属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 苹果股价暴跌 美国枪支暴力何时休 比特币泡沫
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工作兼娱乐 招聘游戏化
1 | 有条新铁索盘卷在那。 | There’s a new hawser faked down there. | |
2 | 有条新铁索盘卷在那里。 | There’s a new hawser faked down there. | |
3 | 这幅画赝造得可以乱真。 | The painting was beautifully faked up | |
4 | 这一切都是他伪造的,没有一样是真的。 | He faked up the whole thing--none of it was true | |
5 | 这张照片是把两张照片拼在一起伪造的。 | The picture was faked by sticking together two photos. | |
6 | ||1:2018年最离奇的故事之一是乌克兰情报机构伪造暗杀俄罗斯记者、克里姆林宫批评者阿尔卡季·巴布琴科(Arkady Babchenko)一事。||2:巴布琴科的尸体上沾满了猪血,随后被送往太平间,而他的“伪造谋杀”遭到了全球媒体的谴责。||3:他突然活着现身新闻发布会,这让陷入哀痛的朋友和同事们目瞪口呆。||4:机智如他,甚至让妻子也蒙在鼓里,不过他还是公开地向妻子道歉。 | ||1:One of the most bizarre stories of 2018 was the faked assassination of Arkady Babchenko, a Russian journalist and critic of the Kremlin, by Ukraine’s intelligence services.||2:Mr Babchenko’s body was smeared with pig’s blood and taken to a morgue while his “murder” was deplored by the world’s media.||3:His sudden appearance, alive, at a press conference dumbfounded his grieving friends and colleagues.||4:Wisely, he had kept his wife in the loop, but he still apologised to her publicly. | |
7 | ||1:Knack将三种Fashion的潮流结合在一起:游戏,大量数据处理以及科学角度的行为预测。||2: 麻省理工学院综合智能中心的Chris Chabri是Knack团队成员之一,他认为:游戏相比传统的招聘工具有非常大的优点,比如传统的个性测试,很容易被聪明的应聘者蒙混过关,而通过Knack游戏,很多方面能够快速的测定而且不可能作假。 ||3: Chris Chabri表示最大的两个挑战来自于确定游戏足够好玩,并且能够说服那些往往不对认知技能进行测试的招聘者把注意力放在这些数据上。 | ||1: Knack combines three fashionable trends: gaming, the use of massive amounts of data and the application of behavioural insights from science. ||2: According to Chris Chabris of the Centre for Collective Intelligence at MIT, a member of the Knack team, games have huge advantages over traditional recruitment tools, such as personality tests, which can easily be outwitted by an astute candidate. Many more things can be tested quickly and performance can’t be faked on Knack’s games, he says. ||3: The two biggest challenges, according to Mr Chabris, are ensuring the games are fun to play and convincing recruiters, who typically make no attempt to measure cognitive skills, to pay attention to these new data. | |
8 | ||1:艾小姐也许会问,这是在哪个阶段,他就不能假装有点兴趣吗?女人总是这么做。||2: 她的编剧作品包括《西雅图夜未眠》《电子情书》以及《茱莉和朱丽叶》,杰出的编剧生涯中最为人熟知的一个桥段是在《当哈利碰上莎莉》(1989)中的一幕, 莎莉在纽约下东区一家餐馆里午餐时表演了一场假扮高潮。 ||3:莎莉身体起起伏伏,呻吟频频,娇喘连连,更是忘情高喊“Yes!”,持续了大概五分钟,旁桌的老女人叫来侍应生:“我要点她正在吃的菜。” | ||1: At which stage Ms Ephron might have asked, couldn’t he at least have faked it? Women did that all the time. ||2: The most famous scene of her highly successful screenwriting career—which included “Sleepless in Seattle”, “You’ve Got Mail” and “Julie and Julia”—was the one in “When Harry Met Sally” (1989) in which Sally faked an orgasm over lunch at a deli on New York’s Lower East Side. ||3: After she had reared, moaned, gasped and shouted “Yes!” for what seemed like five minutes, the elderly lady at a nearby table told the waiter: “I’ll have what she’s having.” | |
9 | ||1:国家科学教育中心的乔希-罗西诺(Josh Rosenau)质问道,为何法案规定只应在科学课堂上鼓励学生批判思考。||2:要知道,有人可认为1969年人类登陆月球是假的,还有纳粹大屠杀就是个骗局;何不要求历史老师也告诉学生关于那些事件的两种观点。 | ||1:Josh Rosenau, of the National Centre for Science Education (NCSE), asks why the bill singles out science classrooms as a place where pupils should be urged to think critically.||2:After all, some people believe the 1969 moon landing was faked or that the Holocaust is a hoax; why not require history teachers to inform pupils of both sides of those issues, too. | |
