1 | 这些牛仔裤褪色快,我不喜欢它们。 | These jeans fade quickly; I don’t like them. | |
2 | 这熊熊烈火会渐渐熄灭。 | The light of that conflagration will fade away | |
3 | 这熊熊烈火会渐渐熄灭。 | The light of that conflagration will fade away. | |
4 | 这种抗议往往因其本身的愚蠢性而逐渐消失。 | This sort of protest tends to fade out through its own foolishness | |
5 | 自从西太后废除旧科举制度,他就心灰意懒了。 | When the dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade | |
6 | 自适应发送MIMO-OFDM超宽带系统 | Adaptive Transmissions in MIMO-OFDM UWB Systems with frequency-selecting Fade | |
7 | ||1:在失去他们的运气之后,原来一帆风顺的科技公司能重振旗鼓的寥寥无几——不过也有一些例外,比如史蒂夫·乔布斯在1997年第二次回归后的苹果公司。||2:通常,当他们的财富缩水时,境遇不佳的公司会突然撤换领导,更改解决方案。||3:在这三年中,包括两位临时的CEO,现任的是第五位,而这一直是雅虎公司迄今为止的命运。 | ||1:After losing their mojo, formerly high-flying tech firms rarely recover it-with a few notable exceptions, such as Apple after Steve Jobs’s second coming as boss in 1997.||2:Often, ailing companies lurch from one leader and rescue plan to another while their fortunes fade .||3:That has been the fate so far of Yahoo!, which is now on to its fifth chief executive, including two interim ones, in three years. | |
8 | ||1:在他这项为期46年的事业里,他使用的材料,绘画的技巧一点都没变。总共233幅画布,都是196 x 135cm,大小刚好适合站着画,而且双手展开拿着看也合适。||2:绘画的刷子和颜料还和最初用的一样,数字大约一厘米高,其笔法大多数都是笔刷小心地刷过两遍,再轻轻地淡出,像彗星的尾巴。||3:他常说自己的画法,就像出去散步的人,除非遇到嗑嗑绊绊,否则没有意识到自己的脚步。也许他也遇到过嗑绊,但是他不曾回头。 | ||1:Over the 46 years of his enterprise, his technique and materials barely changed. His canvases, 233 in all, were always 196 x 135cm, a good size to work at standing and to carry in outstretched arms. ||2:Brush and paint never varied. His figures were roughly a centimetre tall,most made with two deliberate strokes of the brush, and allowed to fade away as his paint ran out, like the trailing tail of a comet. ||3:He often said he painted like a man out walking, unaware of his steps unless he stumbled. If that happened, he never went back. | |
9 | 科技产业的其他大型公司,在招牌领导人离去后,财富就缩水了。 | Other giants in the tech industry have seen their fortunes fade after iconic leaders have departed. | |
10 | 索伟托的spazas便利店规模大小不等,千差万别—有的位于非法聚居点,门前是灰尘扑扑的马路,所谓的便利店只是在墙上掏出一个洞;有的则坐落在合法的小型市场内,建筑表面刷着鲜亮的绿漆。 | Soweto’s spazas range from a hole in the wall on a dust road in a squatters’ camp to a proper mini-market with a bright-green fade . |