属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪
1 | 重复性“饥饿/再投喂”大鼠体重控制与能量平衡调节的初步研究 | A Primary Study on Controlling Body Weight and Energy Balance in Repeated Fasting /Refeeding Rats | |
2 | 宗教节日的前夕(尤指斋戒的) | Eve of a religious festival,esp one observed by fasting | |
3 | ||1:7月5日特拉布宗的穆夫提和其他居民一道参加斋月的一个星期五礼拜,他们聚会的地方不是清真寺而是一座古老的拜占庭教堂。||2:这次集会象征性地重演了1462年奥斯曼苏丹穆罕默德二世攻占这个古老的希腊黑海港口。穆罕默德二世于1453年夺取了拜占庭的君士坦丁堡。||3:为了纪念胜利,他把今天伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚大教堂变成一座清真寺。 | ||1:ON JULY 5th the mufti of Trabzon gathered with other citizens for the first Friday prayers of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, not at a mosque but at an ancient Byzantine church.||2:The gathering was a symbolic re-enactment of the conquest in 1462 of this ancient Greek Black Sea port by Mehmet II, the Ottoman sultan who had wrested Constantinople from the Byzantines in 1453.||3:He marked his victory by converting the Haghia Sophia cathedral of today’s Istanbul into a mosque. | |
4 | ||1:在刚果,霍斯金斯夫妇自己也惨遭了不幸;双胞胎中的一个是死胎,而另一个在两岁前死亡。||2:他承认在他的作品中带给了读者情感上的挑战。||3:但他并没有过度感伤。||4:他写到犯罪学,警察怎样与媒体周旋,怎样应对罪行背后扭曲的信仰。||5:书的大部分是关于kindoki (非洲巫术手册)。||6:霍斯金斯先生把这认为是一种较为仁慈的折磨,用从 nganga(刚果哺果苏木)中提取的植物药剂治疗,这是一种传统治疗物。||7:但在非洲及英国,复兴基督教会的牧师有增加的趋势,布道一种不同的、恶毒的kindoki。||8:他们使得父母们相信自己的孩子被魔鬼蛊惑,必须通过隔离、禁食和鞭打才能除怪。||9:这些将他们的牧师当做“小神”的绝望而易受骗的信徒们,就会付出很多的钱给他们以治愈这种疾病。 | ||1:Mr Hoskins and his wife suffered their own tragedy in Congo; one of their twins was stillborn, the other died before she was two.||2:He admits his work presents emotional challenges.||3:But he is not overly sentimental.||4:He writes about criminology, how the police deal with the media and the perverted beliefs behind the crimes.||5:Much of the book is about kindoki.||6:Mr Hoskins understands this as a benign affliction treated with a potion of plant extracts from a nganga, a traditional healer.||7:But there is a growing trend of pastors in new revivalist Christian churches, both in Africa and Britain, preaching a different, malevolent kind of kindoki.||8:They convince parents that their children are possessed by demons which must be exorcised through isolation, fasting and beatings.||9:Gullible and desperate believers, who consider their pastors to be “little Gods”, will pay good money for them to cure this malady. | |
5 | 据《商业内幕》(Business Insider)报道,“有确凿证据表明,定期禁食可以延长寿命,预防疾病。 | According to Business Insider, there is also, "solid evidence that suggests periodic fasting could prolong lifespan and prevent disease. " | |
6 | 据《商业内幕》报道,“这被称为间歇性禁食,所以它更像是禁食,而非节食。 | According to Business Insider, "It’s called intermittent fasting , so it’s more of a fast than a diet. | |
7 | 有一种新的饮食方式,目前很多名人都在尝试,它叫做间歇性禁食。 | There is a new diet that many celebrities are trying now called Intermittent fasting . | |
8 | 233例非糖尿病人群空腹血浆胰岛素水平预测体重增加的前瞻性研究 | A prospective study of predicting body weight gain by fasting plasma insulin levels in 233 non-diabetics | |
9 | 2型糖尿病人血清瘦素与胰岛素和血糖水平的关系 | Relationship between Serum Leptin and Insulin Concentrations, Fasting Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes | |
