1 | 有些开阔地区还没有房子遮风挡雨。然而一到夜里,一长排一长排煤气街灯就亮了起来,灯光在风里摇曳。 | There were regions open to the sweeping winds and rain, which were yet lighted throughout the night with long, blinking lines of gas-lamps, fluttering in the wind. | |
2 | 有一天特别寒冷,沿街乞讨实在不是滋味,于是他等到中午才去寻找给穷人的这种布施。这天上午22点钟时,就已经有几个像他一样的人蹒跚地从第六大道走过去,他们单薄的衣衫随风飘动。 | On one occasion it was peculiarly cold, and finding no comfort in begging about the streets, he waited until noon before seeking this free offering to the poor. Already, at eleven o’clock of this morning, several such as he had shambled forward out of Sixth Avenue, their thin clothes flapping and fluttering in the wind. | |
3 | 有一只蛾子扑打着翅膀绕着灯飞 | A moth was fluttering round the lamp | |
4 | 有一只蛾子扑打着翅膀绕着灯飞. | A moth was fluttering round the lamp. | |
5 | 在教堂附近飞来飞去的麻雀,是为欧洲学识最深的神学家们完全无法克服的敌手。 | A sparrow fluttering about the church is an antagonist which the most profound theologian in Europe is wholly unable to overcome. | |
6 | 在旗杆顶上飘扬着的旗帜 | Curtains fluttering in the breeze | |
7 | 这位新明星肯定会使姑娘们心驰神往。 | The new star is certain to set young girls’ hearts fluttering . | |
8 | 主席台左右,红旗迎风飘扬。 | Red flags are fluttering on both sides of the rostrum. | |
9 | 啭鸣,抖音颤抖的或波动的声音,如某些鸟发出的叫声,啭鸣 | A fluttering or tremulous sound,as that made by certain birds;a warble. | |
10 | ||1:她尤其对老年妇女怀有崇敬之情,这些妇女有时爱穿风衣,尽管如此,她们似乎牢牢掌握着智慧。||2:比如她自己的曾祖母,家里所有的男人都不约而同地支持她。||3:或者《宠儿》里的贝比·萨格斯,她在森林里向她的人民说道,如果他们,那边的白人,“不喜欢让你的脖子没有束缚,保持笔直...你得爱它...把一只手放在它上面,优雅地抚摸它,坚持下去。”||4:或者是她接受诺贝尔奖时在演讲中唤醒的年老女人,她向年轻的讯问者提醒道,语言的未来,一只在生死之间摇摆的鸟,在他们的手中。||5:当有人问她时,她会给人讲课和提出建议。||6:她在普林斯顿的职位时不时地需要她这么做。 | ||1:In particular she felt a reverence for old women, sometime shalf-crazed, who nonetheless seemed to have a lock on wisdom.||2:Her own great-grandmother, for one, for whom all the males in the family stood up without urging.||3:Or Baby Suggs in "Beloved", who preached to her people in the woods that if they, the whites yonder, "do not love your neck unnoosed and straight...You got to love it...put a hand on it, grace it, stroke it and hold it up."||4:Or the old woman she evoked in her lecture when she received the Nobel, who reminded her young interrogators that the future of language, a bird fluttering between life and death, was in their hands.||5:She gave lectures and advice when she was asked.||6:Her post at Princeton required it from time to time. | |
11 | “为什么,到底是为什么呢?”一只蝴蝶振翅沿着阳光飞过。 | "Why, indeed? " said a Butterfly, who was fluttering about after a sunbeam. | |
12 | 傲慢的男人们手持长矛,矛身上羽毛翻动。 | Feathers fluttering on the lances of the arrogant men. | |
13 | 北韩的一些孩子像野兽一般活着:他们被称为kotjebi(颤抖的燕子),他们成群地游荡。 | Some children in the North live legally: they are known as kotjebi, or "fluttering swallows" , and roam in packs. | |
14 | 当游行队伍走过时,珠儿就象一只跃跃欲飞的鸟儿一般不安地跳起又落下。 | While the procession passed, the child was uneasy, fluttering up and down, like a bird on the point of taking flight. | |
15 | 飞在淡蓝色的天空 | Fluttering in the pale-blue sky. | |
16 | 佛塔和经幡矗立在多石的土地上。放眼望去,洁白且结实藏式房屋星星点点。 | Stupas and fluttering prayer flags clung to rocky outcrops, and sturdy white Tibetan houses dotted the landscape. | |
17 | 渐渐的他长大了,却做着山鸡所做的事---从泥土里寻找食物,做短距离的飞翔,翅膀还啪啪作响。 | He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings. | |
18 | 她的头发在风中飞扬,她的面纱飘动,她的花环在胸前悉悉作响。 | Her hair is flying in the wind, her veil is fluttering , her garland rustles over her breast. | |
19 | 乐观者听到了仙女翅膀的扑闪声。 | Optimists hear the fluttering of good fairies’ wings. | |
20 | 漫天雪花飘飘,迎来了新年,让久违的心灵相聚吧,我深深地祝福你:新年快乐! | Man snowflakes fluttering and ushered in the New Year, returning to the heart to spend it, I deeply wish you: Happy New Year! | |
21 | 那些飞舞的影象让冰冷的城市带上了一丝温暖,也让那些膨胀的喧哗褪去一层浮躁。 | Those fluttering images make the cold city a bit warm, and also let the bulgy whoopla take off a piece of fickleness. | |
22 | 三只蓝色的黄嘴喜鹊飞入空中,发出嘎嘎的惊叫,笨拙地摇动着长长的尾部羽毛。 | Three yellow-billed blue magpies throw themselves into the air with startled chortles, fluttering their absurdly long tail feathers. | |
23 | 实验结果表明,基于体震信号的心率测量方法获得了良好的效果。 | Test result showed that such a heart rate measurement based on human body fluttering signal can get effective outcome. | |
24 | 我们把目光投向窗外,看着莫斯科河对面的克里姆林宫——在那里,迎风飘动的红旗正最后一次被降下。 | We looked out at the Kremlin on the other side of the Moscow River. The Red Flag was fluttering down for the last time. | |
25 | 阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月? | Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? | |
26 | 在路边的村庄里,敦实的白色房屋上悬挂着五颜六色的经幡,随风摆动,中国在达旺两个星期的占领在这里依然记忆犹新。 | In wayside villages of solid white houses fluttering with coloured prayer-flags, China’s two-week occupation of Tawang is also remembered. | |
27 | 曾经喜欢长发飘飘的感觉。 | Have long hair fluttering like the feeling. | |
28 | 这儿那儿,一道道阳光如长矛一般从茂密的树叶中直刺下来,几只蝴蝶扇着翅膀,在翩翩起舞。 | long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near, and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene. | |
29 | 这三个人,当他们路过的时候,低头看着小鸟在冰冷潮湿的草丛中颤抖。 | The three men, as they passed, looked down and saw the little birds fluttering in the cold, wet grass. | |
30 | 只是我们对时间和动机的感知给了我们一心多用的错觉。 | It is only with time and motion that our fluttering attention gains the illusion of multitasking. |