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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-集体行为 跟领导走
1 | (根据现有资料)预测(结果);推断 | Predict(results)based on known data;extrapolate | |
2 | 除此之外,也有必要从动物的癌变数据外推至人类癌变水平,并解决人类接触水平上的不确定性。 | Beyond that problem, it is necessary to extrapolate cancer data from animals to humans, and to deal with uncertainty about the levels of human exposure | |
3 | 从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. | One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room. | |
4 | 海底交混响就是按时间外推到一种时间零值的。 | Sea-bottom reverberations would extrapolate back-wards in time to a zero member | |
5 | 利用神经网络外推中垂面上低仰角HRTF的方法 | Method to Extrapolate HRTF at Low Elevation of Median Plane by Means of Neural Network | |
6 | 使用动物研究尽管有益,但往往涉及到高剂量的问题,使用高剂量就很难推测低剂量的延长期后果。 | Animal studies, although useful, generally involve much higher doses that are difficult to extrapolate to low doses over prolonged periods | |
7 | 我们最多只能试着在思想图景上从两维推广到三维,然后再到四维去进行类比。 | The best one can do is to try to extrapolate one’s pattern of thought from two dimensions to three and then to four, to form analogies | |
8 | 要确定人类的剂量反应曲线,就必须从高剂量的实验室数据进行外推。 | To determine the human dose-response curve, one must extrapolate down from the high-dose laboratory data | |
9 | 一个系统可以对点、线、符号、角以及其它图形执行的操作,这些操作包括删除、插入、替代、移动、旋转、扩大、相切与外推等。 | Manipulations that a system can perform on points, lines, symbols, angles, and other graphical representations. These operations include delete, insert, replace, move, rotate, expand, contact, and extrapolate | |
10 | ||1:不幸的是,要想标记出一大群动物的行为几乎是不可能的。||2:研究人员因此倾向于通过使用各种计算机模型来推断这些鲜为人知的结论。||3:Couzin博士身先士卒。||4:最近,他用计算机模仿了鱼群的行为。||5:他设想,鱼群的游动主要取决于每条鱼之间的相互挤碰(因此鱼群会向着一个方向游动),而实际上并不会挤碰旁边的其他鱼,只是一种趋势而已。||6:事实证明,鱼群内部像这样彼此间的相互挤碰,不自然的就会是鱼群形成螺旋状。 | ||1:Unfortunately, it is impossible to tag more than a few individuals in a herd, flock or swarm.||2:Researchers have therefore tended to extrapolate from these few results by using various computer models.||3:Dr Couzin has done quite a bit of this himself.||4:Most recently, he has modelled the behaviour of shoals of fish.||5:He posited that how they swim will depend on each individual’s competing tendencies to stick close to the others (and thus move in the same direction as them) while not actually getting too close to any particular other fish.||6:It turns out that by fiddling with these tendencies, a virtual shoal can be made to swirl spontaneously in a circle, just like some real species do. | |
11 | 并且如果按全球范围推算,每年乱流成本到达数十亿轻而易举,而这些成本自然会算到乘客头上。” | and if you extrapolate that figure globally, we’re easily talking into the billions of dollars a year as being the cost of turbulence to airlines which of course gets passed on to passengers." | |
12 | 实际上,行为经济学的最大贡献可能就是推动这一学科脱离从个人行为的基本规律中推导出宏大理论的尝试。 | In fact, the greatest contribution of behavioural economics may have been to nudge the field away from attempts to extrapolate grand theories from basic rules of individual behaviour. | |
13 | 研究者们因此将这些少量数据采用各种电脑模型进行推演。 | Researchers have thereforetended to extrapolate from these few results by using various computer models. | |
14 | “如果你按照这样推断,一些孩子在一个星期之内可能只听到20个数字词语那么少,而其他孩子可能会听到1800次那么多,”Levine说。 | "If you extrapolate that out over a week, some kids may be hearing as few as 20 number words and others as many as 1, 800, " Levine says. | |
15 | Neidhardt说到,他的纳瓦霍的病人用他们自己的文化经历来推断他的诊断期望值。 | Neidhardt’s Navajo patients may extrapolate their expectations of his clinic from their experience in their own cultural system, he said. | |
16 | 把这推论到网页、产品或者你身边的任何事,简单的力量是显而易见的。 | Extrapolate this to websites, products or whatever matters to you and the power of simplicity should be obvious. | |
17 | 步骤4:最后,我们调用forecast方法来外推数据并返回预测结果。 | Step 4: Finally, we call the forecast method to extrapolate the data and return the forecasted results. | |
18 | 从它迄今所取得的进步来推断,马尔基翁内的预言并非耸人听闻。 | Extrapolate its progress to date and Mr Marchionne’s prediction rings true. | |
19 | 答案是肯定的,但有一些前提条件。如果我们延续当前的政策,这些前提条件似乎越来越无法成立。 | The answer is yes, but on conditions that seem increasingly implausible if we extrapolate current policies. | |
20 | 贷款方面的亏损是基于保守的模型,而且也是从相关证券的市场估价来推算信息。 | Losses on loans are based on conservative models and also extrapolate information from market valuations of related securities. | |
21 | 但当将这些模型外推用于那些非可靠范围得数据(例如,其体重已知的现存动物)就会产生问题。 | The problem comes when these models are used to extrapolate beyond the range of reliable data (ie, of living animals whose weight is known). | |
22 | 但是,当市场一片繁荣之时,评论员们往往会回顾股票的以往业绩,依此外推出一个更加瑰丽的未来。 | When markets are booming, however, commentators tend to look back at the performance of stocks and extrapolate an even rosier future. | |
23 | 对照一下客户化的实际总开销与计划总开销,并以此来推断实施成本。 | Look at the amount of customization that was required versus what was expected, and use that to extrapolate implementation costs. | |
24 | 和大多数试图对事物进行估算的人一样,您可能先从一些核心需求开始,然后从内向外推进。 | Like most people trying to estimate things, you’ll probably start with some core requirement and extrapolate from there to the rest. | |
25 | 很难由此而推断,说这就是低空云层变化规律的最终答案。 | It is hard to extrapolate and say that this is the final answer of how low-level clouds behave. | |
26 | 尽管人们倾向于推断未来的经济增长将延续这种势头,但这也许是一个严重的错误。 | As tempting as it is to extrapolate this into the future, that may be a serious mistake. | |
27 | 你不能根据上海或北京的情况进行推断。 | You can’t extrapolate from Shanghai or Beijing. | |
28 | 您还可能会想只对请求的一个随机部分执行详细的日志记录,然后从中进行普遍性推断。 | You may also want to only do detailed logging on a random fraction of requests and extrapolate from there. | |
29 | 随后,进行了应用程序开发之后,处理少量的文件,并根据得到的数据进行推断。 | Subsequently, when the application gets developed, process a small number of files and extrapolate from the numbers. | |
30 | 他们还表示,很难将他们的实验室测试结果推断出纳米粒子对人体的实际影响。 | They also said it was difficult to extrapolate results from their laboratory tests to the human body. |