属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马内的肖像画 勇辟蹊径立异标新
1 | 穿得好、不好、时髦、俗气等 | Dress well,badly,fashionably ,gaudily,etc | |
2 | 她服装入时,洒了香水。 | She was fashionably dressed and perfumed | |
3 | 她衣着总是很时髦. | She’ s a very snazzy dresser, ie She always dresses fashionably | |
4 | 那女孩穿着时髦。 | The girl dresses fashionably . | |
5 | 苏文纨比去年更时髦了,脸也丰腴得多。 | Su Wen-wan was even more fashionably dressed than she was the year before, and her face was much fuller | |
6 | 小客厅里的一切是华丽的,投合着任何时髦女子的心理:壁上的大幅油画,架上的古玩,瓶里的鲜花,名贵的家具,还有,笼里的鹦鹉。 | The entire room was as luxuriously and fashionably furnished as any woman could wish: large oil paintings on the walls, curios on the sideboard, vases of flowers, expensive furniture and, in addition to all this, a parrot in a cage | |
7 | 新潮的时髦地时兴的,尤指在风格,设计或服装上 | Fashionably up-to-date,especially in style,design,or dress. | |
8 | 一个穿着淡灰色时髦衣服的矮胖子转过身子,若无其事地说。 | A stocky figure, fashionably dressed in light grey, turned and said easily | |
9 | 衣着时髦. | be fashionably dressed | |
10 | 这姑娘头发高盘,上面歪戴着一顶礼帽,裙子打着衣褶,很时髦。 | And the girl did up her hair high under a little slanting hat, her skirts were fashionably bunched up | |
11 | 这里只是平常的乡下景色,有些树,树上有蝉噪,然而这里仍旧是“上海”;男女的服装和动作,仍旧是四小姐向来所怕见而又同时很渴慕的。 | It was an ordinary country scene, with trees and the churning of cicadas, but it was still obviously Shanghai with its fashionably -dressed men and women behaving as always in a way she was afraid to look at and yet which she envied | |
12 | ||1:马内本人迷人、诙谐、睿智,经济也比较宽裕。||2:这些肖像画往往不是受人委托而画的。||3:好几幅色彩鲜艳、充满深情的作品里,都可以看见马内那位钢琴家妻子的身影,马内还为朋友们画了一些出彩的肖像画。||4:有些油画画的是职业模特维多利安·莫涵,在画中她散发着一种性感的魅力。||5:这种魅力不论莫涵只穿一件简单的衬衣,还是像马内另一幅著作《草地上的野餐》那样一丝不挂地与衣着入时的男子们野餐,你都能感受得到。||6:莫涵激发了马内的灵感,使他画出了许多深入人心的作品,其中包括最著名的《奥林匹亚》,可惜这幅画不在本次展览中。 | ||1: Seductive, witty and intelligent, Manet was also financially independent. ||2: Few of these portraits were commissions. ||3: His pianist wife can be seen in several glowing, affectionate works, and Manet painted some arresting portraits of his friends. ||4: The canvasses of Victorine Meurent, a professional model, radiate a sexual charge. ||5: This is as true when she is wearing a simple shirt as when she is seen naked at a picnic in the company of fashionably dressed men in his famous painting “Le dejeuner sur l’herbe”. ||6: Meurent inspired haunting and unforgettable works, including Manet’s greatest one, “Olympia”, which is unfortunately not in this show. | |
13 | ||1:四个巨大的塑料大棚庇护着辣椒和西红柿的作物。||2:丰年的时候,这个村子能生产16万公斤优质蔬菜,富余的都给了郡里的穷人。||3:四面八方的官员们都赶来视察这个“切尔迪奇迹”。||4:但洛齐村长仍然不满意,脖子上围着时髦的紫色围巾的他来回踱步。||5:看到吉普赛人工作真的很特别,很有异国情调吗?||6:他像一个骄傲的罗姆人一样说话(他讨厌“Roma”),他喜欢穿着彰显他的吉普赛精神的花哨的衬衫,他用一辆红色的Zsiguli轿车运送蔬菜,车上挂着一串摇曳的念珠。只有吉普赛人才开这种车。 | ||1:Four giant plastic greenhouses sheltered crops of peppers and tomatoes.||2:In a good year the village could produce 160,000kg of quality vegetables, with the surplus going to the poor of the county.||3:Officials from far and wide came to inspect this “Cserdi miracle”.||4:But Mayor Laci, pacing up and down with his purple scarf knotted fashionably round his neck, was still dissatisfied.||5:Was it really so special, so exotic, to see Gypsies working?||6:He spoke as one, a proud Cigany (he hated “Roma”), who revelled in garish shirts that emphasised his Gypsyness, and delivered his vegetables in a red Zsiguli car with a swinging rosary of the sort only Gypsies drove. | |
14 | 木炭,或现在环保圈中流行的称呼“生物炭”,是一种多孔无定形材料, | Charcoal, or "biochar" as it is now fashionably known in environmental circles, is a porous, amorphous material, | |
15 | 10分钟以后,肇事司机7、8个穿着时尚的同伴分别驾驶保时捷、法拉利等各种豪华轿车到达现场。 | Ten minutes of so later, seven or eight fashionably dressed companions arrived in Porsche, Ferrari and other luxury cars. | |
16 | 穿得好╱不好╱时髦╱舒适 | to dress well/badly/fashionably /comfortably | |
17 | 她穿衣总是很时髦。 | s a very snazzy dresser, ie She always dresses fashionably . | |
18 | 每天穿得光鲜亮丽去上班,我怎么有办法不买新衣服? | Q. How can you dress fashionably at work without spending a fortune on new clothes? | |
19 | 恰到好处地姗姗来迟的何鸿燊(StanleyHo),信步走向他的前排座位。 | Arriving fashionably late, Stanley Ho sauntered up to his front-row seat. | |
20 | 适当晚一点儿入市依旧是值得的。 | As ever, it pays to be fashionably late. | |
21 | 在酒店,服务员穿着齐整的灰色服装;旅游人力车的司机身着时髦而朴素的浅褐色短上衣。 | At the hotel, the staff were wearing smart grey dresses; the men driving the tourist rickshaws were in fashionably rustic beige jerkins. | |
22 | 曾几何时,只有在停电的时候才用蜡烛,但随着其设计变得更时尚,近几年来蜡烛已变得更流行。 | Candles, once reserved only for power cuts, have become ever more popular in recent years as interior design has become more fashionably . | |
23 | 这家咨询机构位于伦敦和阿姆斯特丹,做到了颇为时尚的“联网工作”和“全球化”。 | A consultancy based in London and Amsterdam, it is fashionably "networked" and "global" . | |
24 | 这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。 | Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour. | |
25 | 只有一名中年男子,穿着经典款式的西服,发型时髦,端坐在一张干净整洁的办公桌后面。 | Just a middle-aged man, conservative business suit, head fashionably shaved, sitting behind an uncluttered desk. |