1 | [参考译文]根据最近一份新的报告,人类占据了地球地面的83%,在上面生活、耕种、采矿和捕鱼,只将少数未开发的地区留给了野生动物。 | Humans take up 83 percent of the Earth’s land surface to live on, farming , mining or fishing, leaving just a few areas pristine for wildlife, according to a new report recently | |
2 | “我现在对农活有了较好的了解,”他说。 | "I have a better understanding of farming now, " he says | |
3 | 1977年对法案的修正案免去了众多“农、林、牧行为”的允许规定,因为这些行为都要排污。 | The 1977 amendments to the Act exempt a number of "normal farming , silvaculture, and ranching activities" from permit requirements insofar as these activities involve discharges of dredged or fill material | |
4 | 40年来,他俩并肩耕耘,共用生产机械,需要时互换劳力和物品。相处的日子过得和和顺顺。这是他们之间第一次出现裂痕。 | It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch | |
5 | 埃及人认为猪很脏,而希腊人很喜欢吃猪肉,并将养猪业作为农业最重要的一部分。 | While the Egyptians regarded pigs as unclean, the Greeks enjoyed pork as a delicacy, and established pig-keeping as an important part of farming | |
6 | 盎格鲁·撒克逊人传授给我们农业词汇,包括“羊”,“牧羊人”,“牛”,“土地”,“猪”,“林”,“田地”,“工作”等。 | The anglo-saxons passed on to us their farming vocabulary, including sheep, shepherd, ox, earth, swine, wood, field and work | |
7 | 把一块山坡变成了耕作用的一层层梯田 | Turning a hillside into a series of ascending terraces for farming . | |
8 | 不,这里的土地不适合种小麦。泥土太硬了,根本不适合耕种。你从没有经营过农场,对吗? | No, the ground here isn’t good for wheat. The soil is too rocky. It isn’t good for farming at all. You’ve never owned a farm, have you? | |
9 | 从无人到有人,从游牧到定居,如今这里已成了牛羊满山坡的新牧区。 | From unpopulated to populated, from nomadism to fixed habitation, it has now become a new farming zone with cattle and goats all over the hillsides | |
10 | 淡水养鱼大有可为。 | There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming | |
11 | 当然防风林是一种古老的农家措施。 | windbreaks are an age-old farming strategy, of course | |
12 | 当驯鹿养殖业通过每日生存的劳苦深入而全面地为人们所知时,人们以可能的一切方式学习阅读(邦尼·麦克布赖德) | Reading was learned catch-as-catch-can,while reindeer farming was learned deeply and thoroughly through the daily rigors of survival(Bunny McBride) | |
13 | 第二个飞跃,是适应科学种国和生产社会化的需要,发展适度规模经营,发展集体经济。 | The second leap will be to introduce large-scale operations and to expand the collective economy, so as to facilitate scientific farming and socialized production. | |
14 | 对,我一星期只干5天活。但是耕作不再是那么辛苦了,是吗?拖拉机、收割机和其他的耕种设备不是已经使农业发生革命了吗? | Yes, I work only five days a week. But farming isn’t so hard any longer, is it? Haven’t tractors, reapers and other farm equipment revolutionized farming? | |
15 | 发展畜牧业、养殖业、林业 | develop animal husbandry (livestock farming ), aquaculture and forestry | |
16 | 该商店多年来坚持农忙时节,送货下乡,服务上门,既满足了人民日常生活需要,又提高了商店知名度。 | For many years, during the busy farming season this shop has persisted in sending goods to the countryside and making home delivery, thereby not only meeting the needs of people’s daily life, But also raising the degree of its fame. | |
17 | 高产优质高效农业 | Highly efficient farming to provide greater and better yields | |
18 | 国家目标是使农业机械化。 | The country is aim to mechanize its farming industry. | |
19 | 很多土地被大农业投机者夺走,常常还把已经在那里做工的农户赶走。 | Much of the land was grabbed by large agricultural speculators, often driving off families already farming there | |
20 | 还有盗匪--实在是最可怜的同胞,他们种地没得吃,有力气没处出卖,当了兵经常饿肚皮,无奈何只好出此下策。-- | To complicate matters, there are bandits lurking around--those pitiful fellow countrymen who, unable to ward off starvation by farming or soldiering or whatnot, have been reduced to the disreputable business as a last resort | |
21 | 霍皮占有亚利桑那州东北部居留地的若干平顶梯形城堡式构造的普韦布洛人。霍皮人因他们精湛的旱作技术,多姿多彩的仪式生活,以及在物品编织,制陶,银器和纺织等方面的精美工艺而闻名 | A Pueblo people occupying a number of mesa-top pueblos on reservation land in northeast Arizona.The Hopi are noted for their sophisticated dry-farming techniques,a rich ceremonial life,and fine craftsmanship in basketry,pottery,silverwork,and weaving. | |
22 | 积极发展"公司加农户"和订单农业。 | Great efforts will be made to develop "cooperation between farmers and companies" and a made-to-order farming | |
23 | 杰罗姆在英国经营了十年农场后,变卖了全部财产前往加拿大。 | After farming for ten years in Britain, jerome sold up and went to Canada | |
24 | 她致富是因为她最早从事个体农业经营。 | She got rich because she got in on the ground floor of individual farming | |
25 | 近几年来,水栽法种树植已在世界许多地区推广。 | In recent years hydroponic farming has been expanded to many parts of the world. | |
26 | 精耕农业精耕农业用计算机对农作物进行周密的安排,以使其适应不同的土地特点。 | precision Farming precision farming is the computerized management of crops to suit variations in land characteristics | |
27 | 居室种花采用无土栽培,可免除施肥所引起的难闻气味 | For growing flowers a home hank farming can save the smell nuisance caused by the application of fertilizer | |
28 | 据说在他们国家务农不上算。 | It is said that farming didn’t pay in their country. | |
29 | 据说这儿的气候适合养奶牛。 | It is said the weather here would do for dairy farming | |
30 | 靠农业养羊不再风行了。 | arable sheep farming went out of fashion |