属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-传统社会 不绕弯子
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-?一周要闻 孟加拉两名同性恋权益人士遇害
1 | 其目的并不是给出全面彻底的处理。 | The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment | |
2 | 日本对汽车数量及其尾气排放量的控制 | Control over the Number of Urban Cars and the Exhaustive Gas in Japan | |
3 | 衰竭运动与肌纤维类型对超氧化物岐化酶的影响 | The Effects of Exhaustive Exercise and Muscle Fiber Type on Superoxide Dismutase | |
4 | 虽说我经过了最认真仔细的研究,但结果还是一场空。 | but in spite of the most exhaustive researches, I found--nothing | |
5 | 他放弃了他的惯技,即以冗长、详尽、使人昏昏然的演说来扼杀反对意见。 | He refrained from his habit of killing opposition by long, exhaustive , and numbing speeches | |
6 | 统一消息服务技术 | Exhaustive Analysis of Unified Messaging Service (UMS) | |
7 | 无氧衰竭运动后使用不同有氧运动恢复法来研究基本胺基酸的代谢 | The Effect of Aerobic Recovery on Serum Essential Amino Acids after Anaerobic Exhaustive Exercise | |
8 | 下面引入的某些热性质定义和传热理论的初步概念都不准备作无止境的论述。 | The following definition to thermal properties and introduction to the theory of heat transfer are not intended to give an exhaustive treatise of these subjects | |
9 | 显然,不可能叙述得详尽无遗。 | Clearly it is impossible to be exhaustive | |
10 | 要对那个时代作一番事实准确而巨细无疑的叙述,就得要一支文采远不如我的笔了。 | To give an accurate and exhaustive account of that period will need afar less brilliant pen than mine. | |
11 | 一场耗蚀体力的大病 | an exhaustive siege of illness | |
12 | 一未知结构的多糖,经完全甲基化和水解。 | A polysaccharide of unknown structure was isolated, subjected to exhaustive methylation, and hydrolyzed. | |
13 | 益气解毒方对小鼠力竭游泳所致气虚体质状态下自由基代谢的干预作用 | Effect of Yiqi Jiedu Decoction on Free Radical metabolism in Mice with Qi Deficient Constitutional Status Induced by Exhaustive Swimming | |
14 | 在80年代,中国政府的负责官员和教育工作者对国家的教育体系进行了全面详尽的调查,研究了它目前的状况以及将来如何适应急速发展的现代化进程的需要。 | In the 1980s, leading officials and educators in China made an exhaustive study of the country’s educational system in relation to the present and future needs of a rapidly expanding modernization program. | |
15 | 在图书馆学中,就一个专门课题对出版物进行系统和详尽的检索,检索出相关文献的目录或文摘。这种检索目前常由联机数据库实现。 | In library science, a systematic and exhaustive search for published material on a specific subject, together with the preparation of annotated bibliographies or abstracts. Such searches are now commonly performed using on-line databases | |
16 | 在这些运动服中,22种源自日本。该目录虽不尽全面,但他们是正在生产的各种产品的代表。 | Of those, 22 were of Japanese origin. The list is not exhaustive , but it does contain a cross section of the wide variety of products being produced. | |
17 | 这部详尽的技术性著作没有英文译本,而且我也怀疑今后会不会有。 | This exhaustive technical work is not available in an English translation, and I doubt that it will be | |
18 | 这种分类法并不是包罗无遗的。 | This kind of classification is not exhaustive | |
19 | 这种问题的考察不需要手段,唯一的目的是以对话方式获得适当的信息以便合适地选择分析方法。 | This survey of questions is by no means exhaustive and only aims at an impression of the kind of dialog needed to get the proper information in order to reach a proper choice of the analytical method. | |
20 | 这种由插图描述的破坏类型,在许多权威的土壤力学教科书中已经极其详尽地讨论过了。 | This type of failure, illustrated in the margin sketch, has been treated in exhaustive detail in many standard soil mechanics textbooks | |
21 | 针刺手厥阴心包经穴对力竭大鼠心肌过氧化损伤的保护作用 | Protective Effect of Acupuncturing the Point of Hand-Jueyin on Myocardial Injury in Rats after Exhaustive Exercise | |
22 | 追根究底的询问. | an exhaustive inquiry | |
23 | 做一次深入的研究 | to make an exhaustive study | |
24 | ||1:贾雷德戴蒙德因为分析了一些社会运行良好一些社会难以为继的原因而名声大噪。||2: 他执笔的《枪炮、病菌与钢铁》是1997年的畅销书。书中,他对 “欧洲社会之所以运行良好,是因为其主导了人类生物学领域” 这一自负论断不屑一顾,在他看来,欧洲大陆的昌盛是因为欧洲优越的环境特别适合种植小麦、大麦以及饲养家畜。 ||3:八年后,他奉献了耗时良久的又一力作-《崩溃:社会如何选择成败兴亡》。书中主要内容是介绍一些人类社会是如何毁掉自己赖以生存的周遭环境,进而导致自己灭亡的。||4:两本书都是文明层面上有关人类生存的书籍。 | ||1: 1 JARED DIAMOND has made a name for himself explaining why some societies do well and others do not. ||2: In “Guns, Germs and Steel”, his 1997 bestseller, he brushed aside the arrogant view that ascribed Europe’s dominance to human biology, stressing instead the continent’s environmental advantages, notably its native wheat and barley and its easily domesticated animals. ||3: He followed this up eight years later with “Collapse”, another exhaustive study, this time about how certain societies caused their own demise by ruining the environs that sustained them. ||4: Read together, these are civilisation-scale books about survival. | |
25 | 继去年12月份选举未果以来,西班牙国王菲利普(Felipe)与各派进行详尽会谈,近日他宣布无法提出新的首相人选。新一轮选举或将在6月26日举行,但民调显示这次选举结果可能与之前如出一辙。 | In Spain King Felipe announced that, after exhaustive talks following the country’s inconclusive election in December, he had not been able to find a new prime minister. Instead it is likely that new elections will be held on June 26th. The polls indicate that the result may be the same. | |
26 | 普京将1999年北约轰炸科索沃作为前车之鉴,但那次事件是由于俄罗斯阻挠,导致严重暴力事件的发生、且在联合国协商僵持不下之后的恶果。 | He cites NATO’s bombing of Kosovo in 1999 as a precedent, but that came after terrible violence and exhaustive efforts at the UN—whichRussiablocked. | |
27 | (对RDF的详细分析超出了本文的范围,请参阅参考资料提供的链接了解更多信息)。 | An exhaustive analysis of RDF is beyond the scope of this article. However, see Resources for links to more information. | |
28 | Almunia先生可能会被说服要将其之前的评估带入到更加令人身心俱疲的第二阶段,这样可能需要花费数月或数年的时间。 | Mr. Almunia could be persuaded to extend his present review into a more exhaustive second phase, which could take months or even years. | |
29 | JavaCommunityProcessJSR69计划为OLAP服务和应用程序创建了一种简化的同时又非常全面的统一API。 | The Java Community Process JSR 69 initiative created a uniform, simplified, yet exhaustive API for OLAP services and applications. | |
30 | SOD富硒枸杞对运动小鼠心肌微量元素的影响 | Effect of SOD-Selenium-enriched Wolfberry Fruits on Trace Element Contents in Myocardium of Physically Exhaustive Mice |