1 | 场景体现了影片导演的风格 | scenes that exemplify the film director’s style. | |
2 | 举个例子来阐述我的观点,请看勃朗特的《简爱》。 | To exemplify what I mean, let us look at C.Bronte’s Jane Eyre. | |
3 | 举例说明所涉及的问题. | Exemplify the problems involved. | |
4 | 例示用例子来说明或证明;例证 | To demonstrate or show by an example;exemplify . | |
5 | 内部空间更以高品质建立新一代豪华基准,营造出精致而有力度 | inside the car, we see the use of space to exemplify true, and quality ‘luxury′. | |
6 | 坡和后来的亨利-詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。 | Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite incompatible with "actuality" | |
7 | 他反映了新自由主义的观点。 | He exemplify the new liberalism. | |
8 | 他根据笔记里归纳起来的东西写了一些短篇小说和小品文。 | He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook | |
9 | 为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看每年的原油进口。 | To exemplify what I mean , let us look at our annual import of crude oil . | |
10 | 为举例说明我的意思,让我们看看我们每年的原油进口。 | To exemplify what I mean, let us look at our annual import of crude oil. | |
11 | 为举例说明这种理论,我们来检查一些种类的昆虫。 | To exemplify this theory , let us examine some species of insect . | |
12 | 为举例说明这种理论,我们来检查一些种类的昆虫。 | To exemplify this theory, let us examine some species of insects. | |
13 | 我打算就论点中的一、两个方面举例说明 | I am going to exemplify one or two of these points | |
14 | 我将举例说明其中一两点 | I’m going to exemplify one or two of these points | |
15 | 显示明确清楚地指出;例证或证明 | To indicate clearly;exemplify or prove. | |
16 | 一年一度的美国十大杰出青年活动是用来认可和推崇体现出最佳美国青年素质的十位美国人(18岁至40岁) | The Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA)project exists to recognize and honor ten Americans each year who exemplify the best attributes of the nation’s young people, aged 18 through 40. | |
17 | 这就是我们在微软营造出一种负责任的文化,以帮助我们确保所有的业务关系和事务都能体现微软正直尊重的核心价值的原因。 | And it′s why we have created a culture of accountability at Microsoft to help ensure that all of our business relationships and transactions exemplify the respect and integrity we have built into our core values. | |
18 | 最近的石油涨价是汽车工业正面临困难的一个例证。 | The recent oil price rises exemplify the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing. | |
19 | 最近的石油涨价是汽车工业正面临困难的一个例子。 | The recent oil price rises exemplify the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing. | |
20 | ||1:“没有什么硬件比航空母舰更能体现美国的军事实力了,”美国国防部长阿什顿·卡特在2015-17年回忆录中写道。||2:其他任何一件硬件也不能如此清楚地说明美国军事思维的问题。||3:航空母舰是战争史上最大最昂贵的机器。||4:一艘新的美国福特级军舰耗资130亿美元,超过了波兰和巴基斯坦的年度国防预算。||5:然而,随着精确导弹变得更快、更精确、数量更多,这些庞然大物越来越像巨大的浮动目标。 | ||1:“No piece of hardware better exemplifies America’s military might than an aircraft-carrier,” declare the memoirs of Ashton Carter, America’s defence secretary in 2015-17.||2:Nor does any other piece of hardware so plainly exemplify what is wrong with America’s military thinking.||3:Aircraft-carriers are the largest and most expensive machines in the history of warfare.||4:A new American Ford-class ship costs $13bn—more than the annual defence budget of Poland or Pakistan.||5:However, as precision missiles become faster, more accurate and more numerous, these beasts look increasingly like giant floating targets. | |
21 | ||1:欧洲中央银行(ECB)早在一年前就决定了将于本周在巴塞罗那召开货币政策会议,现今看来,会议召开的恰是时候。||2:现在的西班牙正处在市场的风口浪尖,特别是因为加泰罗尼亚等自治区政府的预算超支才导致了西班牙到了这般田地。||3:同德国相比,西班牙经济死气沉沉,失业率飙升至24%;德国经济稳步反弹,失业率则低于6%。如此鲜明的对比恰也印证了,在这个由17名成员组成的货币区内制定出一项正确的货币政策确实不易。 | ||1:THE European Central Bank (ECB) decided a year ago to hold this week’s monetary-policy meeting in Barcelona, but the timing turned out to be perfect.||2:Spain is in the crosshairs of the markets, not least because of budgetary overruns by regional governments such as Catalonia’s.||3:And the contrasting economic fortunes of beaten-up Spain, where the jobless rate has reached 24%, and resilient Germany, where it is below 6%, exemplify the difficulty of finding the right monetary policy in a currency union of 17 members. | |
22 | ||1:一年前,欧洲央行便以决定这周在巴塞罗那举行货币政策会议,且时机证明是相当成熟。||2:西班牙现是市场的交叉点,至少不是因为类似于加泰罗尼亚地方政府的预算超支。||3:而与之形成鲜明对比的是遭受重创的西班牙经济时运,其失业率已达24%,恢复力强的德国经济也不到6%,也反映出在货币联盟的十七个成员国中很难找到合适的货币政策。 | ||1: The European Central Bank (ECB) decided a year ago to hold this week’s monetary-policy meeting in Barcelona, but the timing turned out to be perfect. ||2: Spain is in the crosshairs of the markets, not least because of budgetary overruns by regional governments such as Catalonia’s. ||3: And the contrasting economic fortunes of beaten-up Spain, where the jobless rate has reached 24%, and resilient Germany, where it is below 6%, exemplify the difficulty of finding the right monetary policy in a currency union of 17 members. | |
23 | 本文的目标是演示如何使用JMS消息,因此我们将跳过工作流的具体实现。 | Since the goal of the article is to exemplify the consumption of a JMS message, we skip over the exact implementation of the workflow. | |
24 | 并没有内在契合整个运动的目标,实际上他们反倒例证了一个笨拙的信念,就是让每一个声音都被听到。 | None examines the movement’s basic goals in depth; instead, they exemplify its unwieldy belief in letting every voice be heard. | |
25 | 不过,没人能够保证那些改变会是如同你所示范的那个样子。 | However, there is no guarantee that that change will be the change you exemplify . | |
26 | 但是,出于我们的目的,使用了简单的紧密耦合函数来说明SPARQL与SQL的异同。 | However, for our purposes, simple closely coupled functions are used to exemplify the similarities and differences between SPARQL and SQL. | |
27 | 该不该为增长叫好,对中国GDP的市场反应将呈现全球范围的两难心理。 | Reaction to report will actually exemplify a dilemma on a global basis, whether to want growth or not. | |
28 | 改进征地区片综合地价测算方法,使土地发展权的分配在现实中得以实现。 | After this, the measure of comprehensive zone price of land requisition is improved to exemplify the land development rights. | |
29 | 汉语视觉动词的语义投射及语法化构拟 | How Visual Verbs in Chinese Exemplify the Process of Semantic Projection and Grammaticalization | |
30 | 考释佛经中疑难词语例说 | Exemplify Research on Difficult Words and Expressions in Sutra |