1 | 他要演奏一个曲子。 | He is going to execute a piece of music | |
2 | 他曾命令毕萨尼奥对公主处以残忍的刑罚。 | He had enjoined Pisanio to execute upon the princess | |
3 | 完成踢悬空球的动作 | To execute a punt. | |
4 | 完成一件工作 | execute a piece of work | |
5 | 为使贵司满意,我保证尽力完成贵方订货。 | We assure you that we shall endeavour to execute the order to your entire satisfaction. | |
6 | 我们必须执行他的命令 | We must execute his orders. | |
7 | 我们应当处决并消灭这种不折不扣的魔鬼,人类的渣滓。 | We should execute and destroy such veritable fiends and dregs of humanity | |
8 | 现在只杀两个起不了那么大作用了,要多杀几个,这才能真正表现我们的决心。 | Things are different now, and the effect would not be so great. To show our determination, we would have to execute several more than two. | |
9 | 亚德客公司是一家专业生产各类气动元件的大型集团企业,公司于1989年在台湾台北县成立,产品主要有气动控制元件、气动执行元件、气源处理元件、气动辅助元件等系列产品,并已通过ISO9001质量体系认证。 | Airtac is a large-scale group enterprise specialized in producing all types of pneumatic element.Our company was founded in Taibei County of Taiwan in 1989 and there are five series of products as following:pneumatic power source,pneumatic assistant element,pneumatic control element,pneumatic execute element and pneumatic tool.It has passed ISO9002 quality system authentication. | |
10 | 一种附加调度程序,它确定下一个要执行的任务。 | An addition to the dispatcher that determines which task is to execute next | |
11 | 一种由硬件检测到的非正常状态。例如:企图执行一条特权指令和诸如上溢出、下溢出与除0等的算术运算陷井。 | An abnormal condition detected by the hardware.Examples are:attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow,underflow,and divide by zero. | |
12 | 遗嘱执行人遗嘱人指定的执行遗嘱的人 | A person who is appointed by a testator to execute the testator’s will. | |
13 | 以循环方式重复执行一系列指令,直到满足某一退出条件为止。 | To execute a series of instructions in a loop until some exit condition is satisfied | |
14 | 因装卸工人不足,故无法在限定期间内完成装船。 | Shipment cannot execute within period owing stevedore shortage | |
15 | 因装卸工人不足,无法在限定时间内装船。 | Shipment cannot execute within period owing stevedore shortage. | |
16 | 应在25天内,提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行,或者部分不能履行,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由不可抗力发生地区的公证机构出具。 | They should provide detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract within 15 days thereafter. | |
17 | 有权查询、要求、起诉、追索和接收各种商品、动产、债务、租金、利息、金钱总额以及合法要求任何我应得的、或今后能得的或该付的、或本来就属于我的财产;有权获得、提供或签章债务清偿证明书、收据、赔偿或其他类似义务的解除证明,不管盖了公章还是没有盖。 | To ask, demand, litigate, recover, and receive all manner of goods, chattels, debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever, due or hereafter to become due and owing, or belonging to me, and to make, give and execute acquittances, receipts, satisfactions or other discharges for the same, whether under seal or otherwise | |
18 | 有些民主人士说杀得坏,我们说杀得好,无非是唱对台戏。 | Some democratic personages say it is bad to execute them and we say it is fine--we are singing different tunes, that’s all | |
19 | 玉皇想处死孙猴,但任凭刀砍斧劈,火烧雷击,都伤不到孙猴的一根毫毛。 | The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him but failed to inflict a single wound on him by sabers, axes, fire and thunder. | |
20 | 远程过程调用失败且未运行。 | The remote procedure call failed and did not execute . | |
21 | 阅历丰富的人虽然逐一判断或处理具体问题,但出谋划策,统筹全局,惟有博学之士最能胜任。 | For expert men can execute , and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned | |
22 | 在被邀请签约时,承包商应同意签订并履行合同协议书,该协议书的拟定和签订费用由雇主承担。 | The Contractor shall, if called upon so to do, enter into and execute the Contract Agreement, to be prepared and completed at the cost of the Employer, in the form annexed to these Conditions with such modification as may be necessary. | |
23 | 在程序运行过程中,进行人工中断或干预,使计算机执行一条转移指令。 | To intervene manually in a routine and cause the computer to execute a jump instruction. | |
24 | 在菲律宾,“salvage”一个人并不是抢救那个人。 | In the Philippines, to salvage someone means to execute that person | |
25 | 在计算机安全学中,一个主体对一个客体的合法作用类型,包括读、写、执行、添加、修改和删除。 | In computer security, a description of the type of authorized interactions a subject can have with an object. Permissions include: read, write, execute ,add, modify and delete | |
26 | 在计算机程序设计中指执行一次调用。 | In computer programming, to execute a call. | |
27 | 在绞形架上处以绞刑 | To execute by hanging on a gibbet. | |
28 | 在迈向跨世纪水瓶新世代巨变的同时,展望二十一世纪充满挑战与不确定性的未来,食粮群公司擘画“产业国际化、分工区域化、产品精致化、销售多角化、技术行销化、营运大型化”六大发展方针的全球版图。 | While we are moving ahead towards a time of great revolution and uncertainty, we have outlined six core principles for our worldwide operations: internationalize the corporation, execute regional production and marketing, emphasize product delicacy, promote multi-sales channels, link technology with marketing, and enlarge operations. | |
29 | 在每台受到感染的计算机内的每个受到到感染的程序,就可能执行病毒作者原想要执行的任何指令。 | Each of the infected programs in each of the infected machines can execute whatever other instructions the virus author intended. | |
30 | 在某些情况下,若读出时间足够短,则程序可直接从ROM执行。 | In some cases the programs may execute directly from the ROM if its read time is short enough. |