属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 绝佳机会
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国"老顽童" 不知羞耻欲成立第六共和
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞扬的旗帜 拒绝投降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-跨国公司在中国 金刚VS金蛋
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大学在伊朗 重新苏醒
1 | 在雅罗育发表演说时,约五十名菲律宾左派分子在美国大使馆前举行示威,谴责美国在菲律宾部署军队,并要求驱逐美国部队。 | While Arroyo was delivering her speech, about 50 Philippine leftists demonstrated in front of the US embassy, condemning the US military deployment in the Philippines and demanding the expulsion of the US troops | |
2 | 这两个家庭的前途不难预料。他们将被赶出门外,沦为乞丐。但这时却出现了一个意外情况。 | The fate of each family was anticipated; but they who prophesied their expulsion to beggary and ruin, were disappointed by an accidental circumstance | |
3 | 这是一种欺骗,是非常严重的学术违规,严重者可受到开除处分。 | It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. | |
4 | 知名工会领袖刘千石,由于其前?党席和民主党有冲突,可能于今个月被正式逐出民主党。 | The popular labour rights campaigner, whose membership with The Frontier is at odds with the party, faces formal expulsion this month. | |
5 | 重度氟斑牙不同粘结方式的托槽脱落率的临床比较研究 | Expulsion Rates of Brackets Bonded by Different Methods to Series Fluorotic Teeth | |
6 | 子宫颈开全后,便开始娩出期。羊水流出(如果它还未流出的话),产妇往往进行积极的努力。这一过程持续1~2小时或更短。 | "When the cervix dilates fully, expulsion begins. The "water" (amniotic sac)breaks (if it has not already), and the woman may actively push. Expulsion lasts 1-2 hours or less." | |
7 | 自然流产:胚胎或胎儿能在母体外独立生存之前即从子宫自动排出。 | Miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion):Spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus before it can live outside the mother. | |
8 | ||1:贝卢斯科尼自认为人民党拒绝阻止自己因为8月份被定罪为税收诈骗而被驱逐出国会,为了报复这一事件,他开展了一个失败的政变。||2:在11月27号参议员要求对是否驱逐贝卢斯科尼做出投票。||3:然而,就他的判决结果产生的分歧不是人民自由党分裂的唯一原因。||4:反派者越来越中立。||5:他们已经对贝卢斯科尼专制的领导风格失去了耐心。 | ||1:Mr Berlusconi launched his failed coup last month in retaliation for what he sees as the PD’s refusal to prevent his expulsion from parliament following his conviction for tax fraud in August.||2:The senate is expected to vote for his ejection on November 27th.||3:Disagreements over his fate are not, however, the only reasons for the split in the PdL.||4:The rebels tend to be closer to the centre.||5:And they are impatient with Mr Berlusconi’s autocratic style of leadership. | |
9 | ||1:蒙特布尔最重要的作为是持续的要求严肃的清理民主政治。||2:作为一个律师,他参与了对于雅克·勒内·希拉克账户的冻结,因为其在担任巴黎市长期间的腐败。||3:他呼吁新的宪法的颁布以及成立第六共和国。||4:最近,他又成为了社会党中少数要求肃清腐败官员的人中的一员。||5:然而今天,他的好声誉已经在其诋毁者认为其鲁莽和支持者认为其背叛(包括弗洛朗热地区)中消磨殆尽。 | ||1:Mr Montebourg’s real hallmark is a tough and consistent call for cleaner democratic politics.||2:A lawyer, he campaigned to hold Jacques Chirac to account on charges of corruption linked to the former president’s stint as mayor of Paris.||3:He called for a new constitution and a Sixth Republic.||4:More recently, he has been one of the rare Socialist voices calling for the expulsion of corrupt officials.||5:Today, however, that reputation has got lost amid what his detractors consider recklessness, and what union supporters—including at Florange—increasingly see as betrayal. | |
10 | ||1:让人印象非常深刻的是,里丁的书可谓对德占期法国的一次全面调查:法国的犹太人--特别是那些在国外出生的--被维希政权和德方残酷迫害;||2:戈培尔“征收”(实则为抢)犹太人拥有的艺术品;||3:一些法国知识分子的法西斯主义倾向,也有部分被斯大林的共产主义所吸引。||4:一个巨大的讽刺是,战前的法国电影因有犹太导演,演员和制片人的加入而更加丰富,在他们遭到驱逐后,因新锐们蜂拥而入,电影业不受影响一如既往的繁荣着。||5:里丁大力赞扬了马塞尔·卡内尔的《天堂的孩子们》。 | ||1: Mr Riding’s book is an impressively comprehensive survey of the occupation years: the relentless persecution of France’s Jews, especially the foreign-born, by the Vichy authorities as well as the Germans; ||2: Goebbels’s expropriation of Jewish-owned art; ||3: the fascism of some French intellectuals, and the attraction of Stalin’s communism for others. ||4: One irony is that French cinema, so enriched by Jewish directors, actors and producers before the war, nonetheless flourished after their expulsion thanks to an influx of new talent. ||5: Mr Riding particularly praises Marcel Carné’s “Les Enfants du Paradis”. | |
