属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-无人机定点清除美国涉恐公民引发争议
1 | “但是,”弗兰兹对伯爵说道,“抱着这种理论,则等于你自己既是原告,同时又是法官和刽子手,这是很难实行的,因为你得时刻提防落到法律的手里。 | "But," said Franz to the count, "with this theory, which renders you at once judge and executioner of your own cause, it would be difficult to adopt a course that would forever prevent your falling under the power of the law | |
2 | “她在监狱里,”王后对刽子手说,“把她带来!” | `She’s in prison,’ the Queen said to the executioner : `fetch her here.’ | |
3 | “那一声“永别了”象刽子手的刀刺到维尔福夫人身上一样。 | That farewell struck Madame de Villefort like the executioner ’s knife | |
4 | 《刽子手之歌》中“刽子手”的双重含义解读 | Decoding the Double Meanings of "Executioner " in The Executioner’s Song | |
5 | 庇皮诺走的步子很坚定,无疑他已明白会发生什么事,而安德则由两位教士扶着走。 | Behind the executioner came, in the order in which they were to die, first Peppino and then Andrea | |
6 | 待处决的犯人和刽子手双方都经常喝得醉醺醺,有时死刑执行得很不利索。 | Frequently both victims and executioner were drunk and occasionally the job was botched | |
7 | 刽子手砍掉死囚头颅的公开行刑者 | A public executioner who beheads condemned prisoners. | |
8 | 刽子手却对那做母亲和乳娘的妇人说:‘改邪归正!’ | the executioner said to the woman, a mother and a nurse, `abjure!’ | |
9 | 刽子手是执行死刑的人。 | An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence. | |
10 | 刽子手一刀砍下那受害者的脑袋。 | The executioner struck off the victim’s head with a blow of the sword. | |
11 | 国王和刽子手就发疯似地跑来跑去到处找,而其他人又回去玩槌球了。 | so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, while the rest of the party went back to the game | |
12 | 那犯人痛苦万分,刽子手见状便跑上前去补了一枪使其不再受苦。 | When the prisoner was being tortured,the executioner ran forward to give a coup de grace to put him out of his misery. | |
13 | 那位等待多日的刽子手终于愉快地获得工作机会,给凶手的脖子套上涂油的绞索,取得酬金可以养家度日。 | The executioner , who had been waiting days for work, joyful at finally getting a job, placed the oiled rope around the convicted murderer’s neck, and thus drawing the fee for his work, secured happiness for his family | |
14 | 我想:这么多世纪以来,上天都容许这些人不断互相残杀而不惩罚他们,那我有什么权力和责任擅自将他们判罪处死,代替上天执行对他们的判决呢? | What authority, or call I had, to pretend to be judge and executioner upon these men as criminals, whom heaven had thought fit for so many ages to suffer unpunish’d, to go on, and to be as it were, the executioners of his judgments one upon another. | |
15 | 行刑者迅速地将该犯处决了。 | The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man | |
16 | 行刑者迅速将该犯处决了。 | The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man. | |
17 | 这个人就是刽子手。他的脚上还绑着一双草鞋。在刽子手的后面,根据处死的先后顺序,先出来的是庇皮诺,然后才是安德烈,每一个都由两位教士陪伴着。 | He was naked, with the exception of cloth drawers at the left side of which hung a large knife in a sheath, and he bore on his right shoulder a heavy iron sledge-hammer. This man was the executioner | |
18 | 只有控诉过胜利的人才有权裁判失败。 | The denunciator of success is the only legitimate executioner of the fall | |
19 | 指挥执行的审判人员,对罪犯应当验明正身,讯问有无遗言、信札,然后交付执行人员执行死刑。 | The judicial officer directing the execution shall verify the identity of the criminal, ask him if he has any last words or letters and then deliver him to the executioner for execution of the death sentence. | |
20 | 该文件受到了国会议员和人权组织的批评。批评者说,它会被用于提升总统使用致命武器打击恐怖嫌疑人的权力。俄勒冈州民主党参议员罗恩·维登(Ron Wyden)表示,他担心奥巴马总统会独揽法官、陪审团和刽子手于一身。 | The paper has resulted in criticism from lawmakers and human rights groups. Critics say it could be used to increase the president’s power to use deadly force against suspected terrorists. Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon says he fears President Obama could be acting as judge, jury and executioner . | |
21 | 当员工的伙伴而非侩子手 | Be a partner with your employees, not an executioner . | |
22 | 刽子手从来没见过这种情形。 | The executioner had never seen anything like this! | |
23 | 刽子手对儿童的地方桶上方,所以他到达绞索 | executioner places child on top of barrel so he reaches the noose | |
24 | 据美国媒体报道,号称“美国第一刽子手”的查尔斯·欧莱利上周迎来60岁生日,随即光荣退休。 | Dubbed "the United States’ first executioner " , Charles O’Reilly retired after he turned 60 last week, US media reported. | |
25 | 那儿刽子手的脸永远是隐藏的 | Where the executioner ’s face is always well hidden, | |
26 | 随即差一个护卫兵,吩咐拿约翰的头来。 | 27So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John’s head. | |
27 | 他的行刑人员,一位监狱员工,没对准静脉,目击者描述了Diaz面部扭曲的状况。 | His executioner , a prison employee, missed his vein and witnesses described Diaz grimacing. | |
28 | 他们对这一宝藏的寻觅耗费了无数的生命,至少迫使一人自杀,另一个丧命于行刑者的利斧之下。 | Their searches for this treasure wasted countless lives, drove at least one man to suicide, and put another man under the executioner ’s ax. | |
29 | 通常语言的词汇在这里出现时也仿佛已被刽子手的烙铁烙得缩蹙枯焦。 | The words of the vulgar tongue appear therein wrinkled and shrivelled, as it were, beneath the hot iron of the executioner . | |
30 | 想找到一个刽子手执行死刑很困难。 | It had been difficult to find an executioner to carry out the sentence. |