属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最佳猜测 测算朝鲜经济的创新方法
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-托克劳群岛完全由太阳能发电
1 | 他在捣毁一只箱子当柴烧。 | He is breaking up a box for firewood | |
2 | 他在院子里劈柴。 | He is chopping firewood in the yard. | |
3 | 谈以电代柴对建立长江上游绿色生态屏障的重要性―从茂县实施“三大工程”的情况说开去 | Substituting Electricity for Firewood and Providing Green Ecological defense for the Upper Reaches of the Yangtse River | |
4 | 我给自己安排了劈柴的任务. | I set myself the task of chopping up the firewood . | |
5 | 我们派三个人出去搜集生火的火柴。 | We sent three people out to gather up firewood for the fire. | |
6 | 无柄的斧头不能砍柴。 | An axe without a handle does not cut firewood . | |
7 | 希尔顿正在劈几根柴禾,他的头发汗湿了,粘在湿淋淋的脑门上。 | Mr. Helton, his hair wet with sweat, plastered to his dripping forehead, was chopping a little firewood | |
8 | 下星期用的木柴我们已备足了吗? | Have we enough firewood in for the coming week? | |
9 | 薪材短缺是毁林后果的最明显和最引人注目的实例。 | Firewood scarcity offers the most visible and dramatic example of deforestation’s effects | |
10 | 薪炭林:以生产燃料为主要目的的林木 | Firewood forests: trees mainly aimed at the production of fuels | |
11 | 一堆木材。 | A stack of firewood | |
12 | 一捆棍子(柴). | a bundle of sticks (firewood ) | |
13 | 一切机关学校部队,必须于战争条件下厉行种菜、养猪、打柴、烧炭、发展手工业和部分种粮。 | In the present war conditions all organizations, schools and army units must make great efforts to grow vegetables, breed pigs, collect firewood , make charcoal, expand handicrafts and raise part of their own grain supply | |
14 | 一位贫苦的妇人在拾柴禾,捡那些掉在地上的树枝。她把枝子背在背上,把孩子抱在胸前,向家里走去。她看到了一只金色的天鹅--幸运的天鹅,从长着灯芯草的岸边站起来。 | A poor woman was in the wood, gathering firewood branches that had fallen down, and dry sticks; she carried them in a bundle on her back, and in her arms she held her little child. She saw the golden swan, the bird of Fortune, rise from among the reeds on the shore. | |
15 | 一些人离开营地去寻找木柴. | One group left the camp to forage for firewood . | |
16 | 以防护林为主,同时发展薪炭林、经济林和用材林 | create a forest system consisting of mainly shelter-belts and also firewood trees, economic plantations and commercial timber | |
17 | 以防护林为主,同时发展薪炭林、经济林和用材林 | Creation f of a forest system consisting of mainly shelter-belts and also firewood trees, economic plantations and commercial timber | |
18 | 用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权 | The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests | |
19 | 在冬天,我们用木柴生火。 | In winner, we use firewood to light fire | |
20 | 在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧致使森林、林木受到毁坏 | In case that firewood cutting and grazing in seedling forests and forests with special uses have led to the destruction of forests and trees | |
21 | 这个可怜的男孩背着一捆柴去小镇上卖,假如运气好的话,他也许能卖几个钱。 | The poor boy was carrying a bundle of firewood to the small town and he might sell it for several coins if he was lucky. | |
22 | 这家具太旧了,不能用了,还不如把它砍了当柴烧吧。 | This furniture is so old and useless that you might as well chop it up for firewood | |
23 | 这使我想起了一个故事,说的是一位抱着柴禾的人坐在寒冷的夜里,冲着一只因缺柴而熄灭的大火炉叫道:"你什么时候给我以温暖,我什么时候才会给你添加柴禾"。 | "It reminds me of the story of the guy sitting with firewood in his arms on a cold freezing night, and he is yelling at the pot-bellied stove, ""When you give me some heat, then I’ll put some wood in."" " | |
24 | 这位老人贮存了大量的柴薪以备天冷时用。 | The old man kept a large reserve of firewood for cold weather. | |
25 | ||1:环境的压力在她出国之前已经在步步增加。||2:回国之时,昔日她最爱的地方多被开垦,原始森林被清理了,用来种植茶叶和咖啡,乡土植物和动物消失了。||3:土地稀缺,粮食紧张,大量伐木导致水土流失加剧。村民要砍柴得走很远很远的路,这是肯尼亚人民的能源危机,是肯尼亚人民的“石油短缺”。 | ||1:But even before she went abroad, pressure on the land was increasing.||2:On her return, many of her favourite places had been dug up, the wild trees cleared in favour of tea or coffee plantations, and local plants and animals had disappeared.||3:Land, and therefore food, were scarce, logging was causing erosion and villagers had to walk ever farther to find firewood : this, not the shortage of petrol, was for many Kenyans the real energy crisis. | |
26 | 2008年,朝鲜人口普查发布的数据显示,有近90%的住户因缺乏燃气和电只能依靠柴火和煤炭。 | The data, as reported by the North Korean census of 2008, show that nearly 93% of households lack access to gas or electricity and rely on firewood or coal. | |
27 | 东帝汶政府已作出承诺,到2015年在首都帝力没有家庭使用柴火做饭。它还表示到这个十年结束,该国50%的电力将来自可再生能源。 | East Timor’s government has promised that no households in the capital, Dili, would be using firewood for cooking by twenty fifteen. It also says fifty percent of the country’s electricity will come from renewable sources by the end of the decade. | |
28 | 北佬当柴烧掉了。 | The Yankees done burned it to firewood . | |
29 | 不同木柴在两种条件下燃烧生成的颗粒物中多环芳烃的排放特性研究 | The characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in particle emitted from different firewood burning in two condition | |
30 | 柴火都给雨打湿了,因为店。 | The firewood was all wet from the rain, because the store keeper did not cover it up. |