属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国工业和水力压裂技术 从日落到新的黎明
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
1 | 沉积盆地型层状热储可采资源量计算方法探索 | The Calculation of Exploitable Resources in the layered-geothermal Reservoirs of Sedimentary Basin | |
2 | 除石油外,这个地区其它可供开采的矿藏看来很少,但勘测工作极为潦草 | Other exploitable mineral deposits appear to be rare, but only cursory surveys have been made | |
3 | 黄河流域浅层地下水资源量及可开采量分析 | Analysis on Shallow Groundwater Resources and Exploitable Volume of the Yellow River Basin | |
4 | 可以通过表单里面传送authenticated变量来欺骗,即使authenticate_user()返回false,$authenticated仍然被设置为true. | May be exploitable , as remote users can simply pass on ’authenticated’ as a form variable, and then even if authenticate_user()returns false,$authenticated will actually be set to true. | |
5 | 卖方保证其提供的专有技术和/或专利符合本合同附件二规定的先进性、工业化和可开发性。 | The Seller guarantees that the licensed know-how and/or patent shall be well developed and industrialized and be exploitable in accordance with the Technical Documentation specified in Appendix 2. | |
6 | 少量可开采的煤矿. | Few exploitable coal-mines | |
7 | 台股短期走势可被准确的预测并且从中获利:谁说市场是有效率的 | Share Price Is Predictable and Profit Is Exploitable : Evidence of Market Inefficiency from Taiwan Stock Market | |
8 | 许可方保证本专有技术是最新的现代化用的,能依照合同附件二的规定予以开发。 | Licensor guarantees that Know-how is well developed and industrialized, and is exploitable in accordance with Technical Documentation specified in Appendix 2. | |
9 | 由于各种原因,PHP需要设置register_globlas ON(例如在标单,服务器,环境变量自动成为全局命名空间的一部分),他们经常被不同程度的干扰。下面是一段代码 | For various reasons, PHP setups which rely on register_globals being on (i.e., on form, server and environment variables becoming a part of the global namespace, automatically)are very often exploitable to various degrees. For example, the piece of code | |
10 | 在澳大利亚,尚未发现可开采的含铀砾岩。 | In Australia no exploitable uraniferous conglomerate has been discovered | |
11 | 这只是一个非常简单的例子,实际上,相当多的程序被类似的错误特性欺骗 | While this looks like a simple example, in reality, quite a few PHP applications ended up being exploitable by things related to this misfeature. | |
12 | 植物多糖-值得开发的水产用免疫刺激剂(上) | Plant Polysaccharides-An Exploitable Immune Stimulant for Fish (Continued) | |
13 | ||1:这想法虽不切实际,但有些小行星看来确实很诱人。||2:它们许多是由太阳系诞生时遗留下来的碎石堆成的,结构松散;但仍有很多是过去几十亿年里小行星相互碰撞产生的碎片。||3:特别是后者将被行星资源公司优先列在其采矿清单上。因为在行星诞生时,矿物熔化之后会层化为地核、地幔、地壳;这个过程将使其中物质分门别类,令有价值的矿物浓缩成可供开采的矿石。||4:例如在地球上,铂和铂系元素在地表上虽然罕见,但人们认为在富含金属的地核里却是较为常见的。||5:对于那些相互碰撞后其碎片形成小行星的行星而言,情况可能同样如此。||6:实际上,地质学家们提出小行星曾撞击地球的第一个证据就是发现了富含铱的岩层(铱是铂的同族元素之一)。人们认为恐龙就是因小行星撞击地球而灭绝的。 | ||1: As pies in the sky go, some asteroids do look pretty tasty. ||2: A lot are unconsolidated piles of rubble left over from the beginning of the solar system. Many, though, are pieces of small planets that bashed into each other over the past few billion years. ||3: These, in particular, will be high on Planetary Resources’ shopping list because the planet-forming processes of mineral-melting and subsequent stratification into core, mantle and crust will have sorted their contents in ways that can concentrate valuable materials into exploitable ores. ||4: On Earth, for example, platinum and its allied elements, though rare at the surface, are reckoned more common in the planet’s metal-rich core. ||5: The same was probably true of the planets shattered to make asteroids. ||6: Indeed, the discovery of a layer of iridium-rich rock (iridium being one of platinum’s relatives) was the first sign geologists found of the asteroid impact that is believed to have killed the dinosaurs. | |
