属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 刚果爆发新一轮埃博拉病毒
1 | 阿司匹林是一种缓和的非麻醉性解热镇痛药,可治疗头痛、肌肉痛、关节痛、退热、消炎、消肿。 | Its analgesic, fever-reducing, and anti-inflammatory effects make it useful in treating headaches, muscle and joint aches, arthritis pain, and the symptoms of mild fevers and infections. | |
2 | 但经验警告我不能贪吃。我记得,在伯尔伯里上岸时,几个在那儿当奴隶的英国人因葡萄吃得太多,害痢疾和热病死了。 | But I was warn’d by my experience to eat sparingly of them, remembering that when I was ashore in barbary, the eating of grapes kill’d several of our English men who were slaves there, by throwing them into fluxes and fevers . | |
3 | 对来自地方性流行区,出现不明原因发热的人进行检查,确定是否感染拉沙热是很重要的。 | It is very important that fevers of unknown origin in people coming from these endemic areas beinvestigated for the possibility of Lassa fever. | |
4 | 古时,医生碰到病人患各种热病时,总是给病人放血。 | In olden times,in the case of fevers ,the physician always let blood from the patient. | |
5 | 连续发烧会使人元气大伤。 | Continual fevers weaken the vitality. | |
6 | 疟疾热交替有发冷、发烧和出汗现象的发热症状。主要指和疟疾有关的发烧 | A febrile condition in which there are alternating periods of chills,fever,and sweating.Used chiefly in reference to the fevers associated with malaria. | |
7 | 热病来得快,去得慢。 | Fevers come on horseb ack but go away on foot. | |
8 | 沙门氏菌病:某些由沙门氏菌属引起的细菌性传染病,包括伤寒,类似发烧,及胃肠炎。 | Salmonellosis: Any of several bacterial infections caused by salmonella, including typhoid and similar fevers and gastroenteritis. | |
9 | 他有消化不良、发烧、以及其它数不尽的病。 | He had bad digestion, fevers and numberless other illnesses. | |
10 | 在血液中寻找寄生虫可诊断疟疾。奎宁久被用来消退发热。 | Malaria is diagnosed by detecting the parasites in blood. Quinine was long used to alleviate the fevers . | |
11 | 流感时发烧最为常见。 | With flu, fevers are more common. | |
12 | ||1:疟疾祸害人类千年,盖茨先生是最近一个反抗它的对手。||2:公元前2700年中国的文字资料就记载着一些植物能治疗由疟疾引起的发烧的。||3:再往离现在近的时间看,世界卫生组织在1955年展开首次消灭疟疾的行动。||4:但是在非洲,遏制疟疾的传播率似乎非常棘手。||5:14年之后,世卫放弃了。||6:有些科学家慨叹,上一次世界本来试图消灭疟疾,结果被消灭的是疟疾学家。 | ||1: Mr Gates is only malaria’s latest adversary. The parasite has plagued man for millennia. ||2: Chinese texts from 2700BC describe plants to treat its fevers . ||3: More recently, in 1955, the WHO embarked on its first malaria-eradication effort. ||4: But transmission rates in Africa seemed intractable. ||5: After 14 years the WHO gave up. ||6: The last time the world tried to eliminate malaria, some scientists lament, the world eliminated malariologists. | |
13 | ||1:疟疾祸害人类千年,盖茨先生最近一个反抗它的对手。公元前2700年中国的文字资料就记载着一些植物能治疗由疟疾引起的发烧的。||2:再往离现在近的时间看,世界卫生组织在1955年展开首次消灭疟疾的行动。||3:但是在非洲,遏制疟疾的传播率似乎非常棘手。||4:14年之后,世卫放弃了。||5:有些科学家慨叹,上一次世界本来试图消灭疟疾,结果被消灭的是疟疾学家。 | ||1: Mr Gates is only malaria’s latest adversary. The parasite has plagued man for millennia. Chinese texts from 2700BC describe plants to treat its fevers . ||2: More recently, in 1955, the WHO embarked on its first malaria-eradication effort. ||3: But transmission rates in Africa seemed intractable. ||4: After 14 years the WHO gave up. ||5: The last time the world tried to eliminate malaria, some scientists lament, the world eliminated malariologists. | |
