属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙及市场 Spain and the market
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铜 破碎的联系
1 | 我用手紧紧握住兜里的名片,说了声再见,就走回那寒冬的夜色之中。当时,在我稚嫩的小小生命之中,我第一次感受到了有一线希望之光照耀着我的前路,使我感到一切都会好起来的。 | I said good-bye, my hand closed around the business card in my pocket, and went back out into the cold winter evening. Yet for the first time in my young life I sensed a flicker of hope that somehow things would be all right. | |
2 | 摇曳慢慢地,不稳定地燃烧;闪烁不定 | To burn low and unsteadily;flicker . | |
3 | 一丝情趣的星星之火未几演成了干柴烈火. | A flicker of interest soon turned into the burning flames of desire. | |
4 | 一线希望的闪现 | a weak flicker of hope | |
5 | 一线希望的闪现. | a weak flicker of hope | |
6 | 一种消除FPD灰度图像显示低频闪烁的设计 | Eliminating the low-frequency Flicker of gray-scale Images on FPD | |
7 | 迎风摇曳的叶子. | leaves flicker ing in the wind | |
8 | 用小波分析提取电压闪变的幅值调制信号 | Tracking the Envelope of Voltage Flicker Using Wavelet Analysis | |
9 | 用于抑制电压闪变的DSTATCOM模糊自适应整定PI控制 | Fuzzy Self-adaptive PI Control of DSTATCOM for Voltage Flicker Mitigation | |
10 | 由于这些特点,这类设备按规模将有助于减轻某些扰动,尤其是电压控制、功率因数纠正、电压闪变与电压降落的避免。 | Due to these features, these kind of equipment will help, according to their size, to mitigate several disturbances, among which voltage control, power factor correction, flicker and voltage sags can be emphasized | |
11 | 圆碟-搅杆式撒 布机 | plate-and-flicker distributor | |
12 | 在吴荪甫的谈锋略一顿挫的时候,屠维岳就冷冷地反问,他的脸上依然没有流露任何喜惧的表情。 | Tu Wei-yueh asked disdainfully, his face still not betraying a flicker of emotion, as soon as Wu Sun-fu paused for breath | |
13 | 这件事的一种迹象是她的眼睛又一次闪烁着最妩媚的光辉。 | It was, for the matter of that, one of the signs that her eyes were having again the high flicker of their prime | |
14 | 这些光的变动有时可被人的肉眼察觉。 | These light oscillations can sometimes be perceived by the human eye, and this phenomenon is known as flicker . | |
15 | 这种闪烁由光电管所接收。 | This flicker is detected on a photocell | |
16 | 织物的彩色闪烁片圆网印花 | Rotary Screen Printing with Colorful Flicker Pieces | |
17 | 皱一皱眉头以示警告 | flicker a warning with a lifted brow | |
18 | ||1:对时间的主观经验就是主观的。||2:即使是能与彼此交谈对照时间的人类也不能确定他们跟别人的经验相同。||3:但是,客观的测量与主观的经验确实有关系。||4:这就是所谓的临界闪烁融合频率,简称CFF,这是闪烁的光作为照明固定光源的最低频率。||5:换句话说,测量动物眼睛刷新图像的速度然后处理信息。 | ||1:Subjective experience of time is just that—subjective.||2:Even individual people, who can compare notes by talking to one another, cannot know for certain that their own experience coincides with that of others.||3:But an objective measure which probably correlates with subjective experience does exist.||4:It is called the critical flicker -fusion frequency, or CFF, and it is the lowest frequency at which a flickering light appears to be a constant source of illumination.||5:It measures, in other words, how fast an animal’s eyes can refresh an image and thus process information. | |
