属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 61634-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF U47-017-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF U47-018-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF U47-016-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3531-15-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 7251-13-1995
1 | HF的吸收会由于HF对血钙固定导致低血钙症。如果出现严重的低血钙症,就会发生血钾过多。 | Absorption of HF may cause hypocalcemia due to HF’s fixation of blood calcium. Hyperkalemia may occur if severe hypocalcemia appears. | |
2 | 包扎材料.弹性固定绷带 | Surgical dressings; elastic bandage for fixation | |
3 | 髌骨骨折内固定术 | internal fixation for fracture of patella | |
4 | 剥膜菲林:在临时片基上,涂上银胶乳剂而成的制版照相菲林。他应用于线条和半色调图片照相。经过定影及水洗后,有着影像的乳剂层,可以从片基剥离。 | Strip film: A process film for line and half-tone photography consisting of a gelatine-silver emulsion coated on a temporary support, which permits stripping or lifting of the image from the base support after fixation and washing. | |
5 | 不同类型前路钢板固定应用于颈椎屈曲牵张型损伤的生物力学研究 | Anterior Plate Fixation for Cervical Distractive Flexion Injuries: A Biomechanical Comparison of Different Types of Design | |
6 | 不正常地萦绕于心头的事物或情感;固恋 | An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation . | |
7 | 趁着记者们在豪华的皇家饭店的阳台上围着布什和希拉克,无暇顾及自己的空当,德国总理施罗德和俄罗斯总统普京溜到外面草坪上散步去了。 | Schroeder and Russian President Vladimir Putin exploited the photographers’ fixation on the goings-on on the terrace of the plush Hotel Royal to wander onto the lawn. | |
8 | 耻骨上支逆行拉力螺钉内固定的应用解剖学研究 | Applied Anatomy of Retrograde Lag Screw Internal Fixation in the Superior Ramus of Pubis | |
9 | 除ATP外,由这些自养生物进行的CO2固定,需要还原的吡啶核苷酸。 | The fixation of CO2 carried out by these autotrophs, in addition to ATP, requires reduced pyridine nucleotide | |
10 | 催化剂(通常是铁)使该反应可在适当的温度(400~650℃)下进行,而在氨刚形成后即将氨分离出来。哈伯-博施法是最经济的固定氮方法,是一种化工基本方法应用。 | A catalyst (usually iron)lets it take place at a moderate temperature (750-1,200 °F [400-650 °C]), and immediate removal of ammonia as it is formed favours formation of more of it. Still the cheapest means of industrial nitrogen fixation , it is a basic process of the chemical industry. | |
11 | 骶髂关节脱位直视复位空心螺钉固定的基础研究及临床应用 | A Biomechanical Study of Sacroiliac Dislocation Treated with Euthyphoria Reduction and Percutaneous Cannulated Screw Fixation | |
12 | 第二十条 违反本法规定在草原上砍挖固沙植物和其他野生植物或者采土,致使草原植被遭受破坏的,乡级人民政府或者县级人民政府农牧业部门有权制止,并责令恢复植被,赔偿损失;情节严重的,还可以处以罚款。 | Article 20. If anyone damages the vegetation of the grasslands by cutting or digging sand-fixation plants or other wild plants or by moving away soil in violation of the provisions of this Law, the people’s governments at the township level and the farming and animal husbandry departments of the people’s governments at the county level shall have the power to stop him and order him to restore the vegetation and compensate for the losses. A fine may be imposed in serious cases. | |
13 | 第三十一条 当市场价格总水平出现剧烈波动等异常状态时,国务院可以在全国范围内或者部分区域内采取临时集中定价权限、部分或者全面冻结价格的紧急措施。 | Article 31 When such abnormalities as violent fluctuation in the general price level occur nationwide, the State Council shall introduce power for the concentrated fixation of prices in the whole country or part of the regions for the time being or adopt such emergency measures as freezing part or all prices. | |
14 | 动物健康分析方法.测定感染牛肺疫病抗体的补偿固定试验方法 | Animal health analysis methods-Detection of antibodies against equine Rhinopneumonia by the Complement Fixation Test. | |
15 | 动物健康分析方法.用补偿固定试验对感染牛肺疫的抗体的测定 | Animal health analysis methods-Detection of antibodies against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia by the complement fixation test. | |
16 | 动物健康分析方法.用补充固定试验方法测定流行性感冒抗体 | Animal health analysis methods-Detection of antibodies against equine influenza by the complement fixation test. | |
17 | 对水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林等防护林只准进行抚育和更新性质的采伐。 | With respect to protective forests such as those for water supply conservation, water and soil conservation, windbreak and sand--fixation , felling shall only be permitted for tending and regeneration of forests. | |
18 | 多发伤并脂肪栓塞综合征中长骨干骨折的内固定治疗 | A Study on Internal Fixation for Long Bone Fractures in Polytraumatized Patients with Fat Embolism Syndrome | |
19 | 多节段前路减压植骨融合并钢板内固定术治疗脊髓型颈椎病 | Anterior Multilevel Decompression and Autograft Fusion with Plate Fixation for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy | |
20 | 多枚加压螺纹钉内固定治疗老年人股骨颈骨折的疗效分析 | Analysis of Treatment Outcome of Senile Femoral Neck Fractures with Internal Fixation by Compression Screws | |
21 | 反复爱讲的话题;固结,依恋 | A topic with which one is obsessed;a fixation . | |
22 | 改良克氏针内固定治疗近节指骨开放性粉碎骨折 | Open Comminuted Fractures of Proximal Phalanx Treated with Modified Internal Fixation of Kirschner Wire | |
23 | 改良蛙式石膏及人体位支架固定治疗发育性髋关节脱位疗效评价 | Clinical Evaluation of Improvement Frog Type Gypsum and Body Cage Fixation to Treat Development Dislocation of Hip Joint | |
24 | 共生的固氮菌侵袭宿主植物的根毛,并在此繁殖和促进根瘤的形成、植物细胞和亲密共生细菌的扩大。根瘤内的固氮菌将游离氮转化为硝酸盐,被宿主植物在发育中利用。根瘤中细菌的固氮作用在农业中有头等重要的意义。 | Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants, where they multiply and stimulate the formation of root nodules, enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in close association. Within the nodules the bacteria convert free nitrogen to nitrates, which the host plant uses for its development. Nitrogen fixation by bacteria associated with legumes is of prime importance in agriculture. | |
25 | 股骨颈骨折手术空心钉内固定的生物力学综合分析 | The Comprehensive Biomechanical Analysis of the Internal Fixation for Femoral Neck Fracture | |
26 | 骨结合术用外科植入物.第15部分:成人股骨端固定用器件规范 | Implants for osteosynthesis-Specification for devices for the fixation of the ends of the femur in adults | |
27 | 固定氮:使空气中富含的不活泼气体--游离氮与其它元素化合而生成较活泼化合物的自然或工业过程。 | Nitrogen fixation Any natural or industrial process that causes free nitrogen in the air to combine chemically with other elements to form more reactive nitrogen compounds such as ammonia, nitrates, or nitrites. | |
28 | 固碳作用;络合作用:通过光合作用,将大气中的二氧化碳转化为植物中的有机物。 | carbon fixation , sequestration:conversion, through photosynthesis, of atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic form in plants. | |
29 | 固着,依恋形成固着心态;不成熟地或神经质地与…联系 | To form a fixation ;become attached to in an immature or neurotic way. | |
30 | 关节矫形用假肢.头固定逆行股骨部件的抗扭曲力的测定方法 | Orthopaedic joint prostheses-Method for determination of resistance to torque of head fixation of stemmed femoral components |