1 | 果蝇一种果蝇属中小的果蝇,尤指被广泛用于遗传学研究的果蝇 | Any of various small fruit flies of the genus Drosophila,especially D.melanogaster,used extensively in genetic research. | |
2 | 桁架在修建屋顶和桥梁时被广泛应用。木材的桁架最初可能是在公元前2500年左右被使用在最原始的住房中。木材后被铁架取代,后又被钢取代。 | Trusses have been used extensively in roofing and bridges. Wood trusses were probably first used in primitive dwellings c. 2500 BC. Wood was replaced by iron, which in turn was succeeded by steel. | |
3 | 红花菜豆(P.coccineus)原产热带美洲,花鲜红色而艳丽,现栽培于欧洲,可供观赏,豆荚可食。印度菜豆(P.aureus)原产印度,在东方广泛种植食用。 | The scarlet runner bean (P. coccineus)is native to the New World tropics and is grown in Europe for its attractive flowers and fleshy immature pods. The mung bean, or green gram (P. aureus), is native to India and grown extensively in the Orient for food. | |
4 | 后世儒家就此作了大量理论阐述,在乐舞美学思想史上有着重大的影响。 | Confucian scholars of later times expounded extensively on this topic and exerted great influence on the history of the thoughts on music and dance aestheticism. | |
5 | 黄铜早在约公元前1200年中东地区便开始使用,公元前220年中国也开始使用,后来更传至罗马。 | Brass was first used c. 1200 BC in the Near East, then extensively in China after 220 BC, and soon thereafter by the Romans. | |
6 | 她广泛阅读以防止脑子迟钝。 | She read extensively to keep her mind from rust. | |
7 | 尽管在今天还不被大多数的台州人所接受,然而他的作品却享誉欧洲。 | Although his works fail to be accepted by most Taizhou people, they are extensively recognized across Europe. | |
8 | 壳牌公司的施倍力(Spirax)润滑油已经经过了全面的测试,可以保证设备在指定保养间隔时间下进行操作时能够具有高性能。 | Shell Spirax oils have been extensively tested to ensure outstanding performance with the specified service intervals. | |
9 | 可乐果:梧桐科两种常绿树(渐尖可乐果和光亮可乐果)的坚果,含咖啡因。原产热带非洲,在新大陆的热带地区广泛栽种。 | Kola nut (or cola nut):Caffeine-containing nut of two evergreen trees (Cola acuminata and C. nitida)of the cocoa family (Sterculiaceae), native to tropical Africa and cultivated extensively in the New World tropics. | |
10 | 兰花一种附生的兰属兰花,原产于热带亚洲和澳大利亚,并且因其细长的簇簇艳丽的花朵而被大面积杂交和种植 | Any of various epiphytic orchids of the genus Cymbidium,native to tropical Asia and Australia and extensively hybridized and cultivated for their elongate clusters of showy blooms. | |
11 | 利用微生物催化法生产的聚丙烯酰胺,广泛应用于三次采油,提高采收率10%,其生产规模和产品水平均处于世界领先地位 | The polyacrylamide manufactured through microbial catalyzing has been extensively used in the tertiary oil recovery, raising the recovery rate by 10 percent, and both its production scale and product level have entered the leading ranks worldwide | |
12 | 另外,对数据处理方法以及测定结合常数的影响因素如温度、配体及缓冲溶液的浓度等也进行了详细评述。 | Additionally, the influences of some operational and controlling factors such as temperature, ligand and buffer concentration, as well as data processing method, are also extensively discussed | |
13 | 硫酰氟在美国广泛用于薰蒸木材上的害虫。 | Sulfuryl fluoride is used extensively in the U. S. as a fumigant to control insect pests of timber. | |
14 | 免疫荧光法曾广泛用于研究一般流感病毒。 | immunofluorescent techniques have been used extensively in the study of influenza viruses in general | |
15 | 木材仍广泛地用于支柱。 | Wood is still extensively used for props | |
16 | 年轻时的亚当.欧宝遍游欧洲并在巴黎学会了缝纫机制造技术。 | As a young adult, Adam Opel toured Europe extensively and learned to make sewing machines while in Paris. | |
17 | 其余的阿波罗飞行对月面进行了广泛的考察,搜集了大量的月球岩石标本,并把许多仪器安装在月球上进行科学研究。 | Later Apollo missions explored the lunar surface extensively , collecting samples of Moon rocks and installing instruments for research. | |
18 | 青铜、不锈钢、镀锌钢也广泛用于特定类型和专门用途的建筑物。 | Bronze, stainless steel, and galvanized steel are also extensively used for specific types of buildings and particular service. | |
19 | 热带地区广泛栽培食用。香蕉味香、富于营养,终年可收获,在温带地区也很受重视。 | The banana is consumed extensively throughout the tropics, where it is grown, and is also valued in the temperate zone for its flavour, nutritional value, and constant availability. | |
20 | 色谱法在工业室验室中被广泛地用于分离、纯化和分析。这些工业实验室购买了大约70%的这类产品。 | Chromatographic methods are used extensively in industrial labs, which purchase about 70% of the devices made, for separation, purification, and analysis. | |
21 | 数学中,定义在直线或曲线(已经表示为许多段弧长)上的多元函数的积分。普通定义的积分是定义在一段线段上的,而线积分则用更一般的路径,像拋物线或圆。在复变量函数理论中广泛使用线积分。 | In mathematics, the integral of a function of several variables defined on a line or curve that has been expressed in terms of arc length . An ordinary definite integral is defined over a line segment, whereas a line integral may use a more general path, such as a parabola or a circle. Line integrals are used extensively in the theory of functions of a complex variable. | |
22 | 水槽广泛用于测量集水区的经流流量。 | The flumes are used extensively to measure watershed turnoff | |
23 | 思虑仔细而广泛地考虑;思索 | To go over extensively in the mind;ponder. | |
24 | 斯托卡泊对混相驱过程进行了广泛的研究。 | Stalkup has extensively reviewed the status of miscible displacement | |
25 | 四年深入的计算机操作经验,受过此方面教育培训。 | Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively , coupled with educational preparation. | |
26 | 羧甲基纤维素(CMC)作为一种食物胶而被广泛应用。 | Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)is widely and extensively used as a food gum. | |
27 | 他遍游欧洲各地. | He has travelled extensively in Europe. | |
28 | 他到处旅游以解烦闷。 | He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. | |
29 | 他们可以组织起来,向一切可以发挥自己力量的地方和部门进军,向生产的深度和广度进军,替自己创造日益增多的福利事业。 | They can organize themselves to take on all spheres and branches of work where they can give full play to their energy, tackle production more intensively and extensively and initiate more and more undertakings for their own well-being | |
30 | 钛的化合物(其中钛的原子价为2、3或4)包括三氯化钛(在聚丙烯生产中作催化剂)、二氧化钛(在油漆、釉药和漆器中广泛用作颜料,在所有白色颜料中掩盖能力最强)以及四氯化钛(用于空中显示图形文字、烟幕以及催化剂)。 | Its compounds, in which it has valence 2, 3, or 4, include titanium trichloride (used as a catalyst in polypropylene production), titanium dioxide (extensively used as a pigment-with the greatest hiding power of all white pigments-in paints, enamels, and lacquers), and titanium tetrachloride (used in skywriting, smoke screens, and as a catalyst). |