属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利比亚政府 驶向穷途
1 | 贝鲁特:黎巴嫩首都和最大城市,位于地中海岸该国西部。由腓尼基人建立,曾是希腊与罗马重要的贸易中心。该城长期以来一直是民族争端的地域。 | Beirut:The capital and largest city of Lebanon, in the western part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Founded by the Phoenicians, it was an important Greek and Roman trade center. The city has long been the scene of bitter factional fighting. | |
2 | 贝鲁特黎巴嫩首都和最大城市,位于地中海岸该国西部。由腓尼基人建立,曾是希腊与罗马重要的贸易中心。该城长期以来一直是民族争端的地域。人口509, | The capital and largest city of Lebanon,in the western part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea.Founded by the Phoenicians,it was an important Greek and Roman trade center.The city has long been the scene of bitter factional fighting.Population,509,000. | |
3 | 党内派系竞争与政党选举命运-以民进党为例 | Intra-party Factional Competition and the Fate of the Party Election: A Case Study of the Democratic Progressive Party | |
4 | 胡锦涛时代团系干部的崛起:派系考虑vs.干部输送的组织任务 | CYL Cadres Rising in the Era of Hu Jintao: Factional Networking or Organization’s Mission | |
5 | 活性乳酸菌功能饮料的研制 | Research on Factional Active Lactic Acid Bacteria Beverage | |
6 | 九○年代日本派阀政治之分析 | The Analysis on Japanese Factional Politics in 1990s | |
7 | 派别之间的勾心斗角削弱了党的组织。 | Factional infighting have weaken the party structure. | |
8 | 派系政治下之府会关系 台中县的个案研究(一九五一至二○○五) | The Influence of Factional Politics on the Administration-Legislature Relationships: A Case Study of Taichung County, 1951-2005 | |
9 | 三、他们转移、散布和隐蔽在全国许多地方,秘密的派性联系还没有完全消灭。 | Third, they have moved to different parts of the country and hidden out there, still maintaining their clandestine factional ties. | |
10 | 我国检察官的性质、职业特点及其职权配置的再思考 | A Reflection of Our Procurators’ Quality, Professional Feature and Factional Allocation | |
11 | 我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清 | We must build a centralized, unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles | |
12 | 一、他们坚持原来的帮派思想,有一套煽惑性和颠覆性的政治主张。 | First, they cling to their old factional mentality and are politically subversive, agitating against the Party. | |
13 | 中共“派系政治”途径的分析:以“大跃进”起源为例 | An Analysis of the "Factional Politics" Approach in the CCP: The Origin of the Great Leap Forward as an Example | |
14 | ||1:此外,这两个国家还有其他的共同点,尽管不全都有用。||2:在利雅得和华盛顿,做出的决议越来越无常,甚至有点决策机能失常,虽然造成这一现象的原因有很多。||3:沙特的高层管理者年事已高,显得有些疲惫,也很容易发生派系斗争因为年轻的王子们在不可避免的进行王位争夺,据说国王至少89岁了。||4:同时,奥巴马也被异常失控的立法机关束缚住。||5:他在利雅得甚至不会受到美国大使的接待。||6:奥巴马在去年11月任命了一位大使,但遭到国会拒绝,如今都没能上任。 | ||1:And the countries have other things in common, not all of them helpful.||2:Decision-making in both Riyadh and Washington has grown increasingly erratic, even dysfunctional, albeit for different reasons.||3:Saudi Arabia’s senior rulers are old and weary, and prone to factional rivalry as younger princes jostle for power in the inevitable succession to the king, who is thought to be at least 89.||4:Mr Obama’s administration, meanwhile, has been shackled by an unusually obstreperous legislature.||5:He will not even be greeted in Riyadh by an American ambassador.||6:He nominated one in November, but Congress has refused so far to confirm his appointment. | |
15 | 在驱逐扎伊丹的行动中,GNC声称它们自己是利比亚主要的当局。但是它沿着派系线来划分并且用一些工具来加强自己的法令。对前任首相油轮事件惨败的指责,也带来了国家检察官对他贪污的指控。扎伊丹仍试图逃亡德国。 | In moving to oust Mr Zeidan, the GNC asserted itself as Libya’s prime authority. But it is divided along factional lines and has few tools to impose its writ. Blaming the ex-premier for the tanker fiasco, it also directed the state prosecutor to charge him with embezzlement. Mr Zeidan still managed to flee to Germany. | |
16 | 2007年6月,经过一场短暂却血腥的派别战争,哈马斯夺取了加沙的控制权,赶走了忠于阿巴斯的亲法塔赫军队。 | In June 2007, after a brief but bloody factional war, Hamas seized control of Gaza, routing the pro-Fatah forces loyal to Mr. Abbas. | |
17 | 不能让选举成为一场引发派系战争的‘赢家通吃’竞赛。 | [Elections must not become] the kind of "winner-take-all" contests that now produce factional warfare. | |
18 | 党派政治在对这些问题的处理上已彻底破败。 | Factional politics has failed utterly to deal with these problems. | |
19 | 该饭店建于20世纪60年代较为稳定的时候,曾于阿富汗内战时被导弹和派系斗争弄得伤痕累累。 | Built in happier times, in the 1960s, the hotel had been scarred by rockets and factional fighting during Afghanistan’s civil war. | |
20 | 更令人担忧的是在AP3团队里,如果不密切关注,可能会迅速成为刑事犯罪和现有地方派系纠纷的牺牲品。 | The fear is that the AP3 groups, if not closely watched, may swiftly become criminalised and prey to existing local factional disputes. | |
21 | 好在我那个时候还年幼;否则我恐怕也会是那些武斗者们中间的一个。 | Fortunately I was too young at the time; otherwise I might well have been one of the factional fighters. | |
22 | 或者它可能是高层派系摩擦或个人斗争的结果,在这种斗争中,指控腐败往往是最好用的武器。 | Or it may be the upshot of a high-level factional or personal battle, in which corruption charges are often a favourite weapon. | |
23 | 今天,高层之间的合作已成规则,用以削弱派系的斗争。 | Today, top-level cooperation is as much the norm as debilitating factional competition. | |
24 | 金正日还没有确立明确的继承人这一事实表明,还没有候选人获得足够的支持来变成不二人选。 | That Kim Jong-il has not yet anointed an heir implies that no candidate has yet built enough factional support to become the clear choice. | |
25 | 如果派系斗争爆发,而你的关系人正处于不利的一方,这种关系实际上会损害生意。 | Connections can actually damage your business if a factional fight breaks out and your well-connected partner is on the wrong side. | |
26 | 十多年来,科特迪瓦一直处于派系冲突和种族暴乱中。 | For a decade or more the country has been racked by factional and ethnic violence. | |
27 | 试论国民党派系斗争的嬗变及其历史作用 | On the Evolution of the Factional Struggle of the Kuomintang and Its Historical Role | |
28 | 四个多月的严重派系暴力事件之后,科特迪瓦前总统洛朗巴博终于走投无路。 | AFTER more than four months of devastating factional violence, Laurent Coted’Ivoire’s former president, has at last surrendered. | |
29 | 现今,政府坐拥大量的外汇储备,成为各个派别争夺的目标。 | Now the government is sitting on massive cash reserves which have already become the object of factional fighting. | |
30 | 新派小说的后逻辑特征 | The Post-Logic Features of the New Factional Novels |