19 | ||1:六月底的欧洲峰会为人们带来了一丝希望,但这个希望却正在逐渐破灭。||2:欧元区领导人同意欧洲稳定机制(ESM)—— 新的永久救助基金,可以直接为各银行注入资金而无需通过政府。||3:这个消息让市场振奋不已,因为它承诺断开脆弱的银行和脆弱的国家之间的联系。||4:但没过多久这个协议便看起来不那么可靠:欧洲稳定机制直到九月才生效,到时德国宪法法庭会对其合法性进行裁决。||5:即使这个机制通过了考验,在欧洲监督机构成立之前,它依然不能直接用来对银行进行资金重组。 | ||1:The European summit in late June offered a flicker of hope but it is guttering.||2:Euro-area leaders agreed that the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), their new permanent rescue fund, would be able to inject funds directly into banks rather than via loans to the government.||3:That perked markets up since it promised to sever the link between weak banks and weak sovereigns.||4:But before long the deal looked less solid: the ESM cannot come into force until September, when Germany’s constitutional court will rule on its legality.||5:Assuming it passes that test, the ESM cannot be used for direct bank recapitalisation until a European supervisor is put in charge. | |
20 | ||1:展览上有六件作品属于或部分属于泰特美术馆所拥有。这六件作品中包括两件介于辛酸和讽刺之间的《静寂的生命》,分别是《远离羊群》(1994年),一只泡在甲醛容器中的白羊, 以及《母子分离》(1993),在四个容器间切开的母牛和牛犊。||2:展会借来的六十七件作品中只有三件出自公共机构。其余都是从经销商处以及一堆私人收藏家的手中借来的,这些收藏家包括缪西娅·普拉达、贝尔纳·阿尔诺以及史蒂夫·科恩。||3:对他们来说幸运的是,被泰特美术馆选定的作品在转售时能赢得更高的信誉和溢价。 | ||1:Six of the works in the show are owned or partially owned by the Tate. This includes two “still lives” which flicker between poignancy and irony: “Away from the Flock” (1994), a white sheep suspended in a tank of formaldehyde, and “Mother and Child Divided” (1993), a cow and calf split between four tanks. ||2:Of the 67 pieces borrowed for the show, only three have come from public institutions. The rest are on loan from dealers and a range of private collectors, including Miuccia Prada, Bernard Arnault and Steve Cohen. ||3:Luckily for them, works that have been anointed by the Tate command more credibility and a premium upon resale. | |
21 | 但是,这项技术可能有万千功能,以上不过是冰山一角。 | Yet that is still only a flicker of what is possible. | |
22 | 中国占到了世界钢材产量的一半,所以铁矿石价格对于一丝一毫的需求减少的苗头都极度敏感。 | China accounts for half of world steel production, so the iron-ore price is hypersensitive to any downward flicker in demand. | |
23 | 安地斯山还生存着许多的鸟类比如火烈鸟、安地斯山的神鹰,和蜂鸟。 | The Andes Mountains supply many birds with homes like the Flamingo, Andean Flicker , the Condor, and the Hillstar Hummingbird. | |
24 | 被改变的意识甚至更加明显;我感觉它无处不在,但绝不是以前那种感觉。 | The altered-consciousness part is pretty much invisible; I’ve felt a flicker of it here and there, but nothing like before. | |
25 | 但环绕在哺乳四周的不安的更加黑暗的场景变得渺小。 | But that darker flicker of unease around the breast-feeding grows smaller. | |
26 | 但是,至少在政治的前沿出现了一丝希望之光。 | But at least there is a flicker of movement on the political front. | |
27 | 但是本次投票至少使得多元论的一小点光芒挤进了缅甸极权主义的黑暗统治中。 | But the polls have at least allowed a tiny flicker of pluralist light into the murk of Burmese totalitarianism. | |
28 | 但是不可调光、闪灯还有灯色少这些问题依旧存在。 | But problems of dimming, flicker , and light color remained. | |
29 | 但这微弱的闪光或许会被今年第一季度所抹杀。 | But even this flicker of life may prove to have been snuffed out in the first quarter of this year. | |
30 | 当暑期来临,整个普罗旺斯好像穿上了紫色的外套,香味扑鼻的薰衣草在风中摇曳。 | When the advent of summer, the entire Provence like wearing a purple jacket, a lavender scent learned flicker in the wind. |