属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 任重而道远
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-联合国气候变化会谈 Climate-change
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制药企业 悬念
1 | 若要获取更新的预发行版本,或最新的"Netscape导航器"完整发行版(不会过期),请从"帮助"菜单选择"软件更新"。 | To obtain a newer pre-release version or the latest full release of Netscape Navigator (which will not expire )choose Software Updates from the Help menu. | |
2 | 死停止生存;死亡;断气 | To cease living;become dead;expire . | |
3 | 他的监禁即将期满。 | His confinement in prison will expire soon | |
4 | 他的总统任期明年将届满。 | His term of office as president will expire next year. | |
5 | 他的总统任期明年届满。 | His term of office as President will expire next year. | |
6 | 我得提醒您一件事,您的护照30天后到期。 | I ’d like to remind you of one thing, though, you passport expire in 30 days. | |
7 | 我的护照要到期了。 | My passport is due to expire . | |
8 | 我的月票到这周为止。 | My season ticket will expire this week. | |
9 | 我的租约今年九月三十日到期。 | My lease will expire on September 30th of this year. | |
10 | 我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。 | Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end of this year. | |
11 | 我国同中国的贸易协定明年期满。 | Our trade agreement with China will expire next year. | |
12 | 我们从肺里呼出废气。 | We expire used air from our lungs. | |
13 | 我们的假期于下星期结束。 | Our holidays expire next week. | |
14 | 我们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同 | Our current contract is about to expire , and we’ll need to discuss a new one. | |
15 | 无论如何,(a)项( ii)目的规定应在加入之日后 15 年终止。 | In any event, the provisions of subparagraph (a)(ii)shall expire 15 years after the date of accession. | |
16 | 鲜花散发芳香。 | The flowers expire fragrance. | |
17 | 一张张苍白的面孔,他们抱在一起,捧腹大笑。唉呀。我快断气啦! | Palefaces, they hold their ribs with laughter, one clasping another, O, I shall expire ! | |
18 | 一种由软件定时重设的硬件定时器。如果软件被破坏而挂起,看门狗定时器将超时,整个系统将自动重启。 | A hardware timer that is periodically reset by software. If the software crashesor hangs, the watchdog timer will expire , and the entire system will be reset automatically. | |
19 | 在我身上你或许全看见余烬,它在青春的寒灰里奄奄一息,在惨淡灵床上早晚总要断魂,给那滋养过它的烈焰所销毁。 | In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire, That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,As the deathbed whereon it must expire , Consumed with that which it was nourished by. | |
20 | 这个合同将到期,我们来谈谈新合同的事宜吧。 | Since the contract is about to expire , shall we discuss a new one? | |
21 | 这两国间的贸易协定明年期满。 | The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year. | |
22 | 这是"Netscape导航器"的预发行副本,将在XX过期。 | This is a pre-release copy of Netscape Navigator that will expire at XX. | |
23 | 中国硬麦期货交易的距到期日效应研究 | To-Expire -Day Effect of Hard Winter White Wheat Trading in China’s Futures Market | |
24 | 租约什么时候满期? | When does the lease expire ? | |
25 | 租约什么时候期满? | When does the lease expire ? | |
26 | ||1:包括美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)在内的很多央行行长认为,到了财政政策发挥更大作用的时候了。||2:伯南克在杰克逊霍尔大会上大肆责骂国会,认为政客们应该集中精力解决中期的财政混乱,同时给目前的经济留下缓冲的空间。||3:奥巴马总统正着手于一项就业计划,但是在即将到期的美国减少工资税等问题上两党达成协议可能性仍然不确定。||4:没有达成协议意味着更紧的财政政策。 | ||1:Many central bankers, including Ben Bernanke, the Fed’s chairman, think it is time for fiscal policy to do more.||2:He gave Congress a scolding at Jackson Hole, arguing that politicians need to address the medium-term fiscal mess while leaving room to cushion the economy now.||3:Barack Obama is working on a jobs plan but the chances of a political rapprochement on issues like America’s payroll-tax cut, due to expire soon, remain uncertain.||4:No deal implies sharply tighter fiscal policy. | |
27 | ||1:签署《京都议定书》的发达国家觉得吃亏了。||2:日本和俄罗斯拒绝到2012年底他们的现行义务到期后在“减排”的赞助下进行第二轮减排。||3:据报道即将大幅超过京都排放量限定目标的加拿大“将考虑彻底放弃这一协定”。||4:加拿大环境保护部官员皮特?肯特在去德班之前就说“《京都议定书》已经是过去时了”。 | ||1: Developed countries that did ratify Kyoto feel cheated. ||2: Japan and Russia have rejected a second round of emission-cutting under its aegis, after their current commitments expire at the end of 2012. ||3: Canada, which will hugely overshoot its Kyoto target, is reported to be considering quitting the treaty altogether. ||4: “Kyoto is the past,” said its environment minister, Peter Kent, before setting out for Durban. | |
28 | ||1:因此出版商在不断微调他们的借阅合约以找到最恰当的平衡点。||2:兰登书屋在今年早些时候提高了授权价格,哈珀?柯林斯出版社限制图书馆借阅条目的次数为26次。||3:在企鹅出版社的计划中,新书从出版后到进入图书馆,至少要等六个月的时间,且一年后就到期。||4:阿歇特出版社正在进行一些秘密实验,而其它出版社则在屏息观望。||5:在英国,政府不久将宣布一份这一事项的报告。||6:电子图书馆的故事实在是一个令人高度紧张的故事。 | ||1:So publishers keep tweaking their lending arrangements in search of the right balance.||2:Random House raised its licensing prices earlier this year, and HarperCollins limits libraries to lending its titles 26 times.||3:Penguin plans to keep new releases out of libraries for at least six months, and each book will expire after a year.||4:Hachette is engaged in some secret experiments, and the others are watching with bated breath.||5:In Britain the government will soon announce a review of the matter.||6:The story of the library e-book is a nail-biter. | |
29 | ||1:这两项经济刺激举措,原本只是权宜之计。本应在去年年底失效。||2:总统奥巴马和共和党党魁在早些时候同意将这两项举措再延长一年。但在如何支付由此产生的费用上,未能达成一致。||3:为了争取到更多的协商时间,国会众的两党头领同意先延长两个月。 | ||1: Both measures, previously agreed to as a form of temporary stimulus, were due to expire at the end of the year. ||2: Mr Obama and Republican leaders had earlier agreed to extend both for one more year, but not on how to pay for them. ||3: To buy more negotiating time, Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate agreed to extend the two measures for two more months. | |
30 | 多年来,大型制药企业一直担心"专利悬崖"出现——最畅销药品的专利到期或专利因诉讼而中止,而市场上鲜有新的"重磅炸弹"药物,这时企业的销售额将会锐减。 | FOR some years the big drugmakers have been dreading an approaching "patent cliff"—a slump in sales as the patents on their most popular pills expire or are struck down by legal challenges, with few new potential blockbusters to take their place. |