属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-色情与政治 应付自如
1 | 用于低功耗设计和测试的自适应触发器 | Self-Adaptive D-Flip -Flop for Low Power Design and Test | |
2 | 用于混合信号集成电路的低噪声电流型触发器 | Novel low-noise current-mode flip -flops for mixed-signal Integrated Circuits | |
3 | 由CPU使用的一种触发器,用于选通或阻止外部设备的中断请求。若CPU允许处理中断,则将中断开放触发器置位,否则复位之。 | A flip -flop used by the CPU to permit or prevent interrupts by connected peripherals. If it wants to service interrupts, it sets the interrupt-enable flip-flop. If it does not, it resets it | |
4 | 由D触发器改进的边沿JK触发器 | Edge-triggered JK flip -flop Improved from D flip-flop | |
5 | 这对双胞胎脱下啪嗒啪嗒响的休闲凉鞋,换上系带子的高跟鞋。除了上个月詹纳·布什向摄影师伸出舌头的小插曲外,他们已经熟练掌握了向公众展示微笑的技巧。 | The twins have traded flip -flops for strappy high heels, and except for the moment last month when Jenna Bush stuck out her tongue at photographers, they have mastered the art of the polished public smile. | |
6 | 这种重5盎司、高4英寸的可以舒适地靠在脸上,每充电一次可通话90分钟并待机24小时 | This 5-ounce,4-inch-high flip phone fits comfortably against your face,yet also provides 90 minutes of talk and 24 hours of standing on a single charge | |
7 | 最常用的触发器是交叉反馈的主从触发器。 | The most commonly used trigger flip -flop is the master-slave type with cross feedback | |
8 | ||1:企业不愿再增加雇佣量在美国引起民怨沸腾。||2:但很少有人关注减少失业率的有效途径:显著提升美国的劳动生产率水平。||3:这种提升能持续多久?包装材料制造商宝廷的老总William Hickey 说:“依我看来可无限期提升。||4:”他的这种乐观估计是对还是错。 | ||1:EVERYONE complains that corporate America is reluctant to hire additional workers.||2:Far less attention has been paid to the flip side of the jobless recovery: the remarkable improvement in American productivity.||3:How long can this continue? “I see no limit,” says William Hickey, the boss of Sealed Air, a packaging-maker.||4:Is he right to be so optimistic. | |
9 | ||1:先前的研究发现,在男性摔跤运动员、武术运动员、网球运动员、棋手、甚至玩抛硬币游戏的人们中,荷尔蒙水平都会上上下下。||2:从进化论的角度将,这讲得通。||3:假使一个失败的男性继续保持进攻性,那么他就会有严重受伤的可能。(自然选择不大可能会料想到竞争性的抛硬币)。||4:减少睾丸激素水平则会让其避免那种风险。||5:与之相反,复仇的威胁消退之后,获胜者则可提高荷尔蒙水平以获得实际支配权。 | ||1:Previous research has found these hormonal ups and downs in male wrestlers, martial artists, tennis players, chess players and even people playing a coin-flip game.||2:In evolutionary terms, it makes sense.||3:If a losing male continues to be aggressive, the chances are he will be seriously injured (it is unlikely natural selection could have foreseen competitive coin-tossing).||4:Turning down his testosterone level helps ward off that risk.||5:Conversely, the winner can afford to get really dominant, as the threat of retaliation has receded. | |
10 | ||1:要想成功实现“乔布斯式”的“峰回路转”,梅耶尔需要迅速解决三个至关重要的问题。||2:首先,她必须理清雅虎要成为什么样的公司。||3:包括列维索恩在内的一些雅虎的前任总裁把雅虎大部分精力都集中在像运动和金融这样的领域。||4:其他的人则是大力推动它的whizz-bang技术。||5:这种相反的发展方向一直困扰着它的顾客和雇员。 | ||1:To have a hope of pulling off a Jobs-like turnaround, she will need to tackle three vital tasks fast.||2:First, she must clarify what kind of company Yahoo! wants to be.||3:Some of its former bosses, including Mr Levinsohn, emphasised its plentiful content in areas such as sports and finance.||4:Others trumpeted its whizz-bang technology.||5:This flip -flopping has confused customers and employees. |