属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF T54-939-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 1344-1-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 1344-22-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN ISO 1461 Bb.1-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 13781-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 6383-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AWWA C 208-1996
1 | 塑料管道系统.热塑塑料配件.组装配件的机械拉伸强度或柔韧性的试验方法 | Plastics piping systems. Thermoplastics fittings. Test method for mechanical strength or flexibility of fabricated fittings. | |
2 | 他们编造证据并且威胁证人。 | They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses | |
3 | 他们伪造证据并威胁目击者。 | They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses | |
4 | 他所说的缺席理由显然是编造的。 | The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated . | |
5 | 他提出的缺席理由显然是瞎编的. | The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated . | |
6 | 他提出的缺席理由显然是瞎编的。 | The reason he gave for his absence is obviously fabricated . | |
7 | 搪瓷层的试验方法.第1部分:除厨房器具和加工薄钢板组件外的制品覆层耐热冲击性的测定 | Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes-Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings on articles other than cooking utensils and fabricated sheet steel components | |
8 | 搪瓷涂层试验方法.第22部分:炊用炉用燃烧器具和灶盘支架用的加工薄钢板组件涂层的耐温度冲击性测定 | Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes-Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings for fabricated sheet steel components such as burners and pan supports for cookers | |
9 | 通常用半导体技术制作的、具有标准化尺寸的一种微型电子器件,能实现一种或多种电路功能。 | A tiny electronic device with standardized dimensions(usually fabricated using semiconductor techniques)capable of performing one or more functions in a circuit. | |
10 | 通过钢上热镀锌产生的锌镀层(块镀锌).要求和检验 | Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles-Specifications and test methods; | |
11 | 通过将较小型电路互连或采用不同工艺安装在一个基片上而制成的电路。 | Circuits fabricated by inter-connecting smaller circuits or different technologies mounted on a single substrate. | |
12 | 外科值入物用聚L-丙交酯树脂及其制造形状.在实验室条件下的降解试验 | Poly(L-lactide)resins and fabricated forms for surgical implants-In vitro degradation testing | |
13 | 外科植入物用聚L-交酯树脂及制品 体外降解试验 | Poly(L-lactide)resins and fabricated forms for surgical implants-In vitro degradation testing | |
14 | 微电子电路中的支承材料,在其上或其内制作集成电路,或者将集成电路附着在这些支承材料上。同base。 | In a microcircuit, the supporting material upon which or with in which an integrated circuit is fabricated , or to which an integrated circuit is attached | |
15 | 下沉视点 反抗虚构-论“新写实小说”的创作特点 | Lowered Perspective and Non-fabricated Details-Writing Features of New Realism Stories | |
16 | 香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或锡箔制作 | fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles | |
17 | 新型共沉淀法制备铁酸镍纳米材料 | NiFe2O4 Fabricated by New Chemistry Coprecipitation Method | |
18 | 咬合托一种可移动牙科器具,由金属丝和塑料制成,戴于腭上,作为牙齿矫正或修复的诊断或治疗辅助器 | A removable dental appliance,fabricated of wire and plastic,that is worn in the palate and used as a diagnostic or therapeutic aid in orthodontics or prosthodontics. | |
19 | 已加工材料,已加工原材料 | fabricated materials;processed materials | |
20 | 应该提供用于安装泵/电机总装的支撑基座,其结构材料应该采用预制钢。 | A support pedestal for mounting of the complete pump /motor assembly shall be provided and shall be constructed of fabricated steel. | |
21 | 用低纯度铝制备AAO模板及其结构研究 | Structural Properties of AAO Template Fabricated by Low-purity Aluminum | |
22 | 用熟知的浸洗办法制出带孔的药丸。 | A porous pellet was fabricated by the well-known wash-out process | |
23 | 用于NF3设施的气体分配管道应该采用相容的材料制造,并彻底清洁以去除任何可氧化材料。 | Gas distribution lines for NF3 service should be fabricated from compatible materials and thoroughly cleaned to remove any oxidizable material. | |
24 | 由EPDM屋顶膜材料制造的胶粘剂接头的失效时间(蠕变破裂)的标准操作规程 | Standard Practice for Time-to-Failure (Creep-Rupture)of Adhesive Joints Fabricated from EPDM Roof Membrane Material | |
25 | 由装配在晶体材料基片上的晶体管、二极管和其它电路元件构成的一种存储装置。 | A storage device composed of transistors, diodes and other circuit elements all fabricated on a chip of crystalline material | |
26 | 预构扩张皮瓣微循环灌注量的动态变化 | Microcirculation Dynamic Changes in Expanded pre-fabricated Flaps | |
27 | 预制钢水管配件尺寸 | Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings, Dimensions for | |
28 | 在很早以前,人们使用木材和牛角,以及一些异乎寻常的组合来制作坚实有力的复合材料弓,例如将动物腱、木材、丝绸用粘合剂粘合在一起。 | In the early age powerful composite bows were fabricated from wood and horn or even more exotic combinations such as animal tendons, wood and silk bonded together using adhesive. | |
29 | 这个故事纯属杜撰。 | The story is fabricated indeed. | |
30 | 这个故事是编造的,根本不真实。 | The story was fabricated and completely untrue |