属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-黑死病比我们想象的要更早
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物 跳蚤市场
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物 跳蚤市场
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-世卫组织表示马达加斯加鼠疫疫情可能会蔓延
1 | 鳃足动物一种鳃足亚纲水生甲壳类动物,如神仙虾和水蚤,特征是身体分节,具有平直叶状的胸腹附属结构 | Any of various aquatic crustaceans of the subclass Branchiopoda,such as the fairy shrimp and water flea ,characterized by a segmented body and flattened,leaflike thoracic appendages. | |
2 | 三月杀跳蚤,杀一少百。 | If you kill one flea in March you kill a hundred. | |
3 | 实际上,他当时就曾诅咒这所住宅比那些“原始的、跳蚤横行的石头小屋”强不了多少。这些小屋正是夏季从印度低地来到凉爽高原度过夏季月份的人们的住处。 | In fact he cursed it at the time as little better than the "primitive, flea -infested stone cabins" which were the lot of those who migrated up from the summer lowlands of India to spend the summer months in the cool highlands | |
4 | 蔬菜主要害虫-黄条叶蚤之发生消长及其防治试验 | The Occurrence of Turnip Flea Beetle and Its Control Experiment | |
5 | 鼠疫:由鼠疫耶尔森氏菌所致的发热性传染病,通过鼠蚤传播。仅在蚤类跑出啮齿宿主时才向人类传播。 | Plague: Infectious fever caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea . It usually spreads to humans only when the flea runs out of rodent hosts. | |
6 | 他被讥讽话气走了。 | He went with a flea in his ear. | |
7 | 跳蚤市场,价格随行就市,买卖灵活。 | In a flea market, prices fluctuate according to demand and supply, and therefore the business is flexible. | |
8 | 跳蚤市场,漫天要价,就地还钱。 | In a flea market, the price is as high as the sky, and the offer as low as the earth. | |
9 | 跳蚤市场以最实惠的价格,提供最有用的商品。 | The flea market offers the most practical commodities at the most favorable prices. | |
10 | 跳蚤是一种微小生物。 | The flea is a kind of tiny creature. | |
11 | 我的朋友爱逛旧货市场,希望能找到点有价值的东西。 | My friend likes to stroll around the flea market on the chance of picking up something of value. | |
12 | 我国商业银行效率的实证研究-对投入-产出型DEA的应用 | Empirical Research on the Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks-An Application of Input & output-oriented Flea | |
13 | 我今天去跳蚤市场,运气还真不错。在那些毫无用处的破玩意儿堆里,我找到一个中国鼻烟壶,是用玉做的,上面还有雕刻。我才化了五块钱。卖东西的人根本不知道那是什么东西。 | Flea market I was lucky when I went to the flea market today. In the middle of all the worthless junk I found a carved jade Chinese snuff bottle and bought it for five dollars: the seller didn’t know what it was. | |
14 | 我们在教堂的旧杂货义卖中筹集了近100英镑,但同我们要整修教堂屋顶所需要的数额相比,这只是个小数额。 | We raised nearly a hundred pounds at the church jumble sale but it’s only a flea bite compared with the amount we need to renovate the church roof. | |
15 | 我们正在开会他闯了进来,大家把他轰走了. | He burst into our meeting and got sent away with a flea in his ear. | |
16 | 我讨厌隔壁的老太太--她纯粹是个邋遢鬼. | I hate the old lady next door she’s a real flea -bag. | |
17 | 我要告诉你父母。 | I’ll tell your parents that you’re as fit as flea . | |
18 | 我一定是让跳蚤咬了,胳膊很痒. | I must have been bitten by a flea ,my arms are itchy. | |
19 | 我在村政厅的跳蚤市场上买了一些每分钟78转的旧唱片。 | I bought some old78-rpm records at a flea market in the village hall. | |
20 | 我在街上丢了五镑钱,不过这不值一提. | I lost £ 5 in the street,but that`s only a flea -bite . | |
21 | 我在这个行当里做的就是跳蚤的工作。 | The only service I can do to my profession is to serve as a flea | |
22 | 我捉到两个臭虫、一个跳蚤,捺死了,一点一点红,全是我自己的血,这不等于自杀--咦,又是一个! | I caught two bedbugs and one flea , and when I crushed then, there were little specks of red-all my own blood.If that’s not committing suicide-Al!Another one! | |
23 | 有三种形式:腹股沟腺炎鼠疫,最温和的一种,特征是淋巴结肿胀(腹股沟淋巴结炎),只由蚤类传播,占鼠疫病例的3/4 | It takes three forms. Bubonic, the mildest, has characteristic swollen lymph nodes (buboes)and is spread only by the flea . It accounts for three-fourths of plague cases. | |
24 | 在随后的岁月里,美国和苏联实施的生物武器计划研制出直接的鼠疫气溶胶技术,摆脱了对于具有不确定性的蚤类媒介的依靠。 | In the ensuing years, the biological weapons programs of the United States and the Soviet Union developed techniques to aerosolize plague directly, eliminating dependence on the unpredictable flea vector. | |
25 | 在我看来,跳蚤市场是一个令人感伤的地方,市场上卖的东西过去对一些人来说是很宝贵的,但是他们老的老了,死的死了,有的人也已经不知去向了。 | For me a flea market is a sad place--all those memories of the past: stuff that used to be precious to people who have died or grown old or just moved away. | |
26 | 诊断剂量法在黄曲条跳甲抗性监测中的应用 | Application of Diagnostic Dose Method to Monitoring the Resistance of Striped Flea Beetle to Insecticides in Fujian Province | |
27 | “青铜器时代的鼠疫缺乏能够感染跳蚤的基因。因此,我们认为鼠疫当时不能借助跳蚤传播。” | "The plague in the Bronze Age is missing the gene that makes it able to survive inside the flea . So, what we think is the plague could not actually be transmitted by fleas back then." | |
28 | 精明的观察者可能因此会猜测,地球上真正最常见的特种是一种跳蚤—寄生的遍生远洋杆菌,而不是细菌本身。 | An astute observer might therefore have suspected that the actual most-common species on Earth would be a flea that parasitised P. ubique, rather than the bacterium itself. | |
29 | 就像乔纳森-斯威福特的一首诗表达的一样—虽然这里引用很不贴切,所以,博物学家们观察,正在捕食的跳蚤/小跳蚤们。 | As Jonathan Swift put it in a much-misquoted poem, So, naturalists observe, a flea /Hath smaller fleas that on him prey. | |
30 | 人类被受感染的跳蚤叮咬后通常会患上腺鼠疫。它会造成淋巴结肿大。如果细菌达到肺部,患者就会患上肺炎。这种疾病可以经由咳嗽,通过受感染飞沫在人与人之间传播。 | Humans bitten by an infected flea usually develop a bubonic form of plague. It causes the swelling, or enlargement, of lymph nodes. If the bacteria reach the lungs, the patient develops pneumonia. The disease can spread from person to person through infected droplets spread by coughing. |