属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 2723-1956
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 14926-2003
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 53
属类:文学表达-外国名著-A MODERN COMEDY
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 53
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 向农民们表忠
1 | 消防队员只有将门砸开后才能进入那着了火的房子。 | The firemen could enter the burning house only by breaking in the door | |
2 | 消防队员终于控制住了火势。 | The firemen fought down the flames at last | |
3 | 消防人员把住客从正在燃烧的旅馆里撤出来。 | The firemen evacuated the guests from the burning hotel | |
4 | 消防人员的皮靴规范 | Specification for firemen ’s leather boots | |
5 | 消防人员很快地扑灭火焰。 | Firemen extinguished the blaze quickly. | |
6 | 消防人员继续不断地用水龙管向燃烧着的大楼喷水. | The firemen play ed their hoses on the burning building. | |
7 | 消防人员无法扑灭这场大火。 | The firemen were unable to quench the fire. | |
8 | 消防人员须破门而入,才能抢救困在屋里的人. | Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. | |
9 | 消防员应急情况自救用双针扣定位带.要求、试验 | Belt for positioning for firemen with 2-thorn-buckle for application with self rescue in emergency situations-Requirements, testing | |
10 | 消防员终于扑灭了在加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。 | At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. | |
11 | 须在极困难的情况下工作的消防队员. | Firemen having to operate in very difficult conditions | |
12 | 拥有高品质,高可靠性以及新技术的梅赛德斯·奔驰商用车,将在拯救生命和财产的战斗中与勇敢的消防员们并肩作战。 | With its high quality, reliability and innovative technology, Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles stand together with the brave firemen in the battles of saving life and wealth. | |
13 | 由于烟囱太窄,那人无法动弹。消防队员在墙上挖了大洞,帮终于把他解救出来。 | As it was extremely narrow, the man was unable to move, but the firemen were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. | |
14 | 有人打电话叫来消防队,两位消防队员使用了一种特殊的润滑调剂才使乔治得以解脱。 | The fire-brigade was called and two firemen freed George using a special type of grease. | |
15 | 在不定期地暴露于100ppm浓度的一氧化碳的瓦斯检验员中,发现了这种智力行为的衰退。 | These decrements in intellectual behavior were found in firemen exposed to carbon monoxide at 100 ppm for varying periods of time | |
16 | 这孩子似乎死了,但消防员使她苏醒过来。 | The child seemed dead, but the firemen revived her. | |
17 | 正当消防队员们要撤离时,火又燃烧了起来。 | The fire blazed up just as the firemen began to withdraw | |
18 | 最后,他们在屋里再也呆不下去,便跑到外面来。索姆斯又在屋外全力指挥消防队员们灭火。 | At last, when they could stay in the house no longer, they went outside, where Soames directed the firemen as well as he could.. | |
19 | 昨天,消防员仔细查看了火灾现场,但没能找到任何碎玻璃。 | Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. | |
20 | ||1:几年前,当莱克星顿专栏报道欧洲农作物补贴的疯狂时,曾经提出过理查德·斯凯瑞政治定律,即,多数政客都不愿意招惹一般会出现在童话书里的职业或产业,就如斯凯瑞曾写过的那些。||2:这给了诸如农民、渔民、医生、消防员和制造汽车卡车等交通工具的公司(这在斯凯瑞的书里是一个很棒的职业)过大的权利。||3:这一定律对纳税人来说弊大于利,毕竟,图画书很少画出人们给政府送钱的场面。 | ||1:A FEW years ago, while reporting on the madness that is European farm subsidies, this columnist came up with a “Richard Scarry” rule of politics. Most politicians hate to confront any profession or industry that routinely appears in children’s books (such as those penned by the late Mr Scarry).||2:This gives outsize power to such folk as farmers, fishermen, doctors, firemen or—to cite a fine work in the Scarry canon—to firms that build Cars and Trucks and Things That Go.||3:The rule is seldom good news for taxpayers, and there is a logic to that too: picture books rarely show people handing over fistfulls of money to the government. | |
21 | (巡视废置的栈房之潜在火灾危险的消防员); | firemen inspecting an abandoned warehouse for potential fire hazards | |
22 | (演习包括)医护和消防工作人员对伤员进行分类、利用模拟器产生剧烈摇晃效果等项目。 | Hospitals and firemen practised triage, simulators gave people a taste of violent shaking, and so forth. | |
23 | “我是名消防员,”第二个男人说。 | "I’m a firemen " , said the second man. | |
24 | 11月1日大约5500名消防人员用水管镇压了一场长达八小时的罢工行动,而罢工的原因是工作时间引起的纠纷。 | On November 1st around 5, 500 firemen downed hoses for an eight-hour strike as part of a dispute over working hours. | |
25 | Walker先生自己也因豁免警察和救火队员免受削减费用和一些限制而搅混了这摊水。 | Mr Walker himself has muddied the waters by exempting police and firemen from the cutbacks and restrictions. | |
26 | 巴士上有三名退休的消防员,他们教我们把大石块带到车上来,以备紧急时可以打碎车窗玻璃。 | Three retired firemen are traveling on the bus. They advise us to take large rocks on board to smash our way out, should we should crash. | |
27 | 本周我们公司有三批远方来客,因此我耽搁了工作。 | work because our office had three groups of visiting firemen this week. | |
28 | 不派足消防员将火灭掉,那就让他们撤出那房子。 | Either put in enough firemen to put the fire out or get out of the house. | |
29 | 城里所有的消防队员都被召集来扑灭那场大火。 | All the firemen in the city were called out to fight the big fire. | |
30 | 当地铁车站发生火灾时,在火场中保证一条安全的通道对于乘客疏散逃生和消防人员灭火救援都是至关重要的。 | In the fire scene of subway station, it is crucial to keep a safe route for passengers’ evacuation and firemen ’s rescue. |