属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
1 | 为了完成此事他们以狂热的速度工作着。 | They worked with feverish haste to finish the job. | |
2 | 我不清楚,可觉得发热。还有我头疼得厉害,喉咙也痛。 | I’m not sure, but I feel feverish . And I have a terrible headache and sore throat. | |
3 | 我感觉发烧了。 | I feel feverish . | |
4 | 我觉得发烧。 | I feel feverish . | |
5 | 我觉得有点发烧。 | I feel feverish . | |
6 | 我现在要看见它对宗教泰然虔诚奉献的意大利文艺复兴前期作品到狂热梦 | More splendid still, the whole magnificent world of painting would be opened to me, from the Italian Primitives, with their serene religious devotion, to the Moderns, with their feverish visions | |
7 | 我现在要看见它对宗教泰然虔诚奉献的意大利文艺复兴前期作品到狂热梦幻的现代派作品。 | More splendid still,the whole magnificent world of painting would be opened to me,from the Italian Primitives,with their serene religious devotion,to the Moderns,with their feverish visions. | |
8 | 雾中出来一个人,步伐十分急促,走进街灯下的一圈亮光中时,似乎在狂暴地跳舞。 | Through the mist came a man at so feverish a pace that he seemed to dance with fury as he entered the orb of glow from a street-lamp | |
9 | 心内发膨胀,口中无滋味,脚下如绵,眼中似醋,黑夜作烧,白昼常倦,下溺连精,嗽痰带血.诸如此症,不上一年都添全了. | Before a year was out he suffered from heartburn, loss of appetite, emissions in his urine and blood in his phlegm; his legs trembled, his eyes smarted; he was feverish at night and exhausted by day. | |
10 | 性爱的主题赋予他的文本一种炽热的张力,男女调情动作在很多剧作中成为基本模式。 | Erotic themes give his texts feverish excitement, and many of them have the choreography of seduction as their basic pattern | |
11 | 一旦你觉得发烧就吃这药片,每天3次。 | Once you feel feverish , take these pill three times a day | |
12 | 一个学生象是有病,似乎在发烧。 | One of the students looked sick and feverish . | |
13 | 以狂热的进度工作. | Worked at a feverish pace. | |
14 | 在发烧状态中. | in a feverish condition | |
15 | 这孩子身上发烧. | The child’s body felt feverish . | |
16 | 这位侦探显然是被那一笔破案的奖金给迷住了。他在等候蒙古号的时候,露出一种显而易见的急躁情绪。 | The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of success, and awaited with a feverish impatience, easy to understand, the arrival of the steamer `Mongolia’ | |
17 | 这种寒热病治愈很慢,而且常常会在你以为已经好转的时候又复发起来。 | This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure, it often kicks back just when you think you are better | |
18 | --这种活力很快便消沉下去,仿佛在生命之潮的急剧而热烈的进发之中衰竭了,继之而来的又是另一种有狂野精力的形象。这和北极光的变幻不定极其相似。 | soon sinking down, as if exhausted by so rapid and feverish a tide of life-and succeeded by other shapes of a similar wild energy. It was like nothing so much as the phantasmagoric play of the northern lights. | |
19 | ||1:《走向天尽头》以三个主人公的人生经历来追踪以色列的发烧进程。||2:小说的开篇场景设定在1967年,描述的是三个少男少女在医院病房的初遇,其中有两个是男孩。||3:奥拉因闺友意外死亡,备受伤悲,常在梦中惊叫;埃弗拉姆机智健谈、善抚他人;依蓝似乎病得最重。||4:随着各自体温的升升降降,他们的性格彼此同化,形成了三位一体。||5:他们尚不知道,他们之间形成的是一种将会影响其余生命运的关系。 | ||1: “To the End of the Land” follows the course of the feverish state of Israel in the lives of its three main characters. ||2: The prologue, set in 1967, tells of their first meeting as teenagers in a hospital ward. There are two boys and a girl. ||3: Ora cries out in her sleep, haunted by the accidental death of her best friend. Avram is witty, talkative, consoling. Ilan seems the sickest of the three. ||4: As their individual temperatures scale up and down, they form a trinity, each becoming an aspect of the other’s identity. ||5: Without knowing it, the three enter into a relationship that will determine the rest of their lives. | |
20 | 这些地方是为了筛查人群中是否有covid-19的发烧患者。 | to screen the masses for feverish victims of covid-19. | |
21 | 《走到国土尽头》里的三个主角的生活是沿着以色列“发烧”的各个阶段而展开的。 | "To the End of the Land" follows the course of the feverish state of Israel in the lives of its three main characters. | |
22 | SARS时期无疫区发热病人的心理护理 | Psychological nursing of feverish patients in areas from SARS during SARS prevalence | |
23 | 不同于作为普通观众的“大众”,构成大众影评主体的是“过度而狂热的看客”,即“迷”; | What constitutes the main part of the reviewers are "fans" , fervent and feverish audience, who are different from common audience. | |
24 | 从该公司英国脸书(Facebook)首页上的浏览率就能看出来多少人带着狂热的绝望在乞求卡卡圈坊能在他们所在的地区也开分店。 | A visit to the company’s British Facebook page reveals people begging them to open stores in their areas, with feverish desperation. | |
25 | 但我们等待着的是那依旧炽烈的,爱。 | But feverish was our waiting, Love. | |
26 | 电视法制节目的热播、潜在危机与对策 | Feverish Popularity and Potential Crisis of TV Legal Programs and Our CountermeasuresHuang | |
27 | 多数患者出现轻度的发热症状。 | The majority of sufferers get mild feverish symptoms. | |
28 | 发热的节律性与急性“未明热”的药物选用 | Feverish rhythm and choosing between acute "unknown fever" drugs | |
29 | 发烧的大陆游客甚至可以用自己的货币即人民币购买羚羊角切片。 | Feverish visitors from the mainland can even pay for their shavings in their own currency, the yuan. | |
30 | 父亲渴望讨人喜欢已有点发狂了。 | Father became a little feverish in his anxiety to please. |