14 | 蝙蝠也被认为是埃博拉病毒和马尔堡热传播的幕后推手,尽管这两种就并不是由冠状病毒引起的,但它们也是病毒感染。 | Bats are also reckoned to be behind the spread of Ebola and Marburg fevers ,which are viral infections as well, though not caused by coronaviruses. | |
15 | 卫生局表示在接近乌干达边境的贝尼镇附近 | The health ministry said that twenty people have died from hemorrhagic fevers | |
16 | 病毒性出血热概述 | Summarization of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers | |
17 | 常见的症状有发烧、盗汗(通常在夜间)、淋巴结肿大、发冷、虚弱和体重减轻。 | Common symptoms are fevers , sweats (particularly at night), swollen lymph glands, chills, weakness, and weight loss. | |
18 | 从一些患有不知名神秘发烧症状的病人身上抽出来的血液正在等待(研究人员)进行分析。 | The blood of patients with mysterious, nameless fevers was waiting to be analyzed. | |
19 | 地板上,两位还在发着高烧的父母正躺在床垫上休息。 | Two of the adults with the group were sick, sacked out on mattresses on the floor with high fevers . | |
20 | 而那些1周岁内曾经历两次或以上发烧的孩子,患上过敏症的仅仅占31%。 | But of the children who had two or more fevers only 31 percent showed allergic sensitivity. | |
21 | 公元前2700年中国的文字资料就记载着一些植物能治疗由疟疾引起的发烧的。 | The parasite has plagued man for millennia. Chinese texts from 2700BC describe plants to treat its fevers . | |
22 | 她觉得自己好一点,但她仍然在发烧,现在她觉得甚至连最小的行动都呼吸急促。 | She felt a little better but she was still having fevers , and now she felt short of breath with even minimal effort. | |
23 | 举个例子,他解释道上溯至公元前3000年,亚述人和苏美尔人用大蒜-另一个秘密-去治疗感冒,炎症和外伤。 | C. show that the Assyrians and Sumerians used garlic -- another secret -- to treat fevers , inflammation and injuries. | |
24 | 据了解,它可以净化肺部和皮肤,使身体排汗退热,而且它还有镇定作用。 | It is known to purify the lungs and skin and generate perspiration to reduce fevers . It has calming properties as well. | |
25 | 羚羊角磨粉放在水中烧开据说有平肝解热的作用。 | Horn shavings, boiled in water, are said to quieten the liver and quell fevers . | |
26 | 然而,这些药物对病毒感染无效,如流感、普通感冒和致命的出血热如埃博拉。 | However, such drugs are useless against viral infections, including influenza, the common cold, and deadly hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola. | |
27 | 通常,犀角被研磨成粉,然后在沸水里熬制,用以治疗发烧、风湿和痛风。 | Shaved or ground into a powder, the horn is dissolved in boiling water and used to treat fevers , rheumatism and gout. | |
28 | 犀角经研磨成粉并掺入液体,数千年来一直在亚洲传统医学中用于治疗发烧和其他疾病。 | Ground up and added to liquids, rhino horn has been used for millennia in traditional Asian medicine to treat fevers and other ailments. | |
29 | 这些疾病会引起偶尔的发烧,长期的咳嗽或者是长达数月的身体疲惫感。 | The illness causes occasional fevers , a persistent cough and a general feeling of exhaustion that can last for months. | |
30 | 正像麦克尼尔先生写到的,“在巴拿马流行病的帮助下,大不列颠就这样诞生了。” | As Mr. McNeill wrote, "Thus Great Britain was born, with assistance from the fevers of Panama. " |