属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-有组织犯罪 和抢劫说再见
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-玩火自焚 自发群众运动遏制失败墨西哥厝火积薪
1 | (三)敲诈勒索公私财物的; | (3)extorting or demanding with menace public or private property; | |
2 | 从辩诉交易看刑讯逼供治理 | On Obtaining Deposition and Management of Extorting a Confession by Torture | |
3 | 从程序公正缺失看刑讯逼供久禁不止的原因 | The Reasons for Continuing Extorting a Confession by Torture Indefinitely from the Lack of Just Procedure | |
4 | 第二十七条国家安全机关工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、非法拘禁、刑讯逼供,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 27 As for any State security functionary neglecting his or her duty, engaging in malpractice for personal interests, exercising unlawful detention or extorting a confession by torture, if the offence constitutes a crime, he shall be subject to investigation for criminal responsibility pursuant to law. | |
5 | 对玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊、索贿受贿、枉法执行者,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Those found guilty of dereliction, power abuse, malpractice, bribe-extorting and/or taking, and distortion of the law must be sanctioned administratively by the unit they work for or its competent superior department. If the irregularities constitute a crime, the offender shall be investigated for their criminal liability accordingly. | |
6 | 勒索,敲诈敲诈或勒索的行为或事例 | The act or an instance of extorting . | |
7 | 那伙歹徒专门敲诈勒索店主的钱财。 | The gang specialized in extorting money from the shop owners | |
8 | 浅谈减少和避免刑讯逼供的法律对策 | Simplely Talking about Readucing and Preventing Law Countermeasure of Extorting a Confession by Torture | |
9 | 收税员受到指控,罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财. | The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers. | |
10 | 他因向买主勒索贿赂而受罚。 | He was punished for extorting bribes from buyers | |
11 | 刑讯逼供对公安工作的危害及其防治措施 | The Harmfulness and Prevention and Cure Measures of Extorting a Confession by Torture in Police Work | |
12 | ||1:“火车大劫案”中案犯们的性格以及随意暴力所表现出的胆大包天都具有二十世纪六七十年代在英国十分猖獗的有组织犯罪的典型特点。||2:这些声名狼藉的罪犯随后被发现在他们自己标榜的领地泡吧。||3:像伦敦南部的Richardsons以及东部的Krays一样,这种团伙大部分都靠敲诈本土企业以及小规模犯罪谋利。||4:在这行,名声就是一切:为了入行,罪犯不得不殴打一些知名人士或者在监狱蹲上一段时间。 | ||1:For all its daring, in its cast of characters and casual violence the Great Train Robbery typified the organised crime that flourished in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s.||2:The “faces”, as the most notorious criminals were then known, hung out in smoky pubs on their self-designated patches.||3:Groups such as the Richardsons, who were based in south London, and the Krays, in east London, mostly made their money extorting from local businesses and petty criminals.||4:Reputation was everything: to get involved in the racket, criminals would have to beat up a few prominent people, or spend some time in prison. | |
13 | ||1:在墨西哥米却肯州名为Tierra Caliente的闷热低地,法律法规早为人熟视无睹。||2:20世纪40年代至50年代,这一地区饱受土地战争洗礼,大量工人涌至加利福尼亚。||3:因毗邻拉萨罗卡德纳斯港,远离墨西哥城联邦政府,70年代毒品交易于此根深蒂固。||4:最近,“Knights Templar”黑帮在此盘踞,其名称极为古怪,继冰毒走私无法满足其胃口,又紧锣密鼓的占领了这一软弱无力的地区,选出地方政府,敲诈保护费,凌辱妇女。 | ||1:THE rule of law has long been a stranger to the sweltering lowlands known as the Tierra Caliente in the Mexican state of Michoacan.||2:The site of battles over land in the 1940s and 1950s, the area suffered an exodus of migrant workers to California.||3:In the 1970s the drug trade took root there, attracted by the proximity of the por to fLazaro Cardenasand the remoteness of the federal government inMexico City.||4:Not content with trafficking methamphetamines, the latest mafia to lord it over the Tierra Caliente, the whimsically named “Knights Templar”, established a tight grip over its invertebrate society, co-opting local authorities, extorting protection money and raping women. | |
