属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会的改变 弱男子
1 | 《玉台新咏序》的女性色彩与宫体诗人的文学旨趣 | Femininity and Literary Orientation of Court Style Poets in "Preface to New Songs from Jade Terrace" | |
2 | 20世纪90年代女性“三态”的显示和阐释-以《女性生命潮汐》(《选读》和《研究》)为例 | A Display of and Interpretation to "The Three States" of the 1990s’ Femininity -A Case Study for the Life Tide of the Femininity Including the Selection and the Study | |
3 | 不论这位外星人降落在地球上任何地点,都会察觉到人类中的男女性别。 | She would notice femininity and masculinity, no matter where on earth she landed | |
4 | 但最重要的是,我妈妈的为人,深深地影响了我对女性自身的看法。 | Most importantly, though, my mother, because of the person she is, has greatly influenced my attitudes toward my femininity | |
5 | 她是个不折不扣的行政主管,可是她并没有失去女性的特质。我认为这是她最大的一项成就。 | She’s every inch an executive,but she has not lost her femininity ,and I think that’s one of her greatest achievements. | |
6 | 她衣着朴素,穿着平底鞋,头发剪得很短,仿佛要消除女性的痕迹似的。 | She dressed severely, wore flat-heeled shoes, and had her hair cropped short, as if to exorcise her femininity | |
7 | 淋漓展现妩媚色彩,全凭崭新亮采技术 | Flaunt your femininity with sweet-edged shades empowered by Advanced Luminous Technology. | |
8 | 男性、女性、第三性-论《夜林》中超前的女性意识 | Masculinity, Femininity , and the Third Sex: On the Advance Feminist Consciousness in Nightwood | |
9 | 女性的性别失落与尴尬-试论延安时期的女性写作 | The Loss of Femininity and the Embarrassment of Women: Women’s Writing during Yan’an Period | |
10 | 女性性质、女性杂志与资本全球化 | International Women’s Magazine and the Formation of "Public" Woman Situating Femininity within Global Capitalism | |
11 | 女性与现代海派电影中的性别叙事 | Femininity and the Gender Narrative in Modem Shanghai Movies | |
12 | 强弱柔刚之辨―对《老子》“柔弱胜刚强”的解析 | The Analysis of "Femininity Exceeds Mightiness" in Lao Zi | |
13 | 探询宋代男性词人作品女性化的表象 | Femininity Phenomenon in Male Writers’ Works in Song Dynasty | |
14 | 西莉亚知道,这样打扮,把生意人的干脆利落和女性的特点完满地结合在一起了,很中看。 | Celia knew that she looked good and that the combination was a happy blend of business crispness and femininity | |
15 | 献身的决心使得敏感的女人气质黯然失色了。 | Sensitive femininity was eclipsed by devoted purpose | |
16 | 消费时代大众传播媒介与中国“女人味”神话 | Mass Media and Chinese "Femininity " Myth in the Consumption Age | |
17 | ||1:那么问题来了,我们能做什么呢?其一在于改变文化态度。||2:在过去的一代,中产阶层的男士知晓了他们需要帮忙照看小孩,并由此改变了他们的行为。||3:工人阶层的男士们需要加紧脚步赶上来了。||4:女士知晓了她们可以成为外科医师和物理学家而不失其女性魅力。||5:男人们需要明白传统的体力工作一去不复返,他们可以成为护士或美发师而不失其男性霸气侧漏之美。 | ||1:What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes.||2:Over the past generation, middle-class men have learned that they need to help with child care, and have changed their behaviour.||3:Working-class men need to catch up.||4:Women have learned that they can be surgeons and physicists without losing their femininity .||5:Men need to understand that traditional manual jobs are not coming back, and that they can be nurses or hairdressers without losing their masculinity. | |
18 | ||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白?雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。 | ||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”. | |
19 | ||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白·雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。 | ||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”. | |
20 | 高跟鞋给了一些女性一种赋权感和女性气质(更不用说更高的身高了)。 | These give some women a sense of empowerment and femininity (not to mention extra height). | |
21 | 从西方人的视角看,唇膏和珠子本是符合女性的温柔气质的,但是沃达贝人的文化传统更强调男性美! | Lipstick and beads may be associated with femininity in Western eyes, but the ceremonial costumes aim to emphasise male beauty | |
22 | 但总有例外,当然,是否选择优雅作为女人味的体现,完全取决于你自己。 | There are always exceptions, of course, and it is totally up to you whether you choose gracefulness to be an expression of your femininity . | |
23 | 粉红色让人感到一种女性的温柔,这种暖色调适合于年轻、大胆的消费群体。 | Pink is associated strongly with femininity , with the brighter hues lending towards a younger, bolder audience. | |
24 | 妇女在中世纪西欧城市工商业中的作用与地位 | Femininity ’s Action and Status in Industry and Commerce in Western European City in the Middle-Ages | |
25 | 京派作家的女性观 | Femininity Outlook by the Writers of Beijing | |
26 | 科学家说,泰勒的“超级女人味”增益了她的美丽 | Taylor’s ’Hyper-Femininity ’ Contributed to Beauty, Scientist Says | |
27 | 劳伦斯与张爱玲小说创作中的人性观及女性观 | On the Humanity and Femininity in Lawrence’s and ZHANG Ai-ling’s Novels | |
28 | 论鲁迅的女性观 | Lu Xun’s Attitude Towards Femininity | |
29 | 男人总希望女人年轻和阴柔,这反过来表明了高生育率。 | Men consistently want women who show signs of youth and femininity , which in turn indicate high fertility. | |
30 | 年轻女孩已经被粉红色公主文化所感染,因为这种文化包含着一种明显的女性特质。 | Young girls have been infected with a pink princess culture that embraces an overt and conspicuous femininity . |