属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拉美的宠物喂养 人类最好的朋友
1 | 想知道一朵云有多重吗?还有飓风?一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。 | A fluffy cumulous cloud weighs the equivalent of approximately 200,000 elephants, a meteorologist calculates. Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you. | |
2 | 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西 | Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses. | |
3 | 絮凝形成团状或棉絮状块 | To form lumpy or fluffy masses. | |
4 | 絮状的有绒毛状或羊毛状外表的 | Having a fluffy or woolly appearance. | |
5 | 夜色已经降临。透过飘飘洒洒的绒毛细雪,她看到邻居们的屋顶边缘上挂着明亮的圣诞彩灯。从厨房传来《普天同庆》的旋律。 | Dusk had fallen. Through fluffy flakes that were now drifting down, she saw the cheery Christmas lights edging the roof lines of her neighbors’ homes.The strains of Joy to the World floated in from the kitchen. | |
6 | 隐约传来一连串单调的敲击声,使人迷惑的是这声音很有规律,它勉强穿过了雪絮蒙茸的空气。 | An indescribable succession of dull blows, perplexing in their regularity, sent their sound with difficulty through the fluffy atmosphere | |
7 | 用于起圈的饰纱,可以是单纱,也可以是股线;可以结构松散,也可以具有较高的捻度。 | The effect yarn, which makes the loops, is made of either a single or a ply and may be soft, fluffy or tightly twisted. | |
8 | 在制作二合股竹节花式纱时,纱线上的蓬松部分被强捻单纱束缚在确定的位置上。 | When a 2-ply slub is made, the soft and fluffy portion is held in place by a tightly twisted single. | |
9 | 珍珠岩一种天然火山玻璃岩,类似于黑曜岩,但它有清晰的同轴裂纹和相对高的含水量。轻的热膨胀形珍珠岩可用作轻型建材,也可用于绝热材料和盆栽植物的土壤中 | A natural volcanic glass similar to obsidian but having distinctive concentric cracks and a relatively high water content.In a fluffy heat-expanded form perlite is used as a lightweight aggregate,in fire-resistant insulation,and in soil for potted plants. | |
10 | ||1: 劳拉·普兰住在哈瓦那的中心街区Calle Neptuno 963 号,这虽是一所小小居所,但劳拉始终把它打理得整洁漂亮。 ||2:有着雪花图案的灰色地砖总是一尘不染,尽管她的长毛geng(反犬旁那个更,这里出不来,悲剧了。)经常会把它的毛发掉落一地,尽管敞开的大门正对着一条满溢尾气、嘈杂的、尘土飞扬的大街。||3:在前面的客厅里有几张藤背椅,它们的靠背是一个心形,三角形的花边装饰着座凳。||4:在屋后有一个很小的庭院,满是盆栽和爬藤植物,如同一个小小丛林,对面赭石墙上的清洁工具挂得整整齐齐。||5:一抬头就能看到伊格莱西亚卡门塔,它似静静观望着小院。 | ||1: THE house at 963 Calle Neptuno, in the centre of Havana, was small, but Laura Pollan kept it beautifully. ||2: The grey floor-tiles with their snowflake motif were always swept clean, even though her fluffy mongrel terrier shed his long hair everywhere, and though the door was kept open to get some air in from the bike-filled, rowdy, dusty street. ||3: In the front living room she had cane chairs with heart-shaped backs, and triangles of lace decorated the shelves. ||4: Outside, the tiny back yard was a jungle of pot plants and climbers, with neatly folded washing hung against the ochre walls. ||5: And the tower of the Iglesia del Carmen watched over it all. | |
11 | ||1:小狗拉罗的脸庞看上去喜气洋洋,因为设计师一边对它轻柔细语,一边吹干了它乌黑亮泽的毛发。||2: 移动宠物沙龙Fluffy Shower的小货车的车身是有机玻璃做的,花上100比索(7.70美元),无论大狗小狗都可以在车上做美容;Fluffy Shower经常到访墨西哥城的富人社区,给上层阶级的宠物打上香波和缎带。 ||3:为纪念9月16日的独立日,最机灵的狗狗要穿上绿白红相间的毛绒衫。||4:下个月,宠物精品店将会出售万圣节南瓜套装和华丽的女巫帽子。 | ||1: BLISS spreads across Lalo’s face as his glossy black locks are blown dry by cooing stylists. ||2: Dogs big and small are beautified for 100 pesos ($7.70) in the back of a perspex-walled van run by Fluffy Shower, a mobile pet-salon that visits Mexico City’s posh neighbourhoods to apply shampoo and ribbons to upper-class animals. ||3: The sharpest dogs sport green, white and red jerseys to mark Independence Day on September 16th. ||4: Next month pet boutiques will sell Halloween pumpkin outfits and dainty witches’ hats. | |
