 | 照相排版中的一种退格技术,借此可以把一个字符挤入另一个字符所占的空间里,从而避免因字符的形状不同和不同的字符组合而引起的间隙过大所产生的不理想的视觉印象。 | In photocomposition,a backspacing technique whereby one character is tucked into another in order to avoid the optical impression of excessive spacing that can arise from the varying shapes of characters and combinations of characters. | |
9 | 纵欲过度沉溺于性行为;淫荡 | Excessive indulgence in sexual activity;lewdness. | |
10 | 阻尼,减幅附加于机械设备或电力设备上的效能,来阻止过多的修正量,以及所导致的不稳定性或振荡的状况 | The capacity built into a mechanical or electrical device to prevent excessive correction and the resulting instability or oscillatory conditions. |