属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国经济 虚伪的乔治
1 | 不过,透过这一切,有一种热情的特性和浓重的色调是她永远不会失去的;而这种特性和色调如果在她的任何变化中变得黯淡或苍白,她也就不再是她自己,不再是珠儿了。 | Throughout all, however, there was a trait of passion, a certain depth of hue, which she never lost; and if, in any of her changes, she had grown fainter or paler, she would have ceased to be herself-it would have been no longer Pearl! | |
2 | 每经过一次挣扎,她对于胡言乱语的抵抗就削弱一次。 | Every time her power of struggling against the growing delirium grew fainter and fainter | |
3 | 你带我进来时,我昏昏沉沉,软弱无力,出去时变得不省人事。 | I was weak and faint when you brought me in, and I am fainter now you take me out. | |
4 | 声音渐弱。 | The sounds grew fainter . | |
5 | 虽然事隔几个月了,那情景还历历在目。 | That picture had got no fainter with the lapse of months. | |
6 | 他的耳语越来越轻,两只眼睛一直盯着舷窗向外看,可那连一颗星星都没有。 | His whisper was getting fainter and fainter, and all the time he stared straight out through the porthole, in which there was not even a star to be seen | |
7 | 他的心脏跳动越来越无力了。 | The beating of his heart grew fainter . | |
8 | 我的视线追随着那船上飘起的缕缕清烟,只见它沿着迂回曲折的河道,飘扬在平原之上,由近及远,渐渐淡去。 | My eye followed the light cloud of her smoke, now here, now there, above the plain, according to the devious curves of the stream, but always fainter and farther away. | |
9 | 我深知,这个回声会变得更加脆弱,若不是因为它和青春的书记相连,闪烁着世界古代全盛时期的容光,愿每块土地都能愉悦它的诗人。 | I know that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the world’s primeval glory. Let every land have joy of its poet | |
10 | 因为通过家系承袭的链条,每代母亲遗传给她女儿的,即使不是较她为少的坚实有力的性格 | For, throughout that chain of ancestry, every successive mother has transmitted to her child a fainter bloom, | |
11 | 音乐的声音在远处逐渐模糊了. | The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance. | |
12 | 这种强烈的色调,如果用来衬托一个不够红润的面颊,会使容貌显得苍白黯淡,但却与珠儿的美貌相得益彰,使她成了世上前所未有的活跳跳的一小团焰目的火焰。 | So much strength of colouring, which must have given a wan and pallid aspect to cheeks of a fainter bloom, was admirably adapted to Pearl’s beauty, and made her the very brightest little jet of flame that ever danced upon the earth. | |
13 | ||1:英国政府的自我吹捧是其解决问题的手段。||2:不能阻止连任,就意味着你脆弱的心脏将在政治法律面前颤抖。||3:但保守党和自由民主党组成的联合政府,在金融危机后的黑暗的日子里,形成了计划经济,稳如磐石。||4:奥斯本指出,2014年英国的失业率大幅下降,且经济增长速度远高于其他发达国家。 | ||1:THE British government’s great boast is its resolve.||2:Fainter hearts might have trembled before the political law that you cannot cut your way to re-election.||3:But the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, forged in the dark days following the financial crisis, formed a plan for the economy and stood its ground.||4:Its reward has been to see unemployment tumble and Britain grow faster than any other big rich country in 2014. | |
14 | “它更加清洁,”他说道,“当环境变得更加具有毒性是,让生物发出明亮的光芒而不是变得昏暗。” | It is neater, he says, to have organisms that glow brighter, rather than becoming fainter , as the environment becomes more toxic. | |
15 | X射线揭示了在中央星团和两侧较暗淡星团中的年轻恒星。 | The X-rays reveal hundreds of young stars in the central cluster and fainter clusters on either side. | |
16 | 边缘亮度直接与孔径相关,孔径越大,就能看到越暗的星。 | The limiting magnitude is directly related to aperture, where larger apertures allow you to see fainter stars. | |
17 | 但是,夜莺的声音却越来越微弱。她的翅膀开始扇动,一道掠影闪过她的眼睛。 | But the Nightingale’s voice grew fainter , and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. | |
18 | 当风吹得越来越强时,雷达回波会变弱。这可以用来测量越过海洋的风强度。 | When winds are blowing hard, the radar echoes are fainter , giving a measure of how strong the wind is blowing over the oceans. | |
19 | 到最后,他以沙哑和极其虚弱的低语谴责了这种行为。 | To the end, in a rough and ever-fainter whisper, he condemned it. | |
20 | 而与此同时,灾难性撞击事件的风险一直存在,并有过微弱的增长。 | Meanwhile, the risk of catastrophic impact continues to grow ever fainter . | |
21 | 而这种特性和色调如果在她的任何变化中变得黯淡或苍白,她也就不再是她自己,不再是珠儿了。 | and if, in any of her changes, she had grown fainter or paler, she would have ceased to be herself- it would have been no longer Pearl! | |
22 | 房价上涨给德国带来的“财富效应”要比业主自住房占了66%的英国小的多。 | so any rise in prices has a fainter "wealth effect" than in Britain, say, where 66% of homes are owner-occupied. | |
23 | 稍有些想象力,可以发现许多“动物”“英雄”和“美女”藏在这些较暗弱的恒星之间。 | With a little imagination many other animals and heroes and beautiful women can be found hidden among the fainter stars. | |
24 | 外部图像中间发亮的部分已经被模糊处理了,显示出了慢扩展的结构。 | The central bright portion of the outer image has been masked to reveal fainter extended structures. | |
25 | 音乐的声音在远处逐渐模糊了。 | The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance. | |
26 | 有些恒星光依然能够进入望远镜,非常容易遮蔽比它暗百万倍以上的行星。 | Some of the starlight still gets through, easily obscuring planets that are millions of times fainter than their parent stars. | |
27 | 再探测一下比较暗淡的尾巴,想不到,这下却让科学家们大吃一惊。 | The detection of the second, fainter tail, however, was asurprise to the scientists. | |
28 | 在失败的神经元争斗中,通过努力聚焦在失利图像上的方式,测试者通常能扭转乾坤,塞尔夫说。 | In the midst of a losing neuron duel, subjects could often turn the tide by focusing hard on the fainter image, Cerf says. | |
29 | 在这张深广的望远镜照片中,暗弱的丝状气体明显延伸至亮新月形区域的左下方。 | In this deep, wide telescopic view, fainter filaments clearly extend below and to the left of the bright crescent region. | |
30 | 在注射后的几个小时内,它们的嗅觉测探器超速运转,并且那些老鼠自己也能觉察到极小的气味。 | Their sniffers ran on overdrive for several hours following the injection. And the rats could detect fainter scents, too. |