属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国汽车生产商 稳居第三
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑莓 只有荆棘光环
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-微软和PC行业 即将被抛弃
1 | 主从 J-K 双稳态触发器 | master slave J-Kflip flop | |
2 | 最常用的触发器是交叉反馈的主从触发器。 | The most commonly used trigger flip-flop is the master-slave type with cross feedback | |
3 | ||1:微软自家的平板Surface是一款失败的产品,到现在只销售了9亿美元。||2:另一家调查公司Gartner表示,使用微软操作系统的手机,主要由芬兰的诺基亚生产,销量远远落后于iPhone和安卓设备,只占到手机世界市场的3.3%。||3:它们已经取代了黑莓第三的位置,但是也说明不了什么。 | ||1: Microsoft’s own tablet, the Surface, has been a flop , forcing it to make a $900m write-off in its latest results. ||2: Windows phones, mostly made by Nokia of Finland, are far behind iPhones and Android devices, with just 3.3% of the world market according to Gartner, another research firm. ||3: They have ousted BlackBerry from third place, but that is not saying much. | |
4 | 对Wimdu的老板Ame Bleckwenn来说,这已经是他的第三次创业了。 | Arne Bleckwenn, the boss of Wimdu, is on his third start-up for the Samwers. Gamegoods, his first, was a rare flop . | |
5 | 公司1997年开始发布的入门级车奔驰A系列,随后尝试引入新款,却以失败告终。奔驰微型都市车Smart堪称公司的财务灾难, | The entry-level A Class, introduced in 1997 and intended to induce a new generation to the Mercedes brand, was a flop ; Smart, a frugal city car, was a financial disaster. | |
6 | 股市把它称为翻牌:股价同比下降了16%,已经跌倒只有以前的一小部分了。 | The stockmarket called it a flop the share price, already a fraction of what it once was, fell by 16%. | |
7 | 微软自己的平板电脑,至少从表面上看,一直是一个失败,最后不得不以九亿美元核销其最新结果。 | Microsoft’s own tablet, the Surface, has been a flop , forcing it to make a $900mwrite-off in its latest results. | |
8 | “找工作容易,难的是找一份好工作。”他说道,只见他身穿灰色夹克,头发已经多天未洗的样子。 | "It’s easy to find work, but not easy to find good work, " said He, wearing a thin grey jacket and a flop of gelled hair. | |
9 | SPA试图提供称之为BusinessByDesign的在线服务软件,但结果惨败。 | SAP’s attempt to offer software as an online service, called Business ByDesign, was a flop . | |
10 | SPICE模拟表明体串联电阻对体接触SOI数字D触发器速度特性有明显的影响。 | SPICE simulation of the circuit indicates that body resistance has obvious influence on the speed of BC (body contact) D flip-flop circuit. | |
11 | Wester很清楚尽管阿尔法对于车迷们仍然有着很大的魅力,但是如果推出了失败的商品,整个计划就会落空了。 | Mr Wester is well aware that for all the affection Alfa still retains among car enthusiasts the plan will flop if the products are wrong. | |
12 | 奥巴马在财政部竞选经费这一问题上立场摇摆不定自然有其玩世不恭之处(他愿意为此辩护说这是高尚之举愈发显得如此)。 | Mr Obama’s flip-flop on public finance is certainly cynical (and his willingness to justify it as an act of high principle even more so). | |
13 | 背越式跳高“双动力”起跳技术理论研究 | Study on "Double Dynamical" Take-off Technique Theory of Fosbury Flop High Jump | |
14 | 背越式跳高“小弧线教学法”原理与应用 | The Principle and Application of "Small Curving Approach Teaching" in Fosbury Flop | |
15 | 背越式跳高起跳阶段摆动腿摆动的运动学特征及对起跳效果的影响 | Kinematics Character of Swing of Swing Leg’s Action of Fosbury Flop and its Influence to Take-off Effect | |
16 | 背越式跳高运动损伤率的调查初报 | Investigation on the Injury Caused in Back Style Flop | |
17 | 背越式跳高中自转和补偿性运动对过杆的影响 | Crossbar Effects from Body Swinging and Complement Action in Fosbury Flop | |
18 | 本来期待本次峰会能够在限制温室气体排放上达成新的规范,并且许多企业高管都看到了创造历史的可能性和其积极的一面,可哥本哈根峰会却以惨败收场。 | Dozens of chief executives came to see history being made and to be seen on the right side of it. But Copenhagen was a flop . | |
19 | 不过Volpp博士指出,值得注意的是健康计划失败的公司不太可能公布结果。 | However, Dr Volpp sounds a note of caution. Companies with programmes that flop are less likely to broadcast their results. | |
20 | 不同等级女子跳高运动员起跳腾空的运动学分析 | Kinematic analysis on take - off and transit of female flop jumpers at different ranks | |
21 | 不幸的是,这批价值连城的电脑却成为了商业败笔。 | Unfortunately, the expensive computers were a commercial flop . | |
22 | 存储单元仅需要一个电容和晶体管,并而不像触发器整列那样需要6个晶体管 | The storage cell only requires one capacitor and one transistor, whereas a flip-flop connected in an array requires 6 transistors. | |
23 | 但是,若他此次的复出演出没有实现,或者被认为是个失败,今后杰克逊想在事业上东山再起恐怕就会更加艰难。 | But if the comeback fails to materialize, or is regarded as a flop , Jackson would find it harder than ever to resurrect a career. | |
24 | 但是,这并不意味着B2C网上贸易已经彻底失败。 | But this doesn’t mean that B2C Internetcommerce has been a flop . | |
25 | 迪斯尼旗下的体育电视频道ESPN,今年采用MVNO模式,最后以失败告终。 | The MVNO launched this year by ESPN, a sports channel owned by Disney, has been a flop . | |
26 | 而且,他们宣称,发射是一次失败。 | What is more, they claimed, it was a flop . | |
27 | 该触发器在该扫描触发器输出端提供输出信号。 | The flip-flop provides an output signal at the output of the scan flip-flop. | |
28 | 该多工器提供选择该扫描输入端或该数据输入端任一者作为该触发器输入端。 | The multiplexer allows selection of either the scan input or the data input for presentation at the input of the flip-flop . | |
29 | 根据一条信息,一个会议或一段对话,他们的立场和策略会反复无常。 | And their positions and strategies can flip and flop from one day to the next based on one data point, meeting, or conversation. | |
30 | 关于JK触发器的教学方法 | Efficient Ways of Teaching JK Flip- flop |