1 | ||1:梁先生和他的“自然之友”按照自我设定的前述行为尺度,赢得了几场著名的胜利。||2:他成功阻止了对云南原始森林的砍伐,由此也阻止了对金丝猴栖息地的破坏。||3:与他人合作,终止了在怒江和长江最壮观的峡谷之一修建堤坝的提议。||4:藏羚羊因其毛皮精致,几乎被猎杀殆尽,对它们的保护仍是梁先生的重点目标,他曾登上冰冷的高原,亲自烧掉查获的毛皮。||5:即使他痛心不已——无力阻止英勇的反偷猎队的解散、巡逻职责交给易腐败的地方官员,但他仍以婉转方式表示,相信地方政府会尽其所能。 | ||1:Within these self-described limits, Mr Liang and his NGO notched up several famous victories.||2:He managed to stop the cutting of virgin forest (and the destruction of golden monkey habitat) in Yunnan province.||3:With others, he killed proposals to build giant dams on the Salween river and in one of the most spectacular gorges of the Yangzi.||4:The Tibetan antelope, hunted almost to extinction for the fineness of its fur, remained his favourite cause, and he went to the icy plateau to burn sequestered skins himself—though, to his sorrow, he could not stop the disbanding of the heroic anti-poaching brigade and the transfer of patrols to corruptible local officials.||5:He was sure, he said diplomatically, that the government would do all it could. | |
2 | 不同细度粉煤灰对水泥性能影响的研究 | Study of Effect of Different fineness Fly Ash on Cement Performance | |
3 | 采用棉纺设备,应用半精纺加工工艺进行了狐狸绒低特纱的试纺。 | By semi-worsted technology, the fox yarns with low fineness were spun at the cotton spinning equipment. | |
4 | 产量高、细度高,结构简单,安装使用方便。 | The utility model has the advantages of high yield, high fineness , simple structure, convenient installation and operation. | |
5 | 超声振动对聚烯烃结晶形态的影响--超声细化 | Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on Crystalline Morphology of Polyolifen -- Fineness by Ultrasonic Vibrations | |
6 | 超细硅灰石粉体细度与活性的数学模型 | Mathematical Model on Relationship of Fineness and Activity of Superfine Wollastonite Powder | |
7 | 粗糙集理论中近似空间的精细及近似精度 | Fineness and coarseness of an approximation space in the rough set theory | |
8 | 大长径比旋转火箭弹气动弹性数值计算 | The Aeroelastic Numerical Calculation of Large Fineness Ratio Spinning Rocket | |
9 | 大麻工艺纤维长度与细度的相关性初探 | Study on Correlation between Length and Fineness of Hemp Technical Fibre | |
10 | 电视新闻的精品化与实现途径 | The fineness and realization way of Television news |