1 | 在生产长丝的过程中,纤维在熔融状态下被机械拉伸,通过合金制耐高温喷丝头,喷丝头有100多个小孔。 | In the continuous filament process, the fibers are drawn mechanically, while molten, through temperature resistant alloy metal feeders having more than 100 small orifices. | |
2 | 在小照明灯中,所有的空气都从灯泡中抽出,形成真空,以防炽热的灯丝被烧毁。 | In small lamps, all the air is pumped from the glass bulb, forming a vacuum, which prevents the white-hot filament from burning away. | |
3 | 在织物表面有浮起的纬纱时,称为纬面缎纹,这可认为是缎纹的一个变化组织。长丝常用来生产经面缎纹织物,短纤维纱(常用的是棉纤维)常用于生产纬面缎纹织物。 | A variation of the satin weave in which the filling picks float on the surface is referred to as sateen. Filament fiber yarns are generally used in making satin fabrics, while staple-fiber yarns, often of cotton, are more common in sateen fabrics. | |
4 | 在织造人造长丝织物时,均匀的纬纱间距是非常重要的,人造长丝纱是条干最均匀的纱线。 | Uniformity of pick-spacing is most important in weaving man-made continuous filament yarns, which are the most uniform of all. | |
5 | 这种纺纱方法可以使用各种短纤维,最理想的短纤维是毛纤维;此外也可以使用各种长丝纱。 | It can use any type of staple fibers, but it is especially desirable for wool, and it uses any type of filament fibers. | |
6 | 这种纤维是将母体长丝转化成含碳量达95%~99%后制成的。石墨碳纤维专门用来表示含碳量为99%的碳纤维。 | These fibers are made by converting precursor filament into 95 to 99 percent carbon. Graphite is the term reserved for 99 percent carbon fibers. | |
7 | 织物,数层平行的合成长丝纱彼此呈锐角或直角叠置、各层在纱线的交叉处由粘合剂或热粘合制成 | fabric ,consisting of layers of parallel synthetic filament yarns superimposed on each other at acute or right angles,the layers being bonded at the intersections of the yarns by an adhesive or by thermal | |
8 | 制作玻璃纤维纱线有两种生产工艺,分别用来生产连续长丝和短纤维。 | There are two processes for manufacturing glass yarns, these are for continuous filament and staple fiber. | |
9 | 自捻纱中可以包括一根短纤纱和一根长丝纱,或两根短纤纱,或两根长丝纱,或这两种纱线的其它多种组合方式。 | They may involve one ply or strand of staple fibers and one of filament , two strands of staple fibers, or two of filaments, or multiple combinations of these. | |
10 | 最常用的包芯纱之一是芯部采用弹力丝(例如氨纶),表层使用短纤维。 | One of the most common types of core-spun yarns is that involving a core of a stretch filament such as spandex with a covering of staple fibers. |