属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯商业 每况愈下
1 | 现在双方正在就最终签署合营公司合同以及其它一些项目相关协议进行磋商。 | Discussions are now underway to finalise a joint venture contract and other agreements for the project | |
2 | 在2001年制定新的数学课程 | finalise a new maths curriculum in 2001 | |
3 | ||1:而另一方面,因害怕将来会失去西方的客户俄罗斯的公司也在亚洲和其他地区寻找新客户。||2:本周,俄罗斯副总理达瓦科维奇(Arkady Dvorkovich)称,俄政府希望可以尽快为俄罗斯国家天然气公司(Gazprom)敲定一笔向中国出售天然气的长期合同。||3:俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)也正在设法使其出口到中国的石油销量犯上三番。||4:俄罗斯国营飞机制造上苏霍伊(Sukhoi)不久前也与中国某航空公司达成了一笔销售小型客机的协议,期望以此抵消其因与西方航空公司之间订单减少造成的损失。||5:但是苏霍伊生产的喷气式飞机的重要零部件大部分都来自欧美,所以一旦制裁收紧,其产能将受到极大影响。 | ||1:Russian firms and politicians, in turn, are casting around Asia and elsewhere for new customers to replace those they fear losing from the West.||2:Russia’s deputy prime minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, said this week that the government hoped to finalise soon a long-promised deal for Gazprom to sell gas to China.||3:Rosneft is seeking to treble its exports of oil to China.||4:Sukhoi, a state-owned aircraft-maker, has just struck a deal to sell a fleet of small passenger jets to a Chinese airline, hoping this will offset any loss of orders from Western carriers.||5:But its plane, the Superjet, is chock full of key parts from American and European suppliers, and thus its production is vulnerable to any tightening of sanctions. | |
4 | BSG表示,该合资企业希望在6月底前敲定计划。 | The venture hoped to finalise the plan by the end of June, BSG said. | |
5 | 阿法拉赫表示,爱立信试图与中兴通讯敲定一项专利许可协议至少已有4年。 | Mr Alfalahi said Ericsson had been trying to finalise a licensing agreement with ZTE for at least four years. | |
6 | 本月早些时候,中化未能在商定的最后期限前完成尽职调查。 | Sinochem failed earlier this month to meet an agreed deadline to finalise due diligence. | |
7 | 但到周一早晨,双方未能敲定交易。 | But by Monday morning, both sides had failed to finalise a deal. | |
8 | 但在欧洲的压力下,落实这一新安排的最后期限被延长至2012年。 | But bowing to European pressure, the deadline to finalise the configuration of the new arrangements was deferred to 2012. | |
9 | 德国政府即将敲定下届八国集团峰会的议程。下次峰会计划于明年6月6日至8日召开。 | The government is soon to finalise the agenda of the summit, due to take place on June 6-8. | |
10 | 迪拜世界重组负责人艾丹•伯基特(AidanBirkett)希望能在几个月内敲定重组计划。 | Aidan Birkett, Dubai World’s chief restructuring officer, hopes to finalise the plan within a few months. | |
11 | 独立日定于7月9日,在宣布独立之前,北南双方必须正式签署一份分离协议。 | Before declaring independence, scheduled for July 9th, north and south must finalise a separation agreement. | |
12 | 费盎娜:“布莱告诉我,你今天会和彼特.托马森敲定最后的协议,这事办得怎么样?” | Fiona: ’Brian told me that you were going to finalise that big deal with Peter Thomson today. How did it go? ’ | |
13 | 公司本月要最终确定一项提案,在6月份的年度股东大会上提交股东批准。 | The company needs to finalise a proposal this month to be put to its June annual meeting for shareholder approval. | |
14 | 还有更大的麻烦在后面,政府计划要求矿业公司必须缴纳特许使用费,但是依然要完成它们的申请。 | A further complication is that the government plans to require mining firms to pay royalties but has yet to finalise its proposals. | |
15 | 会议将确定社会与经济的五年发展计划,这是自1949年共产党执政以来的第十二个五年计划。 | It will finalise a five-year social and economic development plan, only the 12th since the Communist Party took power in 1949. | |
16 | 科学家们在布鲁塞尔聚会,为这份最长、最权威的气候变化报告的第二部分定稿。 | The scientists were meeting in Brussels to finalise the second section of the biggest and most authoritative report on climate change. | |
17 | 两家公司将在下周二之前,对这家全球第八大钢铁制造商提出最终收购报价。 | Both bidders are due to finalise their offers for the world’s eighth biggest steelmaker by next Tuesday. | |
18 | 目前,巴克莱高管正在加紧敲定向荷兰银行提出的最终报价。其它数家银行也对收购荷兰银行产生了兴趣。 | Barclays executives are racing to finalise an offer for ABN, which has also attracted interest from other banks. | |
19 | 普惠将使用其现今从测试飞行中采集的数据对其发动机设计定稿。 | P&W will now use the data gathered from its test flights to finalise the engine’s design. | |
20 | 然而,最终敲定协议可能需要一年时间。 | However, any agreement could take up to a year to finalise . | |
21 | 瑞士药业巨头诺华制药(Novaritis)去年耗资57亿美元,并购了凯龙公司(Chiron)。 | Novartis, a Swiss drugs giant, paid some $5. 7 billion to finalise its acquisition of Chiron last year. | |
22 | 他的首要目标就是拍板一个最终的复苏计划并让银行买账。 | His first task was to finalise the recovery plan and sell it to the banks. | |
23 | 万向美国公司的总裁倪频对这一决定表示欢迎,并表示律师正在努力敲定这笔交易。 | But Pin Ni, president of Wanxiang America, welcomed the decision and said lawyers were now working to finalise the transaction. | |
24 | 我们希望在今年稍后时间再进行谘询,目标是在今年底前提出最终建议。 | We hope to be able to consult further on these during the rest of this year and aim to finalise recommendations by the end of the year. | |
25 | 有条消息可以算一个亮点,两国将努力确定他们2000公里长的漫长边界。 | A bright spot is news of the two countries’ efforts to finalise their often remote border, which is 2, 000km (1, 250 miles) long. | |
26 | 在美国,政府官员也在努力敲定对银行和其他金融机构进行资本重组的方案。 | In the US, officials were also working to finalise a plan to recapitalise their banks and other financial institutions. | |
27 | 在所有出资空间站的部门中,只有18名成员组成的欧洲太空总署已经定下了计划,让它一直环绕地球运行到2020年。 | Of the agencies that pay for it, only the 18-member European Space Agency has yet to finalise plans to keep it in orbit until 2020. | |
28 | 这家汽车制造商正试图与中国赞助者签订筹资协议,但是在期间已经很难支付工人工资。 | The carmaker’s owner is trying to finalise a financing deal with Chinese backers, but has struggled to pay workers in the interim. | |
29 | 这位官员补充称,即使需要新的IMF资金,德国政府也不准备在今日召开的欧盟峰会结束时敲定任何方案。 | Even if new IMF funding is needed, the official added, Berlin is not prepared to finalise any package by the end of the summit today. | |
30 | 这位维珍集团的老板总裁周三与澳门行政长官何厚铧(EdmundHo)进行了商谈,目的是敲定相关协议安排。 | The Virgin boss held talks on Wednesday with Edmund Ho, Macao chief executive, in a bid to finalise arrangements. |