属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-美国各州试图限制工会权力引发大规模示威
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-洗掉纹身的一些专业建议
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-纽约急救人员学习普通话
1 | 今天,曾经在1944年时升起国旗的消防员亨利·热里奥的儿子罗伯特·热里奥再次升起了法国国旗,重现了当年的一幕。 | Robert Duriaux, the son of firefighter Henri Duriaux who hoisted the flag in 1944, performed the same role in the re-enactment. | |
2 | 救火队员被派去很远地方的消防队员,通常是那些被派到发生严重的森林大火并一次要工作好几天的消防队员 | A firefighter who is sent to battle remote, usually very severe forest fires, often for days at a time. | |
3 | 救火队员冒一切危险冲入燃烧中的房子救小孩。 | The firefighter ran into the burning house at all risks to save the child. | |
4 | 无性的述语例如消防队员和空服员 | nonsexist terminology such as firefighter and flight attendant. | |
5 | 该议案将不会影响警察或消防队员。他们被禁止参加罢工。但消防队员马伦·米切尔(Mahlon Mitchell)最终还是前来参加了抗议。 | The bill would not affect police or firefighters. They are barred from striking. But firefighter Mahlon Mitchell came to protest anyway. | |
6 | 瑞恩·塔克是德克萨斯州一名39岁的消防员。他花了6000美元做了10次激光手术,以去掉刻着他前妻名字的纹身。 | Ryan Tucker is a 39-year-old firefighter from Texas. He spent $6,000 on 10 laser treatments to remove the tattooed name of his former wife. | |
7 | 学生们已经用到了他们的语言课程。Jacob Dutton十年来一直从事消防员。最近,他跟进了一起公寓大楼煤气泄漏的报道。 | The students have already used their language training. Jacob Dutton has been a firefighter for 10 years. Recently, he followed up on a report of a gas leak in an apartment building. | |
8 | “我们没有更多的任务”带领英国70多人搜救队的消防队员PeteStevenson说。 | "We have no more tasks, " said Pete Stevenson, a firefighter heading Britain’s 70-strong team. | |
9 | “我知道我们需要把这些讲述给我们的后代,”如今已经退休的消防员布朗先生说。 | "I knew we needed to tell it to future generations, " said Mr. Brown, the now-retired firefighter . | |
10 | MattKomorowski是一名纽约消防员,在北楼坍塌时,他与另外15人躲在世贸大厦一间楼梯间内,因而得以幸存。 | New York firefighter Matt Komorowski survived the north tower’s collapse with 15 others due to a staircase that withstood the fall. | |
11 | 巴西北部的特雷西纳,一位消防员在协助民众打捞财物。 | A firefighter helps residents to salvage belongings in Teresina, northern Brazil. | |
12 | 大学毕业后,詹姆斯也成了一名消防员,正在约翰·杰伊学院修读火灾防护硕士课程。 | After graduatingfrom college, James became a firefighter and is now in a master’s program infire protection services at John Jay College. | |
13 | 但把消防水管或办公室喷水系统换成电击杖仍为时尚早。 | But it’s too early to replace a firefighter ’s hose or an office sprinkler system with a zapping wand. | |
14 | 火灾发生在星期一晚上,一名消防员在灭火中牺牲,另外有七名群众受伤。 | The fire broke out on Monday evening, and one firefighter was killed tackling the blaze and seven other people were injured. | |
15 | 吉姆是一名退休的消防队员,并且参与了旧金山消防队员玩具计划。 | Jim is a retired firefighter and is involved in the San Francisco Firefighters Toy Program. | |
16 | 仅在大船渡,日本政府就部署了来自全国各地的约1500名自卫队员、专业消防队员和警察。 | About 1, 500 troops, professional firefighter and police from around the country are deployed in Ofunato alone. | |
17 | 可编程序控制器在稳高压消防水系统的应用 | Application of the Programmable Controller in the High-Pressure Firefighter Water | |
18 | 让每个人在9.11那天都记忆犹新的蓝色,那一天我的丈夫作为消防员和其它将近3000人一起遇害。 | The color blue that everyone remembers from Sept. 11, the day my firefighter husband was killed along with nearly 3, 000 others. | |
19 | 如果你是一名巡警,一名消防队员或者是一名护士,那你就不可能会在家工作了。 | If you are a cop, a firefighter , or a nurse, it’s not likely you could do your job at home. | |
20 | 如果你曾看到消防员穿戴全面罩防毒面具时,背上还有一个空气瓶,那么你就见过SCBA系统了。 | If you have ever seen a firefighter wearing a full-face mask with an air tank on his or her back, then you have seen an SCBA system. | |
21 | 上周一,迈阿密那里有超过1000名男女同胞为争取35个消防员职位而大排长龙。 | Last Monday, more than 1, 000 men and women stood in line for 35 firefighter jobs in Miami [Florida]. | |
22 | 圣地亚哥的一起集会中,消防员正设法扑灭吞没了百货大楼的大火。 | A firefighter tries to extinguish a fire engulfing a department store building during a rally in Santiago August 4, 2011. | |
23 | 试述消防人员在灭火救援行动中的安全防护 | Personal protection of firefighter in firefighting and rescue operation | |
24 | 他为格拉夫顿六户人家修剪草坪和花园,他们中一些是父母的朋友,此外他还是个积极的义务消防员。 | He mows lawns and gardens for half a dozen clients in Grafton, some of them family friends. And he is an active volunteer firefighter . | |
25 | 委员会提出的解决办法是委任自己为防护指挥员,消防员以及检查官。 | The commission’s suggested solution is to appoint itself as fire warden, firefighter and prosecutor. | |
26 | 我曾经想放弃我的职位,但是消防员这份工作已经成为我生命中不可割舍的一部分。 | I had thoughts of leaving my profession, but being a firefighter is really a part of you. | |
27 | 西班牙,波·德·圣玛丽亚:一个消防员正看着一架紧急降落失败后坠毁在中心街道上的直升机。机上三个德国人在这次事故中受伤。 | Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain: A firefighter looks at a helicopter, which crashed after doing an emergency landing in a downtown street. | |
28 | 消防车可以装载额外备用的气瓶或者充气设备,而消防员在着火建筑内停留时间也有限。 | The fire engine can carry extra tanks or refilling equipment, and a firefighter spends a limited time in the burning building. | |
29 | 消防队员:误报火警时我们用。 | Firefighter : Well, we could use it for false alarms! | |
30 | 消防队员在曼哈顿100街和滨河大道注视十周年消防员纪念碑。 | Firefighters watched the 10th Anniversary Firefighter ’s Memorial at 100th Street and Riverside in Manhattan. |