属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铭记于心 西班牙内战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史及其悲哀之处 History and its wo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小儿麻痹症 扶轮社计划
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政治遗传学 人体政治
1 | 在封锁期间,禁止染疫和疑似染疫的动物、动物产品流出疫区,禁止非疫区的动物进入疫区,并根据扑灭动物疫病的需要对出入封锁区的人员、运输工具及有关物品采取消毒和其他限制性措施。 | During the sanitary cordon, animals or animal products having the epidemic disease or suspect of having the epidemic disease are prohibited from moving out of the epidemic area, and animals coming from outside the epidemic area shall be prohibited from entering the epidemic area. As required for the extermination of the animal epidemic, persons, means of transport and relevant articles which leave or enter the cordoned-off area shall be disinfected and imposed upon other restrictions. | |
2 | 这样一来却使它们免于绝灭。 | In doing so they were saved from extermination | |
3 | 种族屠杀有组织地、蓄意地进行的对整个国家、种族、政治或文化群体的灭绝 | The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national,racial,political,or ethnic group. | |
4 | 《西班牙大屠杀》:二十世纪西班牙的审与杀;保罗·普雷斯顿著; | The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain. By Paul Preston. ; | |
5 | ||1:Snyder先生的这本严谨而微妙的著作,绕开了那些无意义的口号式的相互攻击,诸如斯大林是否和希特勒一样坏,或苏联在乌克兰或其他地方的大屠杀是不是和希特勒灭绝犹太人一样的道德犯罪。||2:令人敬佩的是,这本书所给出的是解释和记录。||3:这两个集权帝国都把活生生人变成了统计数字,把这些人的死亡变成了实现国家美好未来的必要步骤。||4:Snyder的这本书怀着同情,正直而富有洞察力地解释了这一切是如何发生的,发生在了谁的头上。||5: 只是不要在睡觉前读。 | ||1:Mr Snyder’s scrupulous and nuanced book steers clear of the sterile, sloganising exchanges about whether Stalin was as bad as Hitler, or whether Soviet mass murder in Ukraine or elsewhere is a moral equivalent of the Nazis’ extermination of the Jews.||2:What it does do, admirably, is to explain and record.||3:Both totalitarian empires turned human beings into statistics, and their deaths into a necessary step towards a better future.||4:Mr Snyder’s book explains, with sympathy, fairness and insight, how that happened, and to whom.||5:Just don’t read it before bedtime. | |
6 | ||1:扶轮社遏制小儿麻痹症的启发来自天花的根除。||2:和小儿麻痹症一样,天花是一种可以被存活的疫苗简单有效的治理的病毒性疾病。||3:关键是天花像小儿麻痹症一样仅有一个动物寄主:人类。||4:一般而言根除应该是可能的。||5:然而时间证明却是恰恰相反的。 | ||1:The inspiration for Rotary’s campaign against polio came from the eradication of smallpox.||2:Like polio, smallpox was a viral disease for which effective, easily administered vaccines existed.||3:And crucially, like polio, smallpox had only one animal host: Homo sapiens.||4:In principle, then, extermination should be possible.||5:The practice, however, has turned out rather different. | |
7 | 这样的想法,与马克思主义融合后的产物,加上美国借口弱智而产生的绝育计划,这种优生学的原则性排斥反应直接导致了纳粹集中营的大屠杀,让那些想知道基因是不是对行为真的有影响的人们更加难以生存了。 | Such thinking, a product compounded of Marxism and a principled rejection of the eugenics that had led, via America’s sterilisation programmes for the feeble minded, to the Nazi extermination camps, made life hard for those who wished to ask whether genes really do affect behaviour. | |
8 | Defra现在开始的对和尚鹦鹉的清除计划是作为一种预防措施。 | Defra has now initiated an extermination programme against monks as a preventative measure. | |
9 | IBM设计了穿孔卡片,这种卡片用来按种族和等级对人民进行系统化的杀戮。 | and IBM designed the punch cards that were used to systematize the extermination of people by race and class. | |
10 | 次氯酸钠在杀灭空压机循环水藻类中的应用 | The Use of Sodium Hypochlorite in Extermination of Aglae in The Circulative Water of Air Compressor | |
11 | 大多数英国人并不知道当前战争对德国和波兰犹太人的赶尽杀绝。 | Many English people have heard almost nothing about the extermination of German and Polish Jews during the present war. | |
12 | 而且发达国家大规模爆发肠道疾病的可能性很小,使共栖菌被消灭的危险性也大大降低。 | Widespread outbreaks of intestinal disease are so rare that the commensal bacteria face little danger of extermination . | |
13 | 据估计他从纳粹集中营里救出了2万犹太人。 | It is estimated he saved 20, 000 Jews destined for Nazi extermination camps. | |
14 | 论保险受益权的得丧变更 | The Acquisition, Alteration and Extermination of the Insurance Beneficial Right | |
15 | 然后人们发现灭绝是偶然的,是由小行星撞击地球引起的。 | Then it was found that the extermination was an accident, caused when an asteroid hit the Earth. | |
16 | 斯坦格尔出生在奥地利,曾经是索必泊和特布凌卡灭绝集中营的指挥官。 | Born in Austria, Stangl was a commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps. | |
17 | 下面列出了一系列使用简单工具的小强消灭术。 | The following is a list of roach extermination techniques using simple tools. | |
18 | 要用灭绝地球上的所有生命来最后证明它愚蠢的小聪明。 | The last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet. | |
19 | 野牛的灭绝与大平原印第安人的命运 | Extermination of the Buffalo and the Destiny of the Indians on the Great Plain | |
20 | 银川铁路防疫站消杀灭工作的实践与探讨 | Experience of Health and Anti-epidemic Station of Yinchuan Railway in the Extermination | |
21 | 在贝尔塞克纳粹种族灭绝集中营[注2],150名党卫军士兵花9个月用毒气杀死了多达50万的犹太人。 | In the Nazi extermination camp at Belzec, it took 150 S. S. guards nine months to gas up to half a million Jews. | |
22 | 曾经的纳粹灭绝营,现在成为了奥斯维辛博物馆,每年接收十几万的游客。 | The former Nazi extermination camp, which is now called the "Museum Auschwitz, " receives a few hundred thousand visitors a year. | |
23 | 旨在为广西壮族自治区森林火灾的预防和扑救工作提供科学的理论依据。 | This provides a scientific foundation for the precaution and extermination work against forest fire in Guangxi. | |
24 | 最广为人知的处死吸血鬼的方法就是木桩穿心。 | Staking a vampire through the heart has been the most popularized method of extermination . |