1 | (它还被正确地称之为西红柿ketchup,但多数人将西红柿一词从名称中略掉了)。随着美国快餐连锁店如麦当劳的扩展,以西红柿为主料的ketchup已为世界所熟悉。 | (It is still correctly known as "tomato ketchup", but most people drop the "tomato" from the name.)With the spread of American fast-food chains such as McDonald’s, tomato-based ketchup has become familiar worldwide | |
2 | 《肥胖评论》杂志发表了他们的研究结果,他们通过快餐连锁网站上的营养数据计算了麦当劳、肯德基和汉堡王食品的平均能量密度。 | In a study published in the journal Obesity Reviews, they calculated the average energy density of menus at McDonald’s, KFC and Burger King, using nutritional data from the fast food chains’ websites | |
3 | iBook应该如同快餐一样,给人以快乐和便利----它形状圆圆的,外壳是透明塑料,并以越橘色或蜜橘色呈现在众人眼前。 | Like fast food, the ibook is supposed to offer pleasure and convenience--it comes in a rounded shape, transparent plastic, and appears in blueberry or tangerine colours | |
4 | 本厂推出的有益健康、风味独特的快餐食品受到社会各界好评,在此特意登报致谢! | Our wholesome fast food with unique flavour has been well received by people of various circles, and we specially express our thanks in the newspaper. | |
5 | 本快餐厅服务周到,环境整洁,接受电话订餐。 | This fast food restaurant provides thorough and satisfactory service in a clean and tidy environment. Telephone orders are welcome. | |
6 | 本快餐厅每逢周末大抽奖,奖品是精美西点一盒。 | This fast-food restaurant launches a lucky draw every weekend. The lucky person will be rewarded with a box of delicate western-style pastry. | |
7 | 不久前,人们喜爱加工食品,如快餐、罐头食品等等。但现在他们又回到了自然食物。 | Not long ago, people took to processed foods, such as fast food, canned food and so on but now they’ve turned back again to natural food. | |
8 | 部分快餐食品膳食能量调查与评价 | A Survey and Evaluation on Dietary Energy of Certain Fast Food | |
9 | 吃快餐,大都去肯德基,麦当劳不怎么去。 | When eating Fast Food we mostly go to KFC but don’t go Mc Donald’s that often. | |
10 | 此行,笔者所接触到的上海年轻人其实并不多,但是在快餐店、咖啡座所碰到的,态度积极,效率高,一脸的聪明伶俐。 | Well, I did not come into contact with that many young people in Shanghai during my trip, but those whom I’ve met at fast-food restaurants and cafes no doubt struck me as highly-efficient, quick-thinking and full of drive | |
11 | 此行,我所接触到的上海年轻人其实并不多,但是在快餐店、咖啡座所碰到的,态度积极,效率高,一脸的聪明伶俐。 | Well, I did not come into contact with that many young people in Shanghai during my trip, but those whom I’ve met at fast-food restaurants and cafes no doubt struck me as highly-efficient, quick-thinking and full of drive. | |
12 | 但是,走进任何一家上海的快餐店,年轻侍应生积极友善的服务态度,让人重新估量这个城市的无限活力。 | Yet, step into any fast-food restaurant and you will be greeted with warm and friendly service from young waiters and waitresses,they will make you rethink what makes the city tick | |
13 | 但是,走进任何一家上海的快餐店,年轻侍应生积极友善的服务态度。 | Yet, step into any fast-food restaurant and you will be greeted with warm and friendly service from young waiters and waitresses. | |
14 | 多参数食品安全现场快速分析仪的应用研究―保健品中过氧化氢快速测定 | Application of the Multi-Parameter Fast Food Security Analyzer-Fast Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Health Food | |
15 | 方便食品(如罐装食品等) | convenience food; fast food; instant food | |
16 | 该快餐店通过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。 | That fast food business has expanded through the sale of franchises. | |
17 | 广州市大中型超级市场散装直接入口食品卫生质量分析 | Evaluation of Hygienic Quality of Fast Food in Bulk of Supermarkets in Guangzhou | |
18 | 海伦在快餐店里点了炸鸡和色拉。 | Helen ordered both fried chicken and salad in the fast-food restaurant. | |
19 | 家长对快餐餐厅儿童游戏态度与家庭消费型态之关系研究 | The Relationship of Parents’ Attitudes toward Children’s Play on Family Consumption Patterns in Fast Food Restaurants | |
20 | 她决定投资经营快餐店。 | She decided to invest in a fast-food franchise . | |
21 | 尽管饮料工厂采用这些方法对供水进行足够的控制,然而当糖浆和香料运往各地的快餐店和自动售货机时也许会发生大问题。 | Although the water supply in a bottling plant can be adequately controlled by these methods, the big problem occurs when the syrups and flavor bases are shipped to various locations to be used in fast-food restaurants and vending machines. | |
22 | 警惕“快餐文化”对青年社会化的影响 | Be Vigilant with the Influence of the "Fast Food Culture" upon Young People’s Socialization | |
23 | 据说他们是两年前在德克萨斯州的一家快餐店相识的,当时他们所属的部队都驻扎在那里。 | The couple reportedly met two years ago in a fast-food restaurant in Texas, where both of them were stationed | |
24 | 咖啡厅、快餐连锁店和各类餐厅召唤着我们去品尝各种食品。 | Coffee houses, fast-food joints, and every kind of restaurant beckoned us to try every kind of food | |
25 | 看到越来越多中国人爱吃他们的快餐,麦当劳就提高价钱以赚到更多的钱。 | Once it knows more Chinese are attracted by its fast food, it increases its price to get more money out of them. | |
26 | 快餐部是供应快餐的地方。 | Snack Bar is the place where fast-food service is available | |
27 | 快餐生意竞争十分激烈。 | The fast-food business competes intensely. | |
28 | 六一节供应儿童快餐,特价优惠,欢迎品尝。 | On International Children’s Day (June 1), we offer children’s fast food at a special price. Sampling is welcome. | |
29 | 麦当劳是世界上最大的快餐公司,从1994年开始在全世界销售超大装食品。麦当劳说修改菜单是为了"支持平衡的生活方式"而采取的一项措施,以配合最近推出的其他促进健康行为方式的举措。 | The world’s largest fast-food company, which began offering Supersize portions widely in 1994, said it is making the menu changes to "support a balanced lifestyle" approach that is in keeping with other recent moves to promote healthier behavior | |
30 | 美国癌症研究院星期四公布的调查结果使有关餐馆和快餐店在多大程度上造成美国以及世界其它地区肥胖症盛行的辩论更加激烈。 | The findings, released by the American Institute for Cancer Research on Thursday, add to the debate over how much restaurants and fast-food outlets are contributing to the epidemic of obesity in the United States and elsewhere. |