1 | 玉山国家公园高山环境废弃物及排遗处理问题之登山客意向调查研究 | A Questionnaire Investigation on Trash and Excrement in the High Altitude in Yushan National Park | |
2 | ||1:英格兰东南部科尔切斯特郊外一家养鸡场的鸡舍里,数千只鸡坐在自己的粪便堆上。||2:鸡舍得等到到把所有的鸡都杀了之后才会清理。这意味着鸡会被氨灼伤,很难长出羽毛。||3:那些还没到宰杀时间就死掉的鸡,尸体上爬满了蚂蚁和蛆。||4:养鸡业很脏,但有利可图。||5:在主要由富裕国家组成的经济合作与发展组织中,猪肉和牛肉的消费量自1990年以来一直保持不变。||6:但鸡肉消费量增长了70%。 | ||1:In a shed on a poultry farm just outside Colchester, in south-east England, thousands of chickens sit on piles of their own excrement .||2:The facilities will not be cleaned until after the birds are killed, meaning they suffer from ammonia burns and struggle to grow feathers.||3:Ants and maggots crawl over the bodies of those that have not made it to slaughter.||4:The chicken industry is a dirty business, but it is also a profitable one.||5:In the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, pork and beef consumption has remained unchanged since 1990.||6:Chicken consumption has grown by 70%. | |
3 | 一个具有分水岭意义的时刻已经到来:与身体和粪便相关的传统禁忌语,不再具有与性、残疾和其他此类特质相关的群体侮辱的冲击力,而西方社会对这些特质正变得越来越敏感。(以种族为基础的嘲笑已经被人们唾弃了一段时间。) | A watershed moment has arrived: traditional taboo words, pertaining to the body and excrement , no longer have the punch of group-based insults related to sex, disabilities and other such qualities, about which Western societies are increasingly sensitive. (Race-based gibes ha ve been anathema for a while.) | |
4 | “19世纪人类只有自然化肥可以使用,例如动物粪便,”Litaker说,也就是鸟类、鼠类和海豹的排泄物。 | "In the 1800s people had to use natural fertilizers such as guano, " which is the excrement of birds, bats, and seals, Litaker said. | |
5 | 本实用新型的用于大小便的便盘装置,结构简单,能够可靠地区分大便和小便。 | The excrement disc device has simple structure and is able to reliably distinguish the faeces and the piss. | |
6 | 本实用新型可以方便的处理宠物的排泄物,有利于环境卫生。 | The utility model can deal with the excrement of a pet, and is favorable to environmental sanitation. | |
7 | 博加特说,由于粪便随处可见,因此在越战的时候,用来标记目标的指向标经常被伪装成老虎排泄物的模样。 | Doo tends to be left alone, which is why beacons disguised as tiger excrement were used to mark targets in Vietnam, Boghardt says. | |
8 | 城市垃圾填埋场覆盖蚓粪土对作物生长的影响研究 | Study on Covering Excrement of Earthworm for the Effects of Growth of Plants on Municipal Waste landfill Sites | |
9 | 从蚕沙中提取粗品叶黄素的工艺研究 | The Study on the Process of Lutein Produce from the Sericulturist Excrement | |
10 | 动物排泄物对生态环境的负面影响 | The adverse effects of animal excrement on the ecological environment | |
11 | 对虾池残饵、粪便及死虾腐解对养殖水质影响的模拟试验 | Effects of Feed Remnants, Excrement and Dead Shrimp Bodies on Water Quality in Aquaria | |
12 | 而另一个项目则是对科研项目提供资助,既向开发出新方法以回收利用人类粪便的科学家授予奖金。 | With the other, it supports research projects, giving grants to scientists who come up with new ideas for using human excrement . | |
13 | 发酵鸡粪样品中大肠埃希氏菌与沙门氏菌的检测 | Determination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella in fermented excrement samples of chicken | |
14 | 粪便无害化处理及处理粪便用于蔬菜施肥的卫生学评价 | The Sanitary Assessment on the Non-hazardous Treatment of Excrement and the Treated Excrement as Fertilization for Vegetables | |
15 | 粪泥与污泥的无害化利用 | Innocuous Utilization of Excrement and Sludge | |
16 | 高压输电线路鸟粪闪络故障特征及防止对策 | High Voltage Transmission Lines Breakdown Characteristic Caused by Bird Excrement Flashover and Countermeasure | |
17 | 规模化养殖场粪污水处理关键设备的研究与开发 | Research and Development on the Key Facilities For Dispose of Excrement and Foul Water in Scaled Breeding Farms | |
18 | 规模化养殖畜禽粪主要有害成分测定分析研究 | Determination and analysis on main harmful composition in excrement of scale livestock and poultry feedlots | |
19 | 含有高蛋白和漂白酶的鸟类粪便经消毒之后被碾磨成齑粉,有时和米糠粉混合在一起。 | The bird excrement -- rich in proteins and a whitening enzyme -- is sterilized, ground into a powder and sometimes mixed with rice bran. | |
20 | 亨斯利·韦奇伍德发现了蝴蝶的荷兰名字boterschijte,认为这个名字指向排泄物命名法。 | Hensleigh Wedgwood found a Dutch name for butterflies boterschijte and thought this pointed to nomenclature by excrement . | |
21 | 鸡的排泄物造成环境污染的调查研究 | Investigation on environmental pollution caused by excrement of chicken | |
22 | 鸡粪卫生无害化处理技术研究 | Study on technology for sanitation and harmless treatment of chicken excrement | |
23 | 鸡粪再生饲料资源的开发与利用 | Exploitation and Utilization of Turning Chicken Excrement into Regenerate Feed | |
24 | 集约化畜禽养殖场污染防治对策及粪污处理技术 | The Pollution-preventing Measures and Treatment Technology of Excrement in the Feed Lot | |
25 | 集约化养禽场粪便无害化处理与利用技术 | The harmless disposal and utilize of intensify chicken farm excrement | |
26 | 集约化养殖场粪污蚯蚓处理效果研究 | The Technological Research of the Treatment of Excrement in Intensive farm with Earthworm | |
27 | 家禽需要大量的食物和空间,而这正是太空旅行特有的局限,同时还会产生大量的排泄物。 | Poultry needs a large amount of food and space, which is typically limited on expeditions, and it produces a lot of excrement . | |
28 | 解开它们逃脱资源诅咒的秘密,将令无数民众免受“魔鬼排泄物”的毒害。 | Unlocking the secret of their escape from the resource curse could spare millions from the devil’s excrement . | |
29 | 离子扑捉电子显微镜技术检测患者粪便中病毒的方法 | Study of ion catch technology of electron microscopy in virus detection of patient’s excrement | |
30 | 利用有效微生物菌群进行鸡粪处理的研究 | Treatment of Chicken Poultry Excrement Using Effective Microorganisms |