10 | 30年前,除了葬礼或是斋月这类的正式场合,很少会听到有人诵读古兰经。 | A generation ago it was rare to hear the Koran recited, except on formal occasions such as funerals or during the fasting month of Ramadan. | |
11 | 不同剂量四氧嘧啶与禁食对制作小鼠糖尿病模型的影响 | Effect of different dosage of alloxan and fasting on diabetic mouse model | |
12 | 不同禁食时间对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠模型的血清胰岛素和血糖的影响 | Influences on Serum Insulin and Glucose by Different Fasting Time in Alloxan Diabetic Mice | |
13 | 不同空腹血糖状态人群的C肽值意义 | Clinical significance of C-peptide in subjects with different blood glucose levels under fasting state | |
14 | 不同血糖水平下相关因素与胰岛素抵抗的关系 | Relationship between the Related Factors and Insulin Resistance under Different Fasting Plasma Glucose | |
15 | 彩色多普勒对肝硬化患者入肝血管的血流动力学研究 | Color doppler study of fasting and postprandial hemodynamic changes in hepatic artery and portal vein in cirrhotic patients | |
16 | 蚕丝蛋白对糖尿病小鼠空腹血糖和糖耐量的影响 | Influence of fibroin on fasting glucose and glucose tolerance of diabetic mice | |
17 | 藏族原发性高血压家系正常儿童胰岛素及胰岛素敏感性的研究 | Fasting plasma insulin and insulin sensitivity in the offspring of parents with a family hypertensive history | |
18 | 成人空腹血糖异常率及其影响因素 | Abnormal rate of fasting plasma glucose and its influencing factors in adults | |
19 | 从实际角度来看,人们能够坚持禁食方案多长时间目前还是个问题。 | From a practical standpoint, it’s unclear whether people could stick to an alternate-day fasting regimen for any length of time. | |
20 | 从希波克拉底、苏格拉底、柏拉图等哲学家以来的几千年认为禁食是保持健康的主要原因。 | For thousands of years, beginning with philosophers like Hippocrates, Socrates and Plato, fasting was recommended for health reasons. | |
21 | 从心血管危险因素看空腹血糖受损切点下调 | The clinical significance of lowering the cut-point of impaired fasting glucose: in view of cardiovascular risk factors | |
22 | 代谢综合征患者空腹血清游离脂肪酸水平与胰岛素抵抗的关系 | Relationship of fasting serum free fatty acids levels and insulin resistance in patients with metabolic syndrome | |
23 | 但是应当尽量避免快速的减肥,因为这样可以一过性增加体内尿酸的水平。 | But avoid fasting or rapid weight lose, since doing so may temporarily raise uric acid levels. | |
24 | 对急性有机磷农药中毒反跳与禁食时间的研究 | Study of rebound phenomenon and fasting time in the patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning | |
25 | 对糖尿病合并情感障碍患者辅助心理干预对空腹血糖的影响 | Study on influence of psychological intervention on fasting blood sugar of patient with diabetes mellitus and mental disorder | |
26 | 对我国糖尿病人群空腹血糖诊断水平的探讨 | Exploring the diagnostic level of fasting plasmaglucoseinaChinesediabeticpopulation | |
27 | 鹅真代谢能测定法适宜绝食排空期与排泄物收集期的研究 | Study on the Appropriate Fasting Period and Excreta Collecting Time for True Metabolizable Energy Measurement in Goose | |
28 | 二甲双胍和瑞格列奈对2型糖尿病空腹高血糖的控制效果 | Effects of metformin and repaglinide on fasting blood-glucose in patients with 2 type diabetic patients | |
29 | 二人在各教会中选立了长老,又禁食祷告,就把他们交托所信的主。 | And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting , they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed. | |
30 | 芬太尼透皮贴剂用于禁食癌痛病人的疗效观察 | Observation on efficacy of transdermal fentanyl in the treatment of cancer pain of fasting patients |