14 | ||1:这想法虽不切实际,但有些小行星看来确实很诱人。||2:它们许多是由太阳系诞生时遗留下来的碎石堆成的,结构松散;但仍有很多是过去几十亿年里小行星相互碰撞产生的碎片。||3:特别是后者将被行星资源公司优先列在其采矿清单上。因为在行星诞生时,矿物熔化之后会层化为地核、地幔、地壳;这个过程将使其中物质分门别类,令有价值的矿物浓缩成可供开采的矿石。||4:例如在地球上,铂和铂系元素在地表上虽然罕见,但人们认为在富含金属的地核里却是较为常见的。||5:对于那些相互碰撞后其碎片形成小行星的行星而言,情况可能同样如此。||6:实际上,地质学家们提出小行星曾撞击地球的第一个证据就是发现了富含铱的岩层(铱是铂的同族元素之一)。人们认为恐龙就是因小行星撞击地球而灭绝的。 | ||1: As pies in the sky go, some asteroids do look pretty tasty. ||2: A lot are unconsolidated piles of rubble left over from the beginning of the solar system.Many, though, are pieces of small planets that bashed into each other over the past few billion years. ||3: These, in particular, will be high on Planetary Resources’ shopping list because the planet-forming processes of mineral-melting and subsequent stratification into core, mantle and crust will have sorted their contents in ways that can concentrate valuable materials into exploitable ores. ||4: On Earth, for example, platinum and its allied elements, though rare at the surface, are reckoned more common in the planet’s metal-rich core. ||5: The same was probably true of the planets shattered to make asteroids. ||6: Indeed, the discovery of a layer of iridium-rich rock (iridium being one of platinum’s relatives) was the first sign geologists found of the asteroid impact that is believed to have killed the dinosaurs. | |
15 | David Hughes,属于绿色智囊团的the Post Carbon Institute的一个地质学家,说天然气的低价和需要保持它流动的沉重花销的结合使可开发利用的非传统石油和天然气的储备是否有他们通过水力压裂技术获取的那么多存疑。 | David Hughes, a geologist at the Post Carbon Institute, a greenish think-tank, says the combination of gas’s low price and the heavy spending needed to keep it flowing casts doubt on whether the exploitable reserves of unconventional oil and gas are as big as they are fracked up to be. | |
16 | 特别是后者将被行星资源公司优先列在其采矿清单上。因为在行星诞生时,矿物熔化之后会层化为地核、地幔、地壳;这个过程将使其中物质分门别类,令有价值的矿物浓缩成可供开采的矿石。 | These, in particular, will be high on Planetary Resources’ shopping list because the planet-forming processes of mineral-melting and subsequent stratification into core, mantle and crust will have sorted their contents in ways that can concentrate valuable materials into exploitable ores. | |
17 | 标准样地在耕地后备资源开发适宜性评价中的应用研究 | Research on the application of standard plot in the evaluation of exploitable suitability of plantation of reserved resources | |
18 | 并且,只有只有因为训练有素的安全性专家表示这个错误「好像是不可利用」的,并不表示它就是不可利用的。 | And just because a bug "doesn’t seem to be exploitable " by trained security experts doesn’t mean that it isn’t exploitable. | |
19 | 从逃税到破解遗传因子,没什么能比在如此复杂的系统中找到一个有用的漏洞更困难。 | From sweet tax dodges to life-extending gene hacks, there’s nothing like finding an exploitable weakness in an intensely complicated system. | |
20 | 但是,不到四个月,又发现了另一个手动审查时遗漏的可利用的缓冲区溢位。 | But not four months later, yet another exploitable buffer overflow was discovered that the manual audit missed. | |
21 | 但是,他发现的那些溢位好像并不是可利用的。 | However, the overflows he found do not seem to be exploitable . | |
22 | 当调查员在每棵树上都钉上钉子并返回后,贝克曼通过统计剩余彩钉的数量,就能计算出可供开发的资源。 | When every tree was marked and the men emerged, Beckmann counted the coloured nails left over to calculate the exploitable resources. | |
23 | 该许可证甚至允许您在本代码的基础上建造商业性可用的新产品。 | The license even lets you build commercially exploitable new products based on the code. | |
24 | 高渗砂岩浅层气藏可采储量计算方法研究 | Research on calculating method of exploitable reserves of sandy shallow gas reservoir with high permeability | |
25 | 黄河悬河段影响带远景水源地可采资源评价 | Evaluation on Long-Term Exploitable Water Resources of Effected Zone in Suspended Section of the Yellow River | |
26 | 仅通过在缓冲区溢出事件中不太可能利用的方式使用参数。 | A parameter is used only in ways that are less likely to be exploitable in the event of a buffer overrun. | |
27 | 近来,一家名为eEye的公司发现Microsoft的「网际网路讯息服务系统(IIS)」有一个可利用的缓冲区溢位。 | Recently, a company called eEye found an exploitable buffer overflow in Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS). | |
28 | 竞争驱动,部分源自本能,部分与所处文化环境有关,并且非常易被开发利用。 | Competitive urges are part instinct, part cultural conditioning, and eminently exploitable . | |
29 | 拉萨城市地下水系统可开采资源评价 | Evaluation on the Exploitable Resources of Groundwater System in La-sa Urban Area | |
30 | 柳林泉域岩溶地下水资源可开采量的确定 | Determination on exploitable quantity of Karst ground water in Liulin spring-field |