属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 桃色总理的从政之路还有多长?
1 | ||1:与另一位前内阁部长Mirela Holy的争吵以Holy女士脱离社会民主党,组建自己的环保人士党结束。||2:这一新政党在五月的欧洲议会选举中排名第三,获得了9.4%的票数。||3:这主要得益于左派的分裂,执政联盟的各党深受打击,而主要的反对党克罗地亚民主联盟表现不错。||4:然而在选民眼中,各党都受到了腐败侵蚀,大多数人都受够了在他们看来是一位政治精英不愿或不能将国家从混乱中解救出来的这一境况。 | ||1:A row with Mirela Holy, another former cabinet minister, ended with Ms Holy leaving the Social Democrats and starting her own environmentalist party.||2:The new party came in third at European elections in May, taking 9.4% of votes.||3:Mainly thanks to the split of the left, the parties of the governing coalition were trounced whereas the main opposition, the Croatian Democratic Union, did well.||4:Yet in the eyes of voters all sides are tainted by corruption and most of them are fed up with what they see as a political elite unwilling or unable to extricate their country from the mess it is in. | |
2 | 从今年夏初起,有两个问题就成为意大利政治的主题,它们像黑色阴影一样长期笼罩着市场对意大利的评估。尽管意大利努力摆脱欧元危机,但是它远未安全。 | TWO questions have dominated Italian politics since early summer and hung like long, dark shadows over the markets’ assessment of a country that has done much to extricate itself from the euro crisis, but is still far from safe. | |
3 | “我一定得走了,凯蒂,”希刺克厉夫说,想从他的伴侣的胳臂中挣脱出来。 | I must go, Cathy, ’ said Heathcliff, seeking to extricate himself from his companion’s arms. | |
4 | UConn正在设法帮林和李摆脱困境。 | UConn is trying to extricate Lin and Li. | |
5 | 比利时政府周五两次开会,研究如何以最小的公共财政负担,解救德克夏在比利时的业务。 | The Belgian government met twice on Friday to see how it could extricate its slice of Dexia with a minimal impact on the public purse. | |
6 | 创新--地方高校科学研究走出困境的选择 | Innovation--the Choice for the Local Higher Institutions to Extricate from the Predicament in Scientific Research | |
7 | 东亚要摆脱中等收入陷阱 | WB: Extricate east Asia from the Medium-Sized Income Trap | |
8 | 对新形势下县级财政摆脱困境的探讨 | How to Extricate Itself form the Predicament for Public Finance at the County Level under New Situations | |
9 | 而在欧盟(EU),如何将希腊从财政困境中解救出来已经成为压倒一切的议题。 | In the European Union, the issue of how to extricate Greece from its fiscal mess has crowded everything else out. | |
10 | 发觉自己愈来愈无法自拔的迷上这天使般的微笑! | It became increasingly find themselves unable to extricate itself from the angelic smile! | |
11 | 古巴如何走出困境的几点启示 | Hints How to Extricate from Dilemma for Cuba | |
12 | 化解中小企业融资困境的多种对策 | Several countermeasures to extricate medium and small size enterprises from a difficult financing position | |
13 | 加强生态林业建设逐步摆脱林业“两危” | Problem of how to extricate "two difficulties" in forestry | |
14 | 借助法律的帮助下,Kazim使她自己和两个孩子从骚乱且时发暴力的家庭生活中解脱出来。。 | With the help of the legal system, Kazim was able to extricate herself and her two sons from her tumultuous and sometimes violent home life. | |
15 | 令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。 | Is unable to extricate themselves, in addition to the teeth as well as love. | |
16 | 南充缫丝行业如何走出困境 | How to Extricate Silk Reeling Industry in Nanchong from Difficult Position | |
17 | 农业技术类期刊如何摆脱困境 | How can agrotechnological journals extricate themselves from a difficult position | |
18 | 女性试图“把一次单纯的接吻当作建立一段情感关系的重要标志,但往往会导致误会。” | Women try to ’extricate the significance of a relationship based on a single kiss and often that leads to miscommunication’. | |
19 | 其次,中国需要时间来摆脱其扭曲的初始处境。 | In the second place, China needs time to extricate itself from its distorted initial position. | |
20 | 让物价赶上小幅度的通货膨胀,本伯南克希望借此让我们从(经济危机的)泥沼中摆脱出来。 | Commodities catch a strong whiff of inflation. That’s just what Ben Bernanke hopes will extricate us from this mess. | |
21 | 如何摆脱水危机阴影 | How to Extricate Water Crisis from Predicament | |
22 | 他说他曾希望能够在市场恢复之后从这个骗局中解脱出来,但是取而代之的,他只是陷得更深。 | He said he had hoped he would be able to extricate himself from the scheme when the markets recovered but instead just got deeper in. | |
23 | 探测器研究组从细沙的陷阱里援救勇气号的策略是使探测器顺着这些痕迹向北行驶。 | The rover team’s strategy to extricate Spirit from the sand trap was to follow these tracks out, heading north. | |
24 | 为了从一团糟中解脱自己而去追求知识、技能时,你表现地越主动,你就会发现越多的资源。 | The more actively you pursue the knowledge and skills to extricate yourself from a mess, the more new sources you’ll locate. | |
25 | 我看不太出这位德国总理如何摆脱这些自造的障碍。 | I cannot quite see how the German chancellor is going to extricate herself from these self-inflicted constraints. | |
26 | 新世纪企业走出困境的方法 | How the Enterprises to Extricate from Difficult Position in the New Century | |
27 | 因此,XForms验证程序的第一项任务就是从文档中分离出XForms部分。 | Thus, the first job of an XForms validator is to extricate the XForms portions out of a document. | |
28 | 油田社区面临的困境及降本脱困途径 | Difficulties Facing Community in Henan Oilfield and Ways to Reduce Cost and Extricate Predicament | |
29 | 育苗专业大户如何走出困境 | How the Specialized Nursery Household to Extricate from the Predicament | |
30 | 云南民办教育走出困境的现实选择 | Civilian-run Education: A Practical Choice to Extricate the Predicament |