属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济政策与承诺背道而驰 奥朗德能够俘获民心?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术和动物王国 老鼠和马奈
1 | 这动物嗅觉灵敏弥补了视力之不足。 | The animal’s good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight . | |
2 | 这位母亲总是将孩子放在能看得到的地方。 | The mother always kept her baby within eyesight . | |
3 | 这种病正影响他的视力。 | The disease is affecting his eyesight . | |
4 | 这种眼药水可以增加你的视力。 | This eye drop may improve your eyesight . | |
5 | 这种眼药水能改善你的视力。 | The eye drops will help to improve your eyesight . | |
6 | 重要事实的洞察力. | an eyesight for concernful reality | |
7 | 滋肾、养肝、明目 | Nourish the kidney and liver, and improve eyesight | |
8 | ||1:奥朗德任职时间越长,他的经济政策就越发扑朔迷离。||2:自从去年五月当选以来,这位社会党主席就一直采用量入为出的手段并辅以促进竞争的不懈努力。||3:富人感到备受压迫;反商业会谈让公司恼怒不堪。||4:然而,随着2012年第四季度GDP的缩水以及失业人数的增加,人们质疑这位因左派纲领当选的人向改革的中间方向摇摆。||5:奥朗德先生该何去何从。 | ||1:THE longer Francois Hollande spends in office, the more it takes sharp eyesight and a clear head to follow his economic policy.||2:Since his election last May, the Socialist president has mixed tax-and-spend measures with efforts to improve competitiveness.||3:The rich feel squeezed; firms are annoyed by anti-business talk.||4:Yet,with GDP shrinking in the fourth quarter of 2012 and job losses mounting, the man elected on a leftist programme is accused of a swerve to the reformist centre.||5:What is Mr Hollande up to. | |
9 | 博士最新实验结果的惊人之处在于,虽然我们知道鸟类具有极佳的视觉,但是人们认为老鼠更多地依赖嗅觉和触觉在世界上生存。 | Dr Watanabe’s latest results are surprising in that, though birds are known to have excellent eyesight , mice are thought to rely much more heavily on smell and touch to make their way in the world. | |
10 | 称,这些研究结果强调了良好的视力对大多数人的重要性,良好的视力是一个人整体幸福感的关键。 | says, These findings underscore the importance of good eyesight to most and that having good vision is key to one’s overall sense of well-being. | |
11 | 放手让机器人在人类社会自由活动仍存在重大障碍—它们看不清楚。 | Poor eyesight remains one of the main obstacles to letting robots loose among humans. | |
12 | 这很像是激光眼角膜手术,利用激光矫正视力。 | much like LASIK surgery, which uses lasers to correct eyesight . | |
13 | “每年我都必须接受检查,数天前我刚刚检查过一次,目前我的视力尚好。”他说。 | "Every year I have to check, as I did a few days ago, that my eyesight is good, " he said. | |
14 | Tweener现在不在Avocado的视野内,他从头上的金属床架中抽出一块剃须刀片。 | Tweener, now out of Avocado’s eyesight , pulls a razor blade from the metal frame above him. | |
15 | 鞍区肿瘤术后突发视力下降的临床分析 | Clinical analysis of sudden eyesight decline after operation on sellar tumor | |
16 | 报告称,61%的未确诊患者患视力问题、肾脏问题、以及中风的风险更高。 | The 61 percent of undiagnosed diabetics face higher risks of suffering eyesight or kidney problems and risk having strokes, the report said. | |
17 | 本实用新型公开了一种便于携带的手持式电动视力仪。 | The utility model discloses a portable hand-held electric eyesight instrument belonging to vision detecting electric displays. | |
18 | 菠菜有许多保健作用,它可以改善你的视力跟大脑机能。 | Among its many health benefits, Spinach improves your eyesight and your mental capabilities. | |
19 | 不可否认我的视力衰退对我是个严重的打击。 | I can not deny that the failure of my eyesight has been a heavy blow to me. | |
20 | 不时地,他们要止步休息一会儿,因为柯林斯先生的视力妨碍了他。 | From time to time, they halted for a rest because Mr. Collins was handicapped by his eyesight . | |
21 | 初中阶段不符卫生要求的课桌椅与近视眼的关系 | Influence of non- standard desks and chairs on the short eyesight of middle school students | |
22 | 垂体瘤卒中手术后患者视力视野改变的临床研究 | A clinical study on the improvement of visual field and eyesight of pituitary adenomas apoplexy patients after operation | |
23 | 从视力障碍的角度释白居易诗歌中眼疾描写的含义 | Analysis From the Angle of Poor Eyesight on the Description of Eye Disease in Bai Juyi’s Poem | |
24 | 大人们总是告诉我胡萝卜有助提高视力,听起来是个好理由,我们好像应该多吃。 | Adults frequently told me that carrots would improve my eyesight , so that seemed like a good reason to try liking them. | |
25 | 带来的危险非常严重并且可能会给眼睛带来不可挽回的伤害,甚至导致失明。 | The risks of doing so are very real and could lead to irreversible damage to eyesight and even blindness. | |
26 | 但是如果你是指望用这种方式来改善视力的人之一,至少你现在有了更清楚更确切的看法:懂得看门道了! | But, if you are one of those looking to improve their eyesight in this way, at least you can now do so with a decidedly clearer view! | |
27 | 但他们必须检测视力,这看似简单,不过也有意想不到的地方。 | But they do have to have their eyesight checked, and this seemingly simple exercise also holds its fair share of surprises. | |
28 | 当他们的眼睛视力不行了的时候,报纸发行量将可能崩溃。 | When their eyesight fails, newspaper circulations are likely to collapse. | |
29 | 东营市某中学初中学生视力状况调查 | Investigation on Eyesight Situation of Some Junior High School Students in Dongying City | |
30 | 对大学高年级男生形态、机能、视力的追踪研究 | The follow-up study on the change of shape, function and eyesight of college male upperclassmen |