属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-没有事后诸葛亮 Without hindsight
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-三千青丝飘万年 Hairy old myths
1 | 他们带着惊奇、迷惘、急躁、心头翻滚的情绪盯着那条公路。 | With fascination and wonder and hot, churning emotion, they stared at the road | |
2 | 我们不能沉醉于今天的急速发展而忽视了本区域的发展潮流。 | We must be careful not to let our fascination with daily headlines cause us to overlook the underlying trends of the region. | |
3 | 我特别喜爱集邮. | Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me. | |
4 | 我转过身去,又一排巨浪迎头向我们扑过来,我以为这一下子多半要给淹死了,不由魂飞魄散地瞅着那可怕的大浪。 | I turned; a second huge wave was overtaking us, winch I half hoped would drown me. With a curious fascination I watched its awful advent | |
5 | 现在他们已经不是单纯地用语言交流感情了。他在她身上看到了那些构成美丽和魅力的难以描绘的气质。 | There was much more passing now than the mere words indicated. He recognised the indescribable thing that made up for fascination and beauty in her. | |
6 | 享有佳誉的纯正奶酪,乡村魅力的再现。 | Pure cheese enjoying a high reputation appeals to you with the rural fascination . | |
7 | 一些人对犯罪有一种病态的痴迷。 | Some people have a morbid fascination with crime. | |
8 | 因为我和他一样对苍头燕雀的歌声着了迷,他就邀请我加入他的研究小组。 | Because I shared his fascination with the chaffinch song, he had invited me to join his research group | |
9 | 音色对比,相逐成趣。 | The contrast in musical tone forming the fascination of this kind of rendering. | |
10 | 在剪裁修改、时期选择、情节交织和另起炉灶之中,作家开始识别出起初脑中并未意识到的那些素材常常导致异乎寻常的自我发现时刻的这种有机过程是一种难以说清的迷恋。 | In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination . | |
11 | 在时隔近百年之后,梅赛德斯-奔驰E级轿车将再次挑战极限,向世人展现豪华汽车品牌所蕴涵的尖端科技和独特魅力,以及一种不断征服、不断超越的汽车精神。 | Nearly 100 years later, Mercedes-Benz will pose to another highlight to showcase the sophisticated technology, the unique fascination and the unremitting pioneering spirit embodied in the luxury brand. | |
12 | 在他的奇形怪状之中别有一种令人不安又难以抗拒的吸力。 | There was a sinister fascination in his strangeness | |
13 | 在以后的几个小时里,我简直有些病态地入迷一般观看棕色皮肤的俯跳者们一个接一个地无畏地投身空中。 | And over the next few hours, I’ll watch with kind of sick fascination as, one after another, these brown-skinned jumpers hurl themselves fearlessly through the skies | |
14 | 在这里,在阴郁、倦怠之中,伯莎发现了一种刺痛人心的魅力。 | There in the melancholy, in the dreariness, Bertha found a bitter fascination | |
15 | 这个题目似乎对她很有吸引力。 | The topic seemed to have a fascination for her. | |
16 | 这种构思过程具有难以形容的魅力,常常导致不寻常的自我发现的时刻。 | This organic process,often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery,is of an indescribable fascination . | |
17 | 这座城市对他很有吸引力。 | The city has a fascination for him. | |
18 | 珍本图书对图书工作人员很有魅力。 | Rare books have a great fascination for librarians. | |
19 | 只要战争被人们认为是邪恶的,它便永远具有有魔力。当它被人认为庸俗的时候,它便不会再流行了。--王尔德 | As long as war is regaded as wicked it will always have its fascination . When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.-- Oscar Wilde | |
20 | 作为结构艺术的大跨度屋顶的魅力―论结构工程师所使用的研究与控制的方法 | Fascination of Big Span Roof as a Kind of Structure Art-Talking about the Methods of Research and Control That Using by Structure Engineer | |
21 | ||1:从这场纽约现代艺术博物馆的回顾展,人们能看出58岁的谢尔曼身为自己的模特,却非自己的缪斯。||2:她的工作室在曼哈顿一幢建筑的九楼,墙上钉着从杂志剪下或者用电脑印出的图片,图中人摆着被她称作“荒谬”的姿势:名媛身着舞会的华裳做着早点;女伶裸裎入镜,仅以定制手袋和廉价珠宝蔽身。||3:她把自己的道具摆在橱柜上,整理得井井有条:七彩斑斓的假发,假鼻子,假胸,还有一些奇怪的衣服。||4:橱柜的抽屉里,一个橙色的塑料匣子盛着大量化妆品;橱柜旁边的一块大手写板则用来给作品做后期数码处理。||5:在这里,谢尔曼女士幻化成照片里那些令人心醉的人儿。 | ||1:A retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York demonstrates that although the 58-year-old American may be her own model, she is not her own muse.||2:Her ninth-floor Manhattan studio also offers clues.Pinned to the walls are magazine cuttings and computer printouts of people in what she calls “preposterous” positions: society ladies in ball gowns making breakfast, actresses who are completely naked except for a designer handbag and costume jewellery.||3:She keeps her props in meticulously organised cupboards—multicoloured wigs, prosthetic noses, false boobs and funny clothes.||4:An orange plastic chest of drawers holds loads of make-up; nearby is the giant track pad she uses to do her post-production digital work.||5:It is here that Ms Sherman mutates into the objects of her fascination . | |
