属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-永恒的守护者 The constant gardene
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-希腊政治 齐普拉斯之旅
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-听起来很美 Sounds wonderful
1 | SC430的非凡驾驶乐趣来自于它声誉卓著的4.3升32气门V 8发动机。 | The exhilaration of driving this thoroughbred sports coupé is intensified by a sophisticated 4.3-liter, 32-valve V8 engine | |
2 | 成长中的儿童会在剧烈运动中兴奋得发抖。 | The growing child can thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports | |
3 | 独自在海滩上令人心旷神怡。 | There was a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach. | |
4 | 简言之,这是一次美妙的、极度兴奋的空中环滑车旅行。 | Quite simply, it was a spectacular aerial roller-coaster ride of high exhilaration | |
5 | 她的嗓音能如此的柔和和无忧无虑,一阵兴奋流过她的血管。 | His voice could be so soft and happy-go-lucky, it went through her veins like an exhilaration | |
6 | 空气清朗起来了。这真是个可喜的现象。 | There was a lift in the air, an exhilaration | |
7 | 令人高兴的使人感到快活的;振奋的 | Causing exhilaration ;invigorating. | |
8 | 那力量可能是潜在热情的兴奋表现,是从长期不断的诚挚思想的熔炉中蒸馏出来的。 | It might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial, which is distilled only in the furnace-glow of earnest and long-continued thought. | |
9 | 踏着雪泥,走过平滑的广场,在光明与黑暗交合之际,伫立于云天之下,脑海中没有一丝期盼好运突然降临的杂念,欣欣然如人仙境。我几乎不敢想自己是多么快乐。 | Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration . Almost I fear to think how glad I am. | |
10 | 我的两个表姐,满心喜悦,滔滔不绝地叙述和评论着。 | My cousins, full of exhilaration , were so eloquent in narrative and comment | |
11 | 我们象中了魔似的拼命地干着,因为绝望也能给人以力量。 | Through it all we worked like demons with the wild exhilaration of despair, for even despair can exhilarate | |
12 | 我们一边走着,一边感到暴风骤雨般的欣喜。 | As we went we became sensible of a wild and splendid exhilaration | |
13 | 兴奋一种强烈的,常常是极度兴奋或极度幸福的状态或感觉 | A state or feeling of intense,often excessive exhilaration or well-being. | |
14 | 许多宇航员都证实了失重的兴奋感 | The exhilaration of weightlessness, to which many astronauts have testified. | |
15 | 优胜美地的参观者中少有人见过雪崩,而知道其令人兴奋的骑马的人就更少了(约翰·缪尔) | Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on them(John Muir) | |
16 | 在浪漫的JAZZ音乐的烘托下,在场的先生女士都情不自禁地一拥而上,细细地品味起BMW 6系所带来的惊奇感受。 | With romantic jazz playing, the attending ladies and gentlemen, with baited breath, came up to experience the exhilaration the BMW 6 series brought to them. | |
17 | 张素素松一口气,觉得心已经不跳,却是重甸甸地往下沉。 | Chang Su-su heaved a sigh of relief, but her exhilaration had given way to depression | |
18 | 整个过程结束后,在你心里留下轻松而又兴奋的感觉。 | Once it’s all over, you are left with a feeling of relief and exhilaration | |
19 | 昨晚由于兴奋,夜间睡眠时间太少,她现在仍倦怠无力。 | She was still languid from her brief sleep and the exhilaration of the evening | |
20 | ||1:马里斯女士在书中追溯了“荒野崇拜”的起源,并称正是这种崇拜激发了复原居住地的行动。||2:她认为,拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生和亨利·大卫·梭罗等早期美国环境保护论者都被误读为了荒野崇拜的信奉者。||3:虽然爱默生曾描绘过“不受人类纷扰的自然精髓:空间、大气、河流、树叶”,他也刻画过“黄昏时分,在缀满云朵的天空下,行走于坑洼的雪地上,穿越一片荒原”的“无上欣喜”。||4:而当1845年梭罗坚决要离世隐居时,他选择了瓦尔登湖,一个离周边最近的村落仅有一英里半的地方。||5:马里斯女士写道,保护自然,相对而言是近代的紧急要务。 | ||1: Ms Marris traces the emergence of a “wilderness cult” that she believes affects efforts to restore habitats to a previous form. ||2: She argues that early American environmentalists, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, have been misread as its champions. ||3: Although Emerson described “essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf”, he also wrote of the “perfect exhilaration ” of “crossing a bare common, in snow puddles at twilight, under a clouded sky”. ||4: And when Thoreau became determined to get away from it all in 1845, he retired to Walden Pond, a mere mile-and-a-half away from the nearest village. ||5: Preserving nature, Ms Marris writes, is a relatively recent preoccupation. | |
