属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-学习农民的老派经验应对干旱
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-IBM公司为发展中国家提供更精准详细的天气预报
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-如何种植鳞茎植物?
1 | 宙斯操纵日夜更替,四季轮回;他控制天气变化,给人间刮风下雨,滋润田野和草地。 | Zeus orders the alternation of day and night, the seasons succeed at his command, the winds obey him, now he gathers, now scatters the clouds, and bids the gentle rain fall to fertilize the fields and meadows | |
2 | ||1:畜牧业生产也已经萎缩。||2:汤姆森表示,他会卖出一些牛和猪,但不会全卖掉。||3:这些牲畜能够提供的不止是钱,还能提供粪便替代化学肥料用于土地施肥。||4:同时粪便有助于土壤保持水分。||5:爱荷华州立大学研究人员里克·克鲁斯(Rick Cruse)表示,这是另一种类型的保险。 | ||1:Livestock production has also shrunk.||2:Dick Thompson says he will sell some of his cows and hogs, but not all of them.||3:They provide more than money. They also provide the manure that he uses to fertilize the soil, instead of chemical fertilizers.||4:And the manure helps the soil hold water.||5:Iowa State University researcher Rick Cruse says that is another kind of insurance. | |
3 | 这种精度可以提供何时以及何地会下大雨的详细信息。这在紧急情况下可能很有用,并且可以帮助农民决定何时种植、施肥以及收获。 | That kind of precision can provide details of where and when extremely heavy rain will fall. That could be useful in emergency situations, and could help farmers decide when to plant, harvest and fertilize crops. | |
4 | 种植的头年不要使用化肥。之后,如果给鳞茎施肥,不要在种植的洞中混入化肥,否则根茎会被烧坏。 | Do not use fertilizer for the first year. After that, if you do fertilize the bulbs, do not mix the fertilizer in the planting hole. It could burn the roots. | |
5 | 种植的头年不要使用化肥。之后,如果给鳞茎施肥,不要在种植的洞中混入化肥,否则根茎会被烧坏。 | Do not use fertilizer for the first year. After that, if you do fertilize the bulbs, do not mix the fertilizer in the planting hole. It could burn the roots. | |
6 | 草种差异、施肥及修剪对冷季型草坪根系影响 | Effects of fertilize , mowing and species on root system in Cool-Season turf grasses | |
7 | 此外,动物界里,大量的精子在不同雄性使雌性卵细胞受精的激烈竞争中也都趋向进化。 | Moreover, in animals, large numbers of sperm tend to evolve when competition between different males to fertilize a female’s eggs is fierce. | |
8 | 大多数开花植物都具有雌性和雄性性器官,不需要交配对象就可以自己受精生殖。 | Most flowering plants, equipped with both male and female sex organs, can fertilize themselves and procreate without the aid of a mate. | |
9 | 氮肥施用量对生土地大豆生物性状和产量的影响 | Effects of the Nitrogen Fertilize Application Rates on Biological Characters and Yields of Raw Soil Soybean | |
10 | 氮磷钾不同施用量对两系杂交水稻产量和养分吸收利用的影响 | The different fertilize amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium impacts on yield and nutrients absorption of two-line hybrid rice | |
11 | 靛酚蓝分光光度法测定化肥厂废水中微量氨 | Determination of Milligram Ammonia in Waste Water of Chemical Fertilize Plant by Indigo Spectrophotometry | |
12 | 动物排泄物和庄稼废物可以用来肥沃池塘也可以喂鱼。 | Animal and crop waste can be used to fertilize the pond and feed the fish. | |
13 | 而大多数孵化场也使用人工授精技术让驯养火鸡蛋受精。 | As such, most hatcheries use artificial insemination to fertilize the eggs of the domestic turkey. | |
14 | 湖南双季稻主产区稻草还田现状、作用机理及利用模式 | Returning straw to fertilize the paddyfield in Hunan leading double-season rice region: actuality, principle and utilizing pattern | |
15 | 几种牧草对河西走廊盐渍化土壤改土培肥的效应研究 | The effects on forage to ameliorate and fertilize saline-alkali soil in the Hexi area | |
16 | 她坦白说她已经被“禁止”为沃尔特的花施肥,因为“上一次”她搞砸了。 | She confided that she’d been "forbidden" to fertilize Walter’s flowers after what had happened "last time. " | |
17 | 抹香鲸向藻类施肥,反过来,又通过光合作用吸收二氧化碳。 | Sperm whale poop helps fertilize algae, which in turn suck up carbon dioxide via photosynthesis. | |
18 | 莫顿想确保来自转基因作物的花粉不会让他的甜菜受精。 | Morton wants a guarantee that pollen from those genetically engineered beets will not fertilize his chard or red beets. | |
19 | 你想没想过如何分离出一个精子来和一个卵子进行受精? | Ever wonder how individual sperm are selected to fertilize a single egg? | |
20 | 苹果不同施肥方式对铁的吸收、运输与分配的影响 | The Reaserch about the Absorption, Transportation and Distribution of Iron in Apple Trees by Using Different Fertilize Methods | |
21 | 其中的一只形体巨大且占尽优势,它为了使乌鱼子受孕而几百了所有其他的雄性对手。 | One is large and dominant, fighting off other males in order to fertilize the female’s eggs. | |
22 | 如何巧施水稻叶面肥 | How to fertilize on leaves skillfully | |
23 | 他们的精液不仅可以激发女性排卵,精子也更容易卵子受精着床。 | Their semen would encourage ovulation, and their sperm would be more likely to fertilize eggs. | |
24 | 它们的任务是:让足够多的鸡蛋受精,以保证甲流疫苗的充足供应。 | Their mission: Fertilize enough eggs to keep supplies of swine-flu vaccine flowing. | |
25 | 特高黑麦草不同用种量及施肥处理的产量效果比较 | Compare of Effect on Yields of Dispose of Annual Ryegrass by Different Seed Quantity and Fertilize | |
26 | 同时,康维尔谈到蓝莓不能自花传粉,所以种植者必须保证蓝莓可以交叉传粉的条件。 | Colville also determined that blueberries can’t self-fertilize , so the grower must make sure the crop can be cross-pollinated. | |
27 | 幸运的胜利者将花20分钟的时间进入卵子使其受精。 | The lucky winner will take about 20 minutes to burrow in and fertilize the egg. | |
28 | 液体有机肥在水稻栽培上的应用效果研究 | Research on application effectively of liquid organic fertilize in rice culture | |
29 | 已知茄属植物种类的仅仅不到一半不能自交。 | Just under half of the known nightshade species cannot self-fertilize . | |
30 | 以草饲养的牛的粪便可用来给土地施肥,而且这种牛肉也更健康。 | Grass-finished bovines fertilize their land, and their meat is healthier, too. |