属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的刑事司法 屈打成招
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的刑事司法 屈打成招
1 | 投保人、被保险人或者受益人编造未曾发生的保险事故,骗取保险金的 | Policy holder, the insured, or the beneficiary fabricate non-existing insurance incident to deceive insurance money | |
2 | 伪造、变造、转让商业银行经营许可证的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on those who fabricate , change and transfer the business license of a commercial bank. | |
3 | 伪造或者篡改缴费单位、缴费个人参加社会保险、缴纳社会保险费有关情况的 | Or collects less than stipulated, fabricate or juggle the relevant conditions concerning the premium-paying entity or individual’s participation in social insurances or paying social insurance premiums | |
4 | 伪造文件. | fabricate a document | |
5 | 熊猫光纤制作的新方法和应力双折射的研究 | A New Method to Fabricate Panda Fiber and Research on the Stress Induced Birefringence | |
6 | 虚构的冒险故事. | a fabricate d account of adventures | |
7 | 一种多尺度仿生超疏水表面制备 | A Simple Way to Fabricate Multi-Dimension Bionic Super-hydrophobic Surface | |
8 | 一种制备纳米多孔金膜的方法 | A New Method to Fabricate Nanoporous Gold Films | |
9 | 用简便方法组装二维模板银纳米阵列 | A Simple Method to Fabricate Patterned 2-Dimensional Silver Nano-arrays | |
10 | 用亚稳态氩原子束制作纳米结构 | Using Metastable Argon Atomic Beam to Fabricate Nanostructures | |
11 | 于是从编造第一个谎言开始,我们便背上了两个沉甸甸的包袱:’过失’与’谎言’。 | That adds a burden to a heavy heart and weighs it down.5 In the days to come he will have to fabricate one falsehood after another to cover the lie he told and the fault he committed | |
12 | 在腹板与下翼缘的施焊中使用小矩形挡板。 | Small rectangular backup bars were used to fabricate the web-bottom flange connection | |
13 | 在钛合金表面制备Al-Si涂层的方法及其高温抗氧化性 | A Way to Fabricate an Al-Si Coating on the Surface of a Ti Alloy and Its high-temperature Oxidation Resistance | |
14 | 战时造谣惑众,动摇军心的,处三年以下有期徒刑 | Those who fabricate rumors to mislead people and shake the morale of troops in wartime shall be sentenced to not more than three years in prison. | |
15 | 证券登记结算机构应当保证证券持有人名册和登记过户记录真实、准确、完整,不得伪造、篡改、毁坏。 | Securities registration and settlement organizations shall truthfully, accurately, and thoroughly maintain the list of securities owners and a record of transfers of securities. They shall not fabricate , change without authorization, or destroy them. | |
16 | 制备45°双延超导结的新工艺 | New Method to Fabricate 45° Bi-Epitaxial Superconducting Junctions | |
17 | ||1:如果不经控告,一般嫌犯可能会被拘留23天。||2:许多嫌犯与律师取得联系的机会微乎其微。||3:审讯一般都不会被记录下来,即便记录也非全部,因此阻止审讯员介入,无太多可为。||4:身体上折磨少有,而与之同效力的剥夺睡眠却十分见。||5:因此形成了多种心理逼供。||6:一些审讯员用精神压迫进行逼供(“比如,想想你给你家人带来的耻辱”)。||7:如果他们确信犯罪嫌疑人有罪,一些审讯员甚至会捏造一份认罪书然后逼迫嫌犯签字画押。 | ||1:Common criminal suspects may be held in detention for 23 days without charge.||2:Many have only minimal contact with a lawyer.||3:Few interrogations are recorded, and then not in their entirety, so there is not much to stop interrogators piling in.||4:Physical torture is rare, but sleep deprivation, which is just as effective, is common.||5:So are various other forms of psychological coercion.||6:Some interrogators use moral blackmail (“Think of the shame you are bringing on your family”).||7:A few, if they are convinced that the suspect is guilty, simply fabricate a confession and press the suspect into signing it. | |
18 | ||1:为了进一步恢复法定诉讼程序,应将审讯从始至终都拍摄下来并记录在案。||2:嫌犯应有权诉诸于辩护律师,检察官也应向其辩护律师公开所有证据。||3:此外,还应缩短审讯时间、妥善安置嫌犯。||4:对于编造供词的审讯员也应使其接受讯。||5:起诉案件的处理应当更多地依赖于侦察工作,而非自我控告。||6:这样的改革并不能改善日本监狱中心理逼供的残忍状况(见文章)。||7:但是他们将会为无辜者提供一个更好的机会以维系自由。 | ||1:As a step towards restoring due process, all interrogations should be filmed from start to finish.||2:Suspects should have ready access to defence counsel, to whom prosecutors should also disclose all evidence.||3:Interrogations should be much shorter; suspects should be properly rested.||4:Investigators who fabricate evidence should be put in the dock themselves.||5:Prosecution cases should rely more on detective work, and less on self-incrimination.||6:Such reforms would not improve conditions in Japan’s psychologically brutal prisons (see article).||7:But they would give the innocent a better chance of keeping their liberty. | |
19 | 这也代表着我们会像汽车时代早期一样,长途汽车制造商将重新参与到布加迪、杜森博格、劳斯莱斯等定制车身的设计和制造中去。 | This would represent a return to an earlier age of motoring when coach builders would be engaged to design and fabricate bespoke bodies for Bugattis, Duesenbergs or Rollers. | |
20 | Abdolvand的目标是制作出一定范围的金属玻璃复合材料,包括银离子玻璃和银纳米粒子植入玻璃。 | Abdolvand aims to fabricate a range of metal-glass composites, including silver-ion implanted and silver-nanoparticle implanted glasses. | |
21 | 本周二,李先生重新受到审判。公诉人指控,他参与诈骗且引诱证人伪造证据。 | On Tuesday, Mr. Li went back on trial. Prosecutors say that he was involved in fraud and that he enticed a witness to fabricate evidence. | |
22 | 玻璃基板上溶胶凝胶法铌酸锂薄膜的制备及其表征 | Fabricate and Characterize the Lithium Niobate Thin Films Prepared on Glass Substrate by Sol-gel Process | |
23 | 电沉积技术制作高聚物微流控芯片模具 | Using Electrodeposition to Fabricate Mould for Polymer Microfluidic Chip | |
24 | 电力市场营销组合策略的人工神经网络模型 | Research on ANN in fabricate sale policy of electric power market | |
25 | 锻造是高性能镁合金产品成形的有效方法之一。 | Forging forming is one of the most effective ways to fabricate high-property magnesium alloy parts. | |
26 | 而且这种电池生产难度不高,比其他瘦身电池的方法更加容易投入商用化。 | It’s also fairly easy to fabricate , making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology. | |
27 | 该方案可用于制作更高档的古琴,能获得更好的音色效果。 | The proposal can be used to fabricate a higher-grade Guqin, capable of leading to better timbre effect. | |
28 | 该气球可以是制造成本低廉的并可以提供吸引人的广告媒介。 | This balloon can be inexpensive to fabricate and can provide an attractive advertising medium. | |
29 | 根据工程图规格制做加热器和框架。 | Cut the heater or fabricate the frame according to DWG specifications | |
30 | 既可以通过材料去除方式,也可以通过材料加成方式进行微加工成形。 | Laser micro processing can be applied by either removing material or adding material to fabricate part. |