属类:文学表达-外国名著-Bel - Ami By Guy de Maupassant
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯的隐形朋友 为何欧洲民粹派与激进派皆欣赏普京
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国互联网公司 迁徙之雀
1 | 不用说,阿尔贝和那个农家美女之间的调情持续了一整天。 | It is almost needless to say that the flirtation between Albert and the fair peasant continued all day | |
2 | 当然,我妨碍你跟你的表妹调笑取乐,或者随你叫它什么都成。 | Of course I spoil your flirtation , or whatever it is you call it, with your cousin | |
3 | 调情. | carry on a flirtation | |
4 | 她意识到她必须先找份工作,好有钱付食宿,安顿下来,然后才可以想到交朋友之类的事。她和杜洛埃的那一段小小的调情现在看来似乎出格了。 | She saw that she would first need to get work and establish herself on a paying basis before she could think of having company of any sort. Her little flirtation with Drouet seemed now an extraordinary thing. | |
5 | 然而,旁观者能够看得出他们相似的动作和对视着说话时表现出的微妙情感。 | Onlookers, however, would have detected the subtle flirtation as they mirrored each other’ s actions and spoke directly into each other’s eyes. | |
6 | 我想他明白他那狂妄的小小的调情已经完了。 | I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over | |
7 | 想自己开业的短暂的念头. | A brief flirtation with the idea of starting his own business | |
8 | 一天晚上,德·坎特尔和妻子应邀去华代尔富丽堂皇的新居去看一幅油画。在那里,他开始同苏珊娜·华代尔调情 | One evening he and his wife were invited to view a painting in the Walters’ magnificent new mansion. There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter | |
9 | 在那里,他开始同苏珊娜·华代尔调情 | There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter | |
10 | 在那里,他开始同苏珊娜·华代尔调情;而他自己的妻子却和拉罗哲·马底欧打得火热,丝毫也不掩饰他们的交情。 | There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter; his own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship | |
11 | ||1:最先和俄罗斯套近乎的是东欧地区,发生于数年前,尽管它有过被苏维埃侵占的历史。||2:不久前的匈牙利选举大会上,选民占20%的“为了更好的匈牙利运动”曾在07年当全国已然忘却苏维埃对其的侵占史后,公开谴责俄罗斯在乔治亚州发动的暴乱。||3:然而,一年过后,格鲁吉亚转而赞同俄军事干涉乔治利亚。||4:保加利亚和的极右党同样也支持俄罗斯。||5:从此,俄在西欧的影响力也已显露无疑。||6:法国民族阵线领袖马琳·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)去年已在莫斯科受到红毯待遇,甚至还访问了克米利亚。||7:12月,意大利的北方联盟国会上,当亲普京官员发言共同拥护欧洲基督教价值观时,博得阵阵掌声。||8:当时的参会人员为三大新生盟友:荷兰右翼自由党领袖威尔德(Geert Wilders)、奥地利自由党领袖海因茨.斯特拉赫(Heinz-Christian Strache)和马琳·勒庞的欧洲顾问Ludovic de Danne(没查到译名)。 | ||1:The flirtation with Russia first became apparent in eastern Europe some years ago, despite memories of Soviet occupation.||2:Jobbik, which took 20% of the vote in Hungary’s recent election, denounced Russian riots in Estonia after the removal of a Soviet war memorial in 2007.||3:But a year later it backed Russia’s military intervention in Georgia.||4:Far-right parties in Bulgaria and Slovakia also supported Russia.||5:Since then, Russian influence has become apparent in western Europe, too.||6:Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, has been given red-carpet treatment in Moscow and even visited Crimea last year.||7:At December’s congress of Italy’s Northern League, pro-Putin officials were applauded when they spoke of sharing “common Christian European values”.||8:Among those attending were three nascent allies: Geert Wilders of the Netherlands’ Party for Freedom, Heinz-Christian Strache of the FPO, and Ludovic de Danne, Ms Le Pen’s European adviser. | |
12 | 宣布很快会在美国纽约上市,这意味着它与香港证交所间数月的暧昧试探以失败告终,这则重磅顿时令其他消息黯然失色。 | an e-commerce colossus rapidly expanding into internet finance, ended months of flirtation with the Hong Kong exchange by declaring it will soon float its shares in New York. | |
13 | 2010年,在初步考虑收紧货币政策的构想后,年中的“增长恐慌”带来急转弯。 | In 2010 after a flirtation with the idea of tighter monetary policy, the mid-year growth scare led to a sharp reversal. | |
14 | 白宫首席经济顾问拉里•萨默斯(LarrySummers)在求助保护主义时则要狡猾得多。 | Larry Summers, the chief economic adviser in the White House, was rather more subtle in his flirtation with protectionism. | |
15 | 到底有没有所谓的这些东西:无害的挑逗? | Is there such a thing as harmless flirtation ? | |
16 | 调情行为的理念已经成为女性专属的领域是不正确的。 | The idea that flirtation has become the sole province of females is erroneous; | |
17 | 而俄罗斯的中东政策,以及它与中国的亲密关系,也是其追求大国地位的具体表现。 | But Russia’s policy in the Middle East, and its flirtation with China, are also part of the quest for great-power status. | |
18 | 那些女人知道爱情和生活,也会调情,但露丝却没有经验。 | They had known about love and life and flirtation , while she knew nothing about such things. | |
19 | 他们总是会对一些事情感到内疚,即使它只是脑海中一闪而过的一个坏主意或者是一次调情,所以为什么要如此近距离地审视呢? | They usually have something to feel guilty about, even if it’s just a bad thought or flirtation , so why look too closely? ’ | |
20 | 它是挑逗、狡诈的高压攻势、报复以及,当然,短信。 | It’s about flirtation , subtle power plays, retaliation and, of course, text messages. | |
21 | 威廉斯把职场暧昧定义为一种社交外延手段。 | Williams describes professional flirtation like an extension of good networking skills. | |
22 | 现在这对处于理智与情感间徘徊的恋人一方面热切地眉来眼去,另一方面,却要面对进退两难的境地。 | Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma. | |
23 | 在国内,阿萨德先生在与自由主义短暂调情之后又回到他父亲的老路上,并将其批判者送进了监狱或流亡国外。 | At home, Mr Assad reverted to his father’s style after a brief flirtation with liberalism, and sent his critics to prison or exile. | |
24 | 自从民兵团驻扎到麦里屯以后,她一脑子只想到谈情说爱,卖弄风情,勾搭军官。 | Since the ----shire were first quartered in Meryton, nothing but love, flirtation , and officers have been in her head. |