1 | 装磁碟把(磁喋)装入磁碟机 | To mount(a diskette)onto a floppy disk drive. | |
2 | 最初的软碟是IBM公司发明的;它藏于寸正方的封套内。现在常用的是细软碟和微软碟;它们分别是5。25寸和3。5寸。 | The original floppy was developed by IBM and is housed in an 8 inches square envelope.Minifloppy and Microfloppy in 5.25 inches and 3.5 inches respectively are now in commonly use. | |
3 | ||1:英国时尚再卷狂潮,新来的几位大使功不可没。—剑桥公爵夫人(Duchess of Cambridge)的时尚穿衣品味带动了美国发展的英国本土品牌,这就是所谓的“米德尔顿效应”(亦可称“公爵夫人效应”)。||2:英国模特后起之秀中的佼佼者,卡拉·迪瓦伊(Cara Delevingne)也在世界T台上掀起浪潮;而现如今伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)顶着他那头标志性的蓬乱金发也加入到该行列中。||3:在今年夏季召开的一场提升英国男士服装知名度的时装发布会上,这位不知道自己定制西装的设计者姓甚名谁的市长大人却讲出了“伦敦之于西装,恰如帕尔马至于帕马森干酪”。 | ||1:The renaissance of British fashion has been given a boost by some new ambassadors.The “Middleton effect”—a bump in sales attributed to the Duchess of Cambridge’s fashion choices—has had a beneficial effect on British brands in America.||2:A new crop of British models, among them Cara Delevingne, bestrides the international catwalk. Now Boris Johnson, the floppy -haired mayor of London, has joined the campaign.||3:At a fashion shoot to promote British menswear this summer he could not remember who designed the suit he was wearing but his words were on message. “London is to the suit”, he said, “as Parma is to the Parmesan cheese”. | |
4 | “嗨,萨莫尔,”戴着一顶松软绿色帽子的以色列生态学家萨瑞格·格夫尼说,“核实一下这个小家伙。” | "Hey, Samer, " says Sarig Gafny, an Israeli ecologist in a floppy , green hat, "check this little fellow out. " | |
5 | “他太让我失望了,”吉米对着姗蒂耷拉的耳朵自言自语。 | "He let me down, " Jimmy murmured into the dog’s floppy ear. | |
6 | “我们,还有这只慵懒的大狗,呆在貌似科幻小说的空间里,”麦库林写到(此图中,狗躲在列侬身后)。 | "We all lay around with a huge floppy dog in this strange science-fiction space, " McCullin writes (the dog is behind Lennon in this frame). | |
7 | “有弹性并不意味着显示器是软屏,”EInk营销副总斯里·佩鲁文巴说道。 | "Flexible doesn’t mean the display is floppy , " says Sri Peruvemba, vice-president of marketing for E Ink. | |
8 | BusyBox是为构建内存有限的嵌入式系统和基于软盘系统的一个优秀工具。 | BusyBox is a great tool for building memory-constrained embedded systems and also floppy -disk based systems. | |
9 | HOWTO:使用组策略来禁用USB、CD-ROM、软盘和LS-120驱动程序 | HOWTO: Use Group Policy to disable USB, CD-ROM, Floppy Disk and LS-120 drivers | |
10 | Windows2000修补程序:在高系统负载期间访问软盘时出现数据破坏 | Windows 2000 Patch: Data Corruption Accessing Floppy Drive During Heavy System Load |