属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-美国机构称边境拘押人数太多
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-粮农组织编制缓解人类与野生动物冲突工具包
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 一客机疑似遭无人机撞击
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-多个“史上第一”闪耀奥运首个周末
1 | 该报告于周二发布。文件中包含人们站在铁丝网和栅栏背后的照片。有人躺在光秃秃的地板上无所事事,有些男性挤在一个只能站立的房间内,因为房间太小,而人又太多了。 | The report was released Tuesday. The document includes pictures of people behind chain-link fencing and other barriers. Some are lying on bare floors with nothing to do. Some men are in a room where they can only stand because the room is small and there are too many people. | |
2 | 取水点的坚固栅栏可以提供保护。同时,人们下水时应该多人一组,并用棍棒、石头、斧头和长矛等武器武装自己。 | Strong fencing at watering points can offer protection. And people should always enter the water several at a time, in groups armed with weapons like sticks and stones, axes and spears. | |
3 | 已经有人呼吁开发强制性的区域限定软件,以自动阻止这些侵入行为,也可使得相关规定能得到严格执行。 | There have been calls for mandatory geo-fencing software, which would stop these incursions automatically, and for the rules to be applied more stringently. | |
4 | 在周一上午进行的女子重剑比赛中,伊布蒂哈吉·穆罕默德( Ibtihaj Muhammad)成为首位戴着头巾参加奥运会的美国运动员。 | And in the women’s sabre fencing competition on Monday morning, Ibtihaj Muhammad became the first-ever U.S. athlete to wear a hijab in the Olympics. | |
5 | “特殊技能:剑术?”芬兰语流利? | "Special skills: Fencing " ? Fluent in Finnish? | |
6 | 1896年雅典奥运会上击剑成为奥运会项目。 | Fencing became an Olympic sport at Athens in 1896. | |
7 | 1976年他雇用两人炸毁了一架古巴飞机,致使包括古巴国家击剑团队在内的73人丧生。 | In 1976 two of his employees blew up a Cuban aircraft, killing 73 people, including the country’s national fencing team. | |
8 | Matajuro被告诫:不准谈论剑术,不准触碰宝剑。 | Matajuro was told never to speak of fencing and never to touch a sword. | |
9 | Outsports提到的同性恋运动员中有九名都是女同性恋,她们的参赛项目包括击剑、自行车等。 | Nine of the gay athletes named by Outsports were lesbians and their sports ranged from fencing to cycling. | |
10 | SMW工法在深基坑围护工程中应用 | Application of simple SMW method in deep footing groove’s surrounding and fencing construction |