11 | 此后,中国官方媒体甚至呼吁驱逐思科及其他美国顶尖科技公司,并称此举为八大金刚。 | Official media outlets have since been calling for the expulsion of Cisco and other leading American technology firms, dubbed the eight guardian warriors. | |
12 | 最近德黑兰大学保守派校长的解雇是其迹象之一。在2008年被鲁哈尼总统的前任—拥趸民粹主义的马哈茂德艾哈迈迪内贾德所任命,他曾监督驱逐具有个人主义思想的学生和学者,支持具有中庸思想的服从主义者从而形成了令人窒息的文化氛围。 | One sign of this was the recent sacking ofTehranUniversity’s conservative chancellor. Appointed in 2008 by Mr Rouhani’s populist predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he had overseen the expulsion of independent-minded students and academics, promoting mediocre yes-men and stifling the intellectual atmosphere. | |
13 | ECJ最近和其关押那些不服从驱逐令的非法移民的政策叫板的做法显然激怒了该国。 | The ECJ irritated it recently by ruling against its policy of jailing illegal migrants who do not obey expulsion orders. | |
14 | 阿鲁达表示她通过新闻媒体得知了自己被开除的消息,但还没有收到正式通知。 | Arruda said she learned of her expulsion through the news media and had not received official notification. | |
15 | 表面麻醉下垫压夹取式娩核在隧道式小切口非超声乳化白内障摘出术中的应用 | Application of underlaying and pressing nuclear expulsion in small and tunnel incision nonphacoemulsification under topical anesthesia | |
16 | 不论有罪的人是谁这是你们避免被校方开除的唯一机会 | Whoever the guilty persons are. . . this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school. | |
17 | 此外,她也表示,如果苏丹政府不撤销驱逐令的话,受到影响的人口将可能达到数百万。 | Bragg added, that if Sudan does not reverse the expulsion order, the number of affected people could reach the millions. | |
18 | 从产权理论角度试论富余排污量交易制度 | Discussion of the Mechanism of Residual Pollutants Expulsion Quantity Trade from the Direction of Property Right Theory | |
19 | 但即使没有整体思维,北京方面也应该认识到,事实驱逐一家市值达1870亿美元的公司不符合中国利益。 | But even without joined-up thinking, Beijing should realise that the de facto expulsion of a $187bn company is not in its interests. | |
20 | 但是,这19个孩子遭退学,受到打击的不仅是他们和他们的家庭。 | But the expulsion of the 19 children was not just a blow for them and their families. | |
21 | 但是无论汉高先生说什么,把爱尔兰、比利时和一些地中海国家逐出欧元区是难以想象的。 | It is harder to envisage a mass expulsion of Ireland, Belgium and much of the Mediterranean, whatever Mr Henkel may say. | |
22 | 当津巴布韦面临被IMF(国际货币基金组织)驱逐的时候,如果津巴布韦政府清除它的政治,经济行动,南非可以提供援助。 | When Zimbabwe faced expulsion from the IMF, South Africa offered to help if the regime cleaned up its political and economic act. | |
23 | 东营凹陷沙河街组烃源岩结构对排烃成藏的控制作用 | The control of source rock structure on hydrocarbon expulsion and reservoir forming of Shahejie formation in Dongying Sag | |
24 | 对法国大规模驱逐罗姆人的斥责持续不断。尼古拉斯•萨科齐内阁的部长们表示不安。 | The row over France’s mass expulsion of Roma continued, with several ministers within Nicolas Sarkozy’s cabinet voicing their unease. | |
25 | 该水凝胶假体可以具有膨胀的部分以防止所述假体从插入孔脱出。 | The hydrogel prosthesis may have expanded portions that assist in preventing expulsion of the prosthesis through the insertion aperture. | |
26 | 该行政官员没有授权参与讨论驱逐出境的事情,因而只是匿名发言。 | The official was not authorized to discuss the expulsion and thus spoke on condition of anonymity. | |
27 | 根据这个奥巴马总统曾许诺禁止的政策,同性恋者可以服役但如果暴露了自己的性取向,他们将面临被开除的境地。 | Under the policy, which President Obama has promised to repeal, gay people can serve but face expulsion if they reveal their sexuality. | |
28 | 海相碳酸盐岩烃源岩生排烃能力研究 | Study on capability of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from marine carbonate source rocks | |
29 | 简易耐磨弯头在渣浆输送系统中的应用 | Application of Simple Wear-resisting Bend in Dregs Thick Liquid Expulsion System | |
30 | 金属膜片贮箱膜片变形的数值模拟与失效分析 | Deformation Numerical Simulation and Failure Analysis of Metal Diaphragm for Positive Expulsion Tanks |