22 | ||1:当时的德国是一个受欢迎的地方,纳戈尔斯基的人物阵容庞大,角色多样。||2:“世界正在这里被创造”,美国建筑师菲利普·约翰逊这样写纳粹前的柏林。||3:希特勒的崛起益发给德国带来了更多的魅力。||4:美国飞行员查尔斯·林德伯格太过愚笨,纳粹党人和美国人都利用了他。||5:约翰·肯尼迪作为一名大学生外表粗犷放纵。 | ||1: Germany was a popular place at the time, giving Mr Nagorski a rich cast of characters. ||2: “The world was being created here,” wrote Philip Johnson, an American architect, of pre-Nazi Berlin. ||3: Hitler’s rise brought yet more fascination . ||4: Charles Lindbergh, an American aviator, was clueless enough to be used by both the Nazis and the Americans. ||5: John F. Kennedy makes a rambunctious appearance as a university student. | |
23 | ||1:反而,托宾书中最棒的章节是关于作家的文章本身,以及他们如何写出“纸页上的冷酷黑色文字”的。||2:年轻的美国诗人哈特克莱恩于1932年自杀身亡,年仅32岁,他的写作句法有种“坚硬闪光的东西在里面”。||3:鲍德温“对雄辩,高翔的措辞,迅猛推进的节奏,句子尖锐辉煌的回环很着迷”。 | ||1: Instead, the finest moments of Mr Toibin’s book are when he focuses on the writers’ prose and how they went about creating their "grim black marks on the page". ||2: Hart Crane, a young American poet who committed suicide aged 32 in 1932, writes with a syntax that has "something hard and glittering in it". ||3: Baldwin had "a fascination with eloquence itself, the soaring phrase, the rhythm pushed hard, the sharp and glorious ring of a sentence." | |
24 | ||1:人们对头发的迷恋几乎和人类历史本身一样古老。||2:但至少两万五千年以来,人们一直在修剪、打理自己的头发,主要是为了满足自己、胜过别人或是让自己显得与众不同。||3:巴黎的凯布朗利博物馆举办了一场关于人类头发的新展览。展览负责人伊夫·乐福很清楚:对发型最早的刻画之一是1894年在法国西南部出土的旧石器时代雕像(被称为“布拉瑟普的维纳斯”)。||4:但他并未显露自己在人类学方面的才华,而是快速而广泛地涉及了 历史上的一些造型师、发型和做发型的人(包括吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达、安格尔和《尤利西斯》里的塞壬海妖等等),以此来把参观者吸引到“心爱的头发”这场展览中来。 | ||1:Man’s fascination with hair is almost as old as humanity itself.||2:But humans have been cutting and coiffing their hair for at least 25,000 years, mostly with the aim of pleasing themselves and distancing or differentiating themselves from others.||3:Yves le Fur, curator of a new show about hair at the Quai Branly museum in Paris, is well aware that one of the earliest depictions of styled hair is a paleolithic figurine known as the Venus of Brassempouy, which was discovered in south-west France in 1894.||4:But he hides his anthropological light under a bushel and draws visitors into “Cheveux Chéris” with a quick tour d’horizon of stylists, styles and styled, from Gina Lollobrigida to Ingres and the sirens of Ulysses. | |
25 | ||朱蒂先生最深远的研究莫过于对法国的历史的学习,尤其是第二次世界大战之前的法国学术历史,他认为这段历史正是法国美好与丑恶并存的时期。||一本名为“过去的瑕疵”的书在1992年出版,该书的最终版本正是关于那些法国统治者沉溺在对自我的放纵和自我的妄想中,并没有察觉到斯大林是个恶魔。 | ||Mr Judt’s deepest knowledge was of France, and particularly its post-war intellectual history, which he regarded with a mixture of fascination and disgust.|| “Past Imperfect”, published in 1992, was the definitive book about the self-indulgence and wilful self-delusion of the French brainboxes who failed to see that Stalin was a monster. | |
26 | “这种传记类作品总是令人着迷,”Margolis说。 | "There is a real fascination with this kind of biographical work, " said Margolis. | |
27 | Paul利用磁带录音机继续新的幻想。 | Paul continued his fascination with the tape recorder. | |
28 | 安鲁那奇人使人类着迷,因为他们存在于人类文化的记忆当中,现在仍然是具有魅力的东西----那些曾经奴役人类的巨人。 | The Annunaki have fascinated mankind, and are still a fascination as they are in human cultural memory - those giants who enslaved mankind. | |
29 | 巴洛斯先生对本书的主题深深着迷,这一点本身就有无限魅力。 | Mr Bellos’s fascination with his subject is itself endlessly fascinating. | |
30 | 不仅城市的运转,一般事物的工作原理都对她有一种持久的吸引力。 | Not just the workings of cities, but of things in general were a lasting fascination to her. |