21 | ||1:然而他们不会屈服于任何人,无论对方是评级员、工头、老板还是政府。||2:他们梦想着——假如他们能出人头地……事实上这不大可能——用黄色炸药将这些杂碎统统炸到天上,或是将他们戳在墙上抽几鞭子。||3:这并非共产主义者的阶级仇恨。苏联曾热情款待过西氏,可他回想的却是那无情的混乱。||4:资本主义与共产主义双双劫掠了人的自由。||5:因而,西氏笔下的主人公反抗所有的体制权威,除了用“我们”PK“他们”来形容之外,这些“英雄”不属于任何阶级。||6:他们的个性是骄傲的,犹如西顿身上很潮的服饰适合于意义重大的节日之夜,犹如史密斯所感到的亢奋激动那样——当他独自跑着穿越田野,违背教养院院长令其为他夺冠的意志时,他觉得自己“就像第一个和最后一个在这世上的人”。||7:8“你若坚强,生活就美好”恰是西氏的一句座右铭。另一句则是“别让那些杂碎整垮你”。 | ||1: And they would not kowtow to anyone, whether rate-checker, foreman, boss or government. ||2: They dreamed—if they could get the whip hand, which they never would—of blowing all these boggers sky-high with dynamite, or sticking them up against a wall. ||3: It was not a communist thing. Mr Sillitoe was feted in the Soviet Union, but carried back an image of heartless chaos. ||4: Capitalism and communism both robbed a man of freedom. ||5: Mr Sillitoe’s heroes defied all systems and were part of no class, except “us” versus “them”. ||6: They kept their own pride, like Seaton’s sharp suits for a big night out, or the exhilaration Smith felt, “like the first and last man on the world”, when he ran through the fields alone, and wouldn’t pander to the Borstal governor by winning a race for him. ||7: “It’s a fine life, if you don’t weaken,” was one Sillitoe motto. Another was “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” | |
22 | ||1:然而一旦齐普拉斯和瓦鲁法克斯和欧盟的谈判失败,这一切也可能都是一场空欢喜。||2:事实上他们已经开始降低自己的要求:瓦鲁法克斯现在试图通过特殊的债权来进行有限的偿还,而不再寻求裁减债务。||3:但是希腊的债权国仍坚持要求按期偿还。||4:尽管在大选后速度有所放缓,但是希腊从未停止从它的银行账户中拿钱的步伐。||5:2月4号,欧洲央行宣布不再接受希腊政府债券作为担保物。||6:因为国外的投资者无法购买,同一天的早些时候一个刚刚担保发行的半年期债券不得不胎死腹中。||7:新政府接下来将面对及其艰难的一年。 | ||1:Yet the exhilaration could evaporate if Mr Tsipras and Mr Varoufakis fall out with the EU.||2:They have watered down their demands: instead of a debt write-off,Mr Varoufakis now proposes a limited repayment via special bond issues.||3:Greece’s creditors insist it must stick to the terms of its bail-outs.||4:Greeks are still removing cash from their bank accounts,though the pace of withdrawal has slowed since the election.||5:On February 4th the ECB said it would no longer accept Greek government bonds as collateral.||6:Earlier the same day an issue of six-month bonds was only just covered,because foreign investors failed to buy.||7:The new government has a tough year ahead of it. | |
23 | ||1:为了理解一夫一妻制的偏向,邓巴博士带领读者体味了爱的各种感觉,从初坠爱河时忘乎所以,呼吸困难的兴奋,到义无反顾地维持家庭关系,再到遭到背叛时的心如刀割。||2:纵观全书,邓巴的高超之处在于利用人们常见且熟悉的信息——男人偏好曲线玲珑的女人;女人喜欢舞技出众的男人;年龄稍大的女人很少在征友专栏揭露自己的年龄——同时解释了这些现象背后复杂且常出人意料的进化科学。 | ||1:To understand this predisposition for monogamy, he takes readers through the myriad feelings of love, from the heady, breathless exhilaration of falling, to the stubborn persistence of familial affection, to the bitterness of betrayal.||2:Throughout the book Dr Dunbar excels at taking obvious and familiar information—men prefer curvy women; women prefer men who dance well; older women rarely reveal their ages in lonely-hearts columns—and explaining the complex and often unexpected evolutionary science that lies behind it all. | |
24 | ||1:音乐完全自成一格。||2:它不应该讲述一个无音乐的故事;听者会自我解构。||3:许多人,或许是大多数人,曾经历过一听到某首特别的乐曲而突然迸发情感;一个震颤或寒颤,一份激动感或者兴奋感,被其一扫而空的感觉。||4:人们甚至不知道究竟就被感动落泪。||5:音乐分析家曾努力寻找发生这些现象的原因,但鲜有成功。||6:或许,某些神秘隐藏其中。 | ||1:Music is completely sui generis.||2:It should not tell a non-musical story; the listener will decode it for himself.||3:Many, perhaps most, people have experienced a sudden rush of emotion on hearing a particular piece of music; a thrill or chill, a sense of excitement or exhilaration , a feeling of being swept away by it.||4:They may even be moved to tears, without being able to tell why.||5:Musical analysts have tried hard to find out how this happens, but with little success.||6:Perhaps some mysteries are best preserved. | |
25 | (美联)--当宇航员从太空返回,他们说谈的不是在火箭发射时感到的巨大动力,也不是零重力时的欣喜。 | When astronauts return from space, what they talk about isn’t the brute force of the rocket launch or the exhilaration of zero gravity. | |
26 | 戴维逊坐立不安,连他自己都感到无法忍受。但是一种奇特的兴奋情绪支撑着他。 | Davidson’s restlessness was intolerable even to himself. But he was buoyed up by a wonderful exhilaration . | |
27 | 对清洁能源的热潮横扫整个硅谷,它已经改变了当地的风俗。 | Exhilaration over clean energy has so thoroughly swept Silicon Valley that it has transformed the local culture. | |
28 | 刚开始的那些日子兴奋与疲惫掺杂不清。 | The first few days are a blur of exhilaration and exhaustion. | |
29 | 更多的人从那时开始了解这个极具影响的改变是通过个人的勇气和同情心带来的,并从其中体会到了愉悦。 | Many more people since then have known this exhilaration of effecting change through individual acts of courage and empathy. | |
30 | 接受挑战吧,这样你才能感受到胜利的喜悦。 | Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. |