10 | 以及参与洗钱的北欧银行,他们的相应数字仅为6000亿美元和不到300万人。 | including carmakers that faked emissions tests and Nordic banks involved in money-laundering. | |
11 | “如果这4家公司的管理团队曾经撒谎、欺诈或捏造事实,那我们也是受害者。” | "If the management teams of these four companies lied or cheated or faked things then we are victims. " | |
12 | “我们希望确保造假的人得不到任何好处。”他说。 | "We want to make sure that those who faked their ages will take no advantage, " he said. | |
13 | 2003年,监管部门发现东电伪造安全维护数据后,曾把该公司旗下所有反应堆关闭了一个月。 | In 2003, regulators closed all its reactors for a month after safety data were found to have been faked . | |
14 | 车钥匙和一瓶药片还在车里,但专家迅速得出了他伪装自杀的结论。 | The car keys and a bottle of pills were still in the vehicle, but authorities quickly concluded he had faked his death. | |
15 | 出具假发票,虚构培训事件以及其他滥用资金的行为主要发生在一些非洲国家卫生部长身上。 | It cited faked invoices, phoney training events and other abuses, chiefly involving health ministries in some African countries. | |
16 | 大概49%、也就是近一半的人认为整个事件是被伪造的,几乎同样多的人认为即使本•拉登死亡了,他也是一位殉道者。 | Around half, 49%, reckoned the event had been faked , and nearly as many thought bin Laden, if dead, was anyway a martyr. | |
17 | 但是这种乐观主义顽强地留存了下来,部分是因为我们需要它,部分也因为贝多芬确实没有说错。 | And the vision endures, partly because we need it too, partly because Beethoven has not faked the evidence. | |
18 | 更进一步,我能广播我做的假冒ARP响应到受害者的整个网络中,欺骗网络中所有的计算机。 | Better yet, I can broadcast my faked ARP reply to my victim’s entire network and fool all his computers. | |
19 | 官方媒体宣称这些报道都是捏造的,但民众普遍相信男孩的父母。 | The state media said it was all faked but people generally believe the parents. | |
20 | 会计信息失真原因及对策分析 | Analysis of the Reason and Countermeasure of Faked Accounting Information | |
21 | 几年前,东京电力公司被曝光篡改了与其核电站爆炸相关的安全数据,令其声誉遭到了严重损害。 | Tepco damaged its reputation badly several years ago when it was found to have faked safety data relating to cracks in its nuclear plants. | |
22 | 姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。 | Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank. | |
23 | 科技期刊中的假冒伪劣论文分析 | Analysis on Faked and Falsified Papers in Sci-Tech Journals | |
24 | 库珀小姐说,最糟糕的一击出现在山达基间谍偷走了她的一些信纸伪造成炸弹威胁信来构陷她之后。 | The worst thrust, Miss Cooper says, came after a Scientology agent stole some of her stationery, faked bomb-threat letters and framed her. | |
25 | 难题在于如何找到一种快速而可靠的方法将真品与伪造品区分开来。 | The difficulty is finding a quick and reliable way to tell the difference between what is real and what is faked . | |
26 | 您可能已经将他们的地址添加到了您的白名单中,但是如果垃圾邮件发送者盗用(伪造)了您朋友的电子邮件地址,那么情况又会如何呢? | You might have added their address to your whitelist, but what if the spam sender has spoofed (faked ) e-mail address of your friend? | |
27 | 如果名称不一致,则您可能位于欺骗网站上。 | If the name is different, you might be on a faked site. | |
28 | 他假装向右,我也跟着走右,然后嘭, | He faked right, then I faked right, and then wham! | |
29 | 它们提供了一些方法来让测试控制这个虚构类的所有业务方法的行为。 | They provide methods to let the tests control the behavior of all the business methods of the faked class. | |
30 | 为了让她喜欢你,你可能时不时地堆出虚伪的笑容,听她说所有笑话时都装着笑出来。 | You may have faked a few smiles and laughed at all her jokes, trying to make her like you. |