14 | ||1:这种道德困境在《顿巴斯》的一个场景中得到了体现,暴徒把一名乌克兰士兵绑在电线杆上,引诱人群对他实施私刑。||2:“我想展示劳动人民进入狂喜状态的机制,”洛兹尼察先生说道。||3:这一场景重构了YouTube上的真实视频,在没有叙事性声音的情况下效果更好。||4:洛兹尼察先生断言,他永远无法直接拍摄这样的事件:这不仅会“让你成为同谋”,摄像机的出现还会“吸引观众参与”。||5:他常常给人一种他只是在讲一个故事的感觉。||6:例如,在“顿巴斯”的其他地方,一名被民兵勒索的商人被转移到一间拘留室,在那里他发现一大批正通过电话寻求帮助的被拘留者。||7:就像洛兹尼察电影中的许多场景一样,这个场景既超现实又神秘。 | ||1:This moral predicament is captured in a scene in “Donbass” in which thugs tie a Ukrainian soldier to a telegraph pole and entice the crowd to lynch him.||2:“I wanted to show the mechanism for working people into a state of ecstasy,” Mr Loznitsa says.||3:The scene reconstructs a real video posted on YouTube, and is more effective for the absence of a narratorial voice.||4:He could never film such an event directly, Mr Loznitsa avers: not only would that “make you an accomplice”, the presence of a camera would “draw in the audience to participate”.||5:Often he conveys a sense that he is telling one story among many.||6:Elsewhere in “Donbass”, for example, a businessman whom the militia are extorting is transferred to a holding room—where he finds a legion of other detainees pleading for help on their phones.||7:The sequence, like many in Mr Loznitsa’s films, seems at once hyperreal and mythic. | |
15 | “他们在偷盗墨西哥石油公司或偷汽车或绑架或敲诈上花费更多的时间。” | "They are spending more time robbing Pemex or stealing cars or kidnapping or extorting . " | |
16 | 但是权力也可以是敲诈性服务和其他好处的一种手段。 | But power can also be a means of extorting sexual and other favours. | |
17 | 对刑讯逼供的理论探讨 | Theoretical Probe into Extorting a Confession by Torture | |
18 | 而贫困导致人们向大自然过度索取,又加速了水土流失。 | poverty resulted in over extorting from the nature and worsen the soil and water loss again. | |
19 | 犯罪学视域的刑讯逼供问题研究 | Criminology’s Sight of Extorting A Confession by Torture | |
20 | 防止刑讯逼供的应对策略 | Countermeasures to Prevent from Extorting Confession by Torture | |
21 | 略论刑讯逼供的举证责任 | On the Burden of Proof of Extorting Confessions by Torture | |
22 | 论心理强化与刑讯逼供之屡禁不止问题 | Psychology reinforcement and going on extorting a confession by torture despite repeated prohibition | |
23 | 论刑讯逼供产生的原因及遏止途径 | Views on the cause and containment methods of extorting a confession by torture | |
24 | 论刑讯逼供的法律成因 | On Legal Causes of Extorting a Confession by Torture | |
25 | 论刑讯逼供的制度性对策 | On Systematic Countermeasures to Extorting a Confession by Torture | |
26 | 论刑讯逼供致人伤残、死亡的性质 | On nature of extorting a confession by torture inflicting bodily injury and inflicting death | |
27 | 论制止和纠正刑讯逼供的策略 | In terms of preventing from and correcting the tactics of extorting a confession by torture | |
28 | 罗森博格对两兄弟只说了袭击目标是一个敲诈和威胁他的人。 | Rosenberg told the brothers only that the target was a man who had been extorting and threatening him. | |
29 | 那么,在我国能从根本上治理刑讯逼供吗? | So, in our country, can we govern the extorting confessions by torture fundamentally? | |
30 | 试论刑讯逼供存在的原因及对策 | On the Reasons and Tactics in Extorting a Confession by Torture |