属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-幻灭的上班族 屌丝之梦
1 | 和面对面的交谈相比,这种见不着面、看不见人的“虚”的交流可能会使人从心理上缺乏满足感。人们通过这种交流结下的友谊也不会太深。 | Faceless , bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower | |
2 | 假日期间有大量的普通人涌进这个国家的首都。 | Crowds of faceless people poured into the capital of the country during the holidays | |
3 | 就在这时,一个看不清脸面的人冷不防地拍了拍我的肩膀,回答说:“为你呢!玛格,丧钟是为你而响呢!”. | Without warning, a faceless figure touches me on my shoulder, ever so lightly, and replies: "It tolls for thee, Maggie & idots, it tolls for thee." | |
4 | 了解一些关于官僚主义和那些无名的、无特征的,并能够将生命的原动力从个体中挤压出来的力量的情况(b罗里尼W.萨尔) | knew something about bureaucracy and those nameless,faceless forces that can crush the life’s blood from the individual(bRollene W.Saal) | |
5 | 了解一些关于官僚主义和那些无名的、无特征的,并能够将生命的原动力从个体中挤压出来的力量的情况(罗里尼W.萨尔) | knew something about bureaucracy and those nameless,faceless forces that can crush the life’s blood from the individual(Rollene W.Saal) | |
6 | 每天大批不知名的人涌进城市。 | Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day | |
7 | 每天都有大量普通的人涌进这个城市。 | Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day. | |
8 | 是我们所不知道的幕后操纵者。 | are unknown, faceless manipulators, | |
9 | 他们打量着他的皮肤,看到他跟他们一般黑,可他们知道他长着一颗白人的心,那些白人来这里只是把他们招上卡车,雇他们去干活,不管他们姓甚名谁,长就一副什么模样。 | They looked at his skin and saw it was black as theirs, but they knew he had the heart of the white men who came to pick them up in the trucks when they needed anonymous, faceless laborers | |
10 | 他只不过是一个典型呆板的官员。 | He was just another faceless bureaucrat. | |
11 | 在从前是一张白板的专制时代的画面上突然涌现出众多的知名人士(约翰·麦克劳夫林) | New public figures suddenly abound in the hitherto faceless totalitarian tableaux(John McLaughlin) | |
12 | 自由在今天早上遭到了不敢露面的懦夫的攻击,自由将会得到捍卫! | Freedom itself was attacked this morning by faceless coward, and freedom will be defended | |
13 | ||1:然而朱认为自己是个失败者。||2:他的税后工资只是每月4,000元,并说自己工作时就像个没人注意的机器。||3:通常,他在公司食堂吃饭,晚上就回到自己在合租公寓里租的20平米大的小房间玩网络游戏。||4:他没有女友,也并不想找一个。||5:“没信心啊”,当被问到为什么不找时,他这样回答。||6:和千百万人一样,他戏称自己是“屌丝”,一个表示失败者的街头俚语,本义是“男性的yin毛”。||7:它形象地表达出了这个经济体中那些越来越难获得成功的普通人的无力感。||8:以这个称谓自嘲是一种发出呼声的方式,“就像甘地”,朱并只是在开玩笑,“这是一种无声的反抗。” | ||1: But Mr Zhu considers himself a loser, not a winner. ||2: He earns 4,000 yuan a month after tax and says he feels like a faceless drone at work. ||3: He eats at the office canteen and goes home at night to a rented, 20-square-metre room in a shared flat, where he plays online games. ||4: He does not have a girlfriend or any prospect of finding one. ||5: “Lack of confidence”, he explains when asked why not. ||6: Like millions of others, he mockingly calls himself, in evocative modern street slang, a diaosi, the term for a loser that literally translates as “male pubic hair”. ||7: Figuratively it is a declaration of powerlessness in an economy where it is getting harder for the regular guy to succeed. ||8: Calling himself by this derisive nickname is a way of crying out, “like Gandhi”, says Mr Zhu, only partly in jest. “It is a quiet form of protest.” | |
14 | “今天早晨,自由被一个无名懦夫袭击了。”以此作为开始,他做了两分钟的讲话,随后离开了会议室。 | "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, " he began, then spoke for two minutes before leaving the room. | |
15 | 除此之外,有许多关于“不露面的集团公司”在培育本土品牌方面表现出色的例子。 | Besides, there are plenty of examples of "faceless conglomerates" doing an excellent job of nurturing local brands. | |
16 | 但这些导弹也误伤了许多巴基斯坦平民,加深了当地居民对这些游荡在空中的外国势力的怨恨。 | But the missiles have also killed dozens of Pakistani civilians, deepening resentment of the faceless foreign presence in the sky. | |
17 | 当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。 | Mick Jagger’s lips were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared. | |
18 | 第一部分里,列维纳斯谈论死亡是个伦理事件,是由无面容的谋杀者所执行的。 | In the first section, we will describe how death is a matter of ethics, because it is caused by a faceless murderer. | |
19 | 工作分配由一班没有个性、集权的官僚负责,老是让人操心下一次被调配到哪里。 | Job assignments are managed by a faceless , centralized bureaucracy that keeps everyone guessing where they might be shipped next. | |
20 | 国家领导人被炸得面目全非。 | The country’s leader was blown faceless . | |
21 | 你的老板不是一个不讲情面的人,而是一个大度的人,给了你一个面子。 | Your employer is not a faceless company but a decent man who has done you a favour. | |
22 | 你仅是百万个不知名的数字中的一个。 | You’re just one of a million faceless numbers. | |
23 | 你真是不要脸,居然干出这种事。 | You are so faceless that you should have done such a thing. | |
24 | 取而代之的是无人飞机的幕后操控者,置身在内华达沙漠当中某个没有窗户的控制室里:欢迎欢迎。 | In their place, welcome the faceless drone operator sitting in a windowless container in the Nevada desert. | |
25 | 使用普通的电话簿,AlexQueral便能雕刻出许多张无名者的脸。 | Taking an ordinary phone book, Alex Queral carves a face into this object of so many faceless names. | |
26 | 数十年以来它利用了潜藏的威胁这个借口,说一些不知道是谁的恶魔正蚕食着北欧人的梦想。 | For decades it had traded on the idea of a lurking menace, some faceless demon eating away at the Scandinavian dream. | |
27 | 我不要面子,我没有面子!我是隐形的! | Enjoy losing face! I’m faceless ! I’m invisible! | |
28 | 我们时常要应对半真半假的流言和匿名的作恶者,往往使你越描越黑。 | We are often dealing with half truth and faceless perpetrators, and the more you defend yourself the juicier it becomes. | |
29 | 我喜欢业主经营机构的个性,希望自己光顾的商店有特点,而不是千店一面的实体。 | I like the individuality of an owner-managed organisation. I want a merchant I patronise to have character, not to be a faceless entity. | |
30 | 我在和广大读者交流市场观点时,谈起了祖父的故事。 | As I chewed through the market with a faceless audience of millions, I told the tale of Ruby. |