属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欺骗的重要 The importance of tri
1 | 中古志怪小说女性形象到唐传奇女性形象的演变 | Comparing Feminine Images of Zhiguai Fictions during the Medieval Times with Tang Legends | |
2 | 中古志怪小说女性形象塑造艺术浅析 | Characteristics and Methods of Feminine Images in Zhiguai Fictions during the Medieval Times | |
3 | 中国古代历险记小说论纲-以《西游记》为中心 | An Outline of the Ancient Chinese Adventurous Fictions -Centered around the Monkey King | |
4 | 中国小说的传播与朝鲜初期儒教的统治 | The Spreading of Chinese Fictions and the Reign of the Confucianism in the Early Zosen Dynasty of the Ancient Korea | |
5 | ||1:当然,看完这些照片,你会发现她在岁月里优雅地老去,在幻境里却无比迷人,甚是有趣。||2:2007年,法国《时尚》杂志委托她拍摄一组六张照片,化身为一位身着Balenciaga的中年“潮人”,让人想起《名流》(The Socialites)系列。||3:在《名流》中,她扮演一些疑心已成箧中弃扇的年长妇女。||4:她们面对年华老去的姿态庄严,说明她观察人时能做到感同身受,鞭辟入里。 | ||1:Indeed, looking over all the photographs, it is interesting to see how the artist has aged gracefully in real life but intriguingly badly in her fictions .||2:In 2007 French Vogue commissioned her to do a series of six photographs in which she transformed herself into desperate middle-aged fashion victims dressed in Balenciaga.||3:These pictures led to “The Socialites” in which she depicted herself as older women whose multimillionaire husbands, one suspects, have cast them off for younger versions.||4:Their dignity in the face of faded glamour reveals both the empathy and brutality of the artist’s eye. | |
6 | ||1:欺骗他人是有好处的。||2:自然界的伪装对猎手和猎物都有用。||3:动物越聪明,越有可能利用(察觉)欺骗为自己谋利。||4:人类尤其善于利用欺骗以获得成功——为了更多的钱财,更大的权力,亦或理想的伴侣。||5:可是不管你多聪明,欺骗都没那么容易。||6:撒谎让我们神经紧张,焦虑不安,复杂的谎言还导致抑郁及免疫力下降。||7:其次还会牵涉到道德问题。 | ||1:Deceiving others has its advantages.||2:Camouflage in nature is useful to the hunter and the hunted.||3:The smarter the animal,the more likely it is to use (and detect) deception to its benefit.||4:Humans are particularly good at exploiting trickery to get ahead—for more money, more power or a desired mate.||5:Yet deception is difficult, regardless of intelligence.||6:Lying often leaves us nervous and twitchy, and complicated fictions can lead to depression and poor immune function.||7:And then there are the ethical implications. | |
7 | ||1:在英国海滨一间偏远的家舍,女主人凯特和丈夫迪利迎来了一个意外访客:安娜;勾起了三人20年前在伦敦嬉游冒险的回忆。||2:但是记忆这个恶作剧鬼,满是自私自利的念头和操纵人心的捏造。||3:三人似乎曾经过从甚密;然而却无法言明究意有何共同经历。||4:他们的记忆彼此重叠,却又各执一词,让人费解。||5:克里斯汀.斯考特.托马斯和利娅.威廉姆斯在不同场次的演出中会互换角色,以凸显该剧的主题:感觉的威力与脆弱;不过迪利一角,始终由鲁弗斯扮演。 | ||1:At a remote farmhouse on the English seaside, Anna pays an unexpected visit to Kate and her husband Deeley, seemingly to reminisce about all of those adventures they shared in London 20 years ago.||2:But memory can be a funny thing, full of selfish needs and manipulative fictions .||3:These three figures seem to know each other intimately, but it is not clear what history they actually share.||4:Their recollections overlap but also confuse and compete with each other.||5:To heighten the sense that this is a play about the power and frailty of perception, Kristin Scott Thomas and Lia Williams switch roles for different performances, though Rufus Sewell stays anchored as Deeley. | |
8 | “不安”的言说--论张爱玲的小说 | Speech of "Uneasiness" --On ZHANG Ai -ling’s Fictions | |
9 | “才子”说:金圣叹小说理论的核心范畴 | "Gifted Scholar" Theory: the Core Category of Jin Shengtan’s Fictions | |
10 | “茶杯里的风波”:彭家煌小说的艺术表现 | "A Storm in A Teacup" : Artistic Features of Peng Jia-huang’s Fictions | |
11 | 20年代革命小说研究的历史回顾 | A Review on the Studies on the 20’s Revolutionary Fictions | |
12 | 20世纪末中国朝鲜族小说的“寻根意识”研究 | "The Idea of Seeking for Roots" in Fictions by Writers of Chinese Korean Nationality in Late 20th Century | |
13 | 20世纪中国女性都市小说回瞻 | Viewing Back The Chinese Female Metropolis Fictions In 20th Century | |
14 | 奥布赖恩与其越战题材的后现代主义小说 | O’brien and His Postmodernistic Fictions on the Vietnam War | |
15 | 曹文轩成长小说中的人文关怀 | Humanism in Cao Wen-xuan’s Children’s Fictions | |
16 | 从传统小说到现代派小说--英美小说观念的变化初探 | From Traditional Fiction to Modern One -- Exploration on Concepts of British and American Fictions | |
17 | 从精神分析学看张爱玲小说的心理刻画 | Research on Psychological Description in Zhang Ailing’s Fictions from the Angle of Spiritual Analysis | |
18 | 但何越警告称,也存在一些蓄意欺骗的案例——整个企业就是精心构筑的骗局。 | But she warns that there are also cases of deliberate deception, where entire businesses are elaborate fictions . | |
19 | 当代小说诸要素的弹性伸缩 | The Adaptability of All the Key Elements in Modern Fictions | |
20 | 地藏故事既存在于相关经典及靈验记中,也存在于小說、戏剧与民间的宝卷中。 | These stories appeared not only in scriptures, notes of belief in Buddha’s power, but also in fictions , dramas, and Baojuan. | |
21 | 第二届中国古代小说国际研讨会综述 | A Summary of the Second International Seminar of Chinese Ancient Fictions | |
22 | 电影与小说中意识流表现手法的对比研究 | A Contrastive Study on Technique of Stream of Consciousness in Fictions and Films | |
23 | 对新现实主义小说创作的审视和思考 | The Perspective and Reflection to the Creation of the Neo-Realistic Fictions | |
24 | 浮华背后的凄伤——论张爱玲小说的悲凉美 | On the Sad and Dreary Beauty in Zhang Ailing’s Fictions | |
25 | 告别虚伪的形式--燕玉梅小说散论 | See off False Form--On Yan Yu-mei’s Fictions | |
26 | 革命认同叙事下的欲望言说--解放区小说潜在话语解读 | Desire in the Revolution-recognized Narratives--Interpretation of the Underlying Discourse in Fictions from the Liberated Region | |
27 | 个人表达的可能性创造--试论王安忆小说语言的审美价值与启示 | The Creation of the Possibility of Personal Language--The discussion of the aesthetic value and revealing of Wang Anyi’s fictions | |
28 | 简论晚清小说的文体特征 | Briefly on Stylistic Features of Late-Qing Fictions | |
29 | 金庸武侠小说对文化传承的创意 | The Creative Ideas of Inheriting Culture in Jinyong’s Swordsman Fictions | |
30 | 近代中国原创侦探小说 | Chinese Originally-created Detective Fictions in Modern Times |