12 | 它们的背部装有激光扫描仪,Fluffy和Spot可以在20万平方米的工厂快速奔跑着收集数据。 | With laser scanners mounted on their backs, Fluffy and Spot can scamper around the 200,000 square-metre plant collecting data. | |
13 | 在塑胶墙面的货车厢里,无论大狗还是小狗,美容费都是每只100比索(合约7.7美元)。 | Dogs big and small are beautified for 100 pesos ($7.70) in the back of a perspex-walled van run by Fluffy Shower, | |
14 | 这两个亮黄色的四脚机器看起来有点像狗,一只被戏称为Fluffy,另一只叫Spot | This pair of bright-yellow quadrupeds look a bit like dogs, prompting one to be nicknamed Fluffy and the other Spot | |
15 | “我干不了,”马丁仿佛看见自己在烫女人穿的毛茸茸的白色衣物,觉得滑稽。 | "Too much for me. " Martin caught an amusing glimpse of himself ironing fluffy white things that women wear. | |
16 | 本发明的优点是,加入跳跳糖的冰淇淋膏体极为滑腻、蓬松、香醇爽口。 | The invention has the advantages that the ice cream body including the magic dust sugar is extremely greasy, fluffy and well tasty. | |
17 | 闭嘴。一个小男孩问了个好问题。像这样的问题值得好好回答一下。 | Boss Skua: Shut up! A little fluffy boy asked me a perceptive question. A question like that deserves always an answer. | |
18 | 不麻烦弄清楚的是杀死小海豹而获得白色绒毛皮已经被禁止了20年了。 | Few bother to make it clear that the killing of the youngest pups with fluffy white pelts has been banned for 20 years. | |
19 | 藏獒很魁梧,在那里象征着路威。 | Tibetan mastiffs are massive, fluffy status symbols there. | |
20 | 炒到松软即可加在面包上食用。 | When they’re fluffy , serve the eggs with the bread. | |
21 | 脆皮棕色火鸡的香味、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的填塞料以及什锦蔬菜甚至连我都口水直流。 | The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made even my mouth water. | |
22 | 但空洞的乐观主义与非洲悲观主义一样毫无裨益。 | But fluffy optimism is as unhelpful as Afro-pessimism. | |
23 | 当混合的黄油糊变得很轻,蓬松,有点发白就可以了。 | The mixture is ready to be used when it is light, fluffy , and a pale ivory color. | |
24 | 当然了,为某种毛绒绒的东西筹集资金会更容易。 | Of course, it’s easier to raise money for something fluffy . | |
25 | 当他们爬到山顶上的时候,雨夹雪已经变成了柔软的雪花。 | By the time they reached the top, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow. | |
26 | 幻灯片条理清晰,并配以大白兔以及彩虹的图片。 | There were bullet points galore. Complete with photos of fluffy white rabbits and rainbows. | |
27 | 基于实验,当月球表面松软或者月球表面有冰的时候就会出现这种现象。 | Based on experiments, this happens if the lunar surface is either fluffy or if ices exist near the surface. | |
28 | 几乎没有人明确表示捕杀通体白色皮毛的幼崽已经被禁止了20年。 | Few bother to makeit clear that the killingof the youngest pups with fluffy white pelts has beenbanned for 20 years. | |
29 | 假设FluffyBoards销售部门使用XML存储每个滑板的评论。 | Suppose one use of XML in the Fluffy Boards marketing department is to store reviews for each board. | |
30 | 她捧着一束玫瑰花、身着蓬松洁白的婚纱,韩心澄(HanXincheng)俨然是一位魅力四射的中国现代新娘。 | With her bouquet of roses and fluffy white dress, Han Xincheng looked the epitome of the glamorous modern Chinese bride. |