属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生日“不”快乐 Unhappy birthday to
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-致命玉米疾病威胁肯尼亚粮食安全
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-专家为东非牧民辩护
1 | 贮窖的过程在贮窖中贮存及发酵青饲料 | The process of storing and fermenting green fodder in a silo. | |
2 | 贮窖的饲料贮藏在贮窖中的饲料;青贮作物 | Fodder preserved in a silo;silage. | |
3 | ||1:美国大型金融机构的头头们私下都抱怨实行多德弗兰克法案的高昂而自相矛盾的代价。||2:但是,他们对条款的公开批评却是克制而不激烈的,因为他们担心过激言论会导致法令制定者迅速的报复,或者让自己沦为“反对银行业”的政客们口诛笔伐的对象。||3:他们说,悄悄的游说有关部门、并争取优先carve-outa会好一点,此举可能带给他们好处,却也会给人留下“系统不公”的印象。 | ||1:The heads of America’s large financial institutions rail privately about the costly and contradictory demands of the Dodd-Frank act.||2:But their criticism in public is measured, out of fear that it could prompt retribution by regulators or make them fodder for bank-bashing politicians.||3:It is better, they say, quietly to lobby for preferential carve-outs, an approach that may serve their own interests but only adds to the sense of systemic unfairness. | |
4 | ||PAUL OMANGA:“另一点就是要确认毁掉被感染农田的所有作物。你甚至可以烧掉它们,或用作牲畜饲料。茎和叶可以用来做牲畜饲料。||但不能把这些被感染的作物留在地里,因为病毒将会继续感染其它作物。” | ||PAUL OMANGA: "Another one is ensuring that, in affected fields, you destroy all the plants. You can even burn them or make fodder for livestock.|| The stems, the leaves, you make fodder for livestock. But you should not leave those affected plants to stay in the field because the virus will remain in that to infect another crop." | |
5 | 姆万吉:“如果我们开发一个体系,沿河种植牧草,牲畜们被从牧场移送至此,牲畜出栏时更接近市场,结果会怎么样?我们需要的就是这样一个体系,而这正是一直所缺乏的。” | DAVID MWANGI: "What would happen if we developed a system where we grow fodder and pasture along the river and the animals are taken off from the range and finished nearer to the market? What we need is a system, and that is what has been really lacking." | |
6 | 在日本,研究生和博士后都非常渴求成为该领域的领军人物。 | That graduate students and post-docs are fodder for the ambitions of departmental heads is not unique to Japan. | |
7 | “味儿美”中药制剂对育肥猪营养代谢的影响 | Influence on "Weiermei" Chinese Herbal Medicine in Fodder to Nutrition Metabolize of Fatten Pig | |
8 | 2002年在阿富汗,它第一次投入实战,现在则在伊拉克充当炮灰。 | First deployed in Afghanistan in 2002, it’s now on active cannon-fodder duty in Iraq. | |
9 | AFS法测定植物饲料组织中的痕量 | Se Determination of trace selenium in plant fodder organism by AFS | |
10 | Fodder有着慈善的地位和职权范围,作为其教育的一部分,他带市民来看他所期待的东西。 | Fodder has charitable status and as part of its educational remit he is taking members of the public to see exactly what he is looking for. | |
11 | 宝鸡市秸秆饲草产业开发的思考 | Thinking in the Exploitation of Hay Fodder Industry in Baoji | |
12 | 本发明还涉及该饲料能量增效剂在畜禽养殖中的应用。 | The invention further relates to applying the fodder energy synergist to raising livestock. | |
13 | 补饲后贵州本地和杂交黄牛胚胎移植效果比较 | Result comparison of embryo transfer between local cattle of Guizhou and cross cattle after adding fodder | |
14 | 草业生态工程与种草养畜对策研究 | Study on the ecological project of grass industry and countermeasures for stock raising by planting fodder grass | |
15 | 常用饲料原料的真伪鉴别 | The true or false judgement of common fodder materials | |
16 | 粗饲料发酵饲喂育肥羊效果 | Fattening effects of fermented coarse fodder feeding sheep | |
17 | 粗饲料在反刍动物中的营养作用及其影响因素 | Nutritional function of coarse fodder in ruminants and its influence factors | |
18 | 打工者源源不断地流入工厂,有助于抑制多数地区的工资增长。 | The steady stream of factory fodder has helped suppress wages in most regions. | |
19 | 大型饲料厂鼠害防制研究 | Rodents Control in Large Fodder Factory | |
20 | 动物饲料供应低于正常值的66%。 | The animal fodder supply is 66 percent below normal. | |
21 | 动物饲料供应也严重匮乏。 | The animal fodder supply is also severely depleted. | |
22 | 而且,我给晚间电视节目主持人提供了几年也不会过时的笑料。 | And I had given late-night TV hosts fodder for years of jokes. | |
23 | 反刍动物对不同方法加工处理青粗饲料的利用效果 | The Effect of Ruminant Utilization the Green and Coarse Fodder of different Processing and Handling | |
24 | 放牧面积的不断缩小以及缺乏对饲料树木的投资,可能会阻碍骆驼的持续复苏。 | Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival. | |
25 | 高蛋白饲料稻综合技术的研究 | Comprehensive Technique of High Protein Contents Rice for Fodder | |
26 | 公司资料或小道消息以及日常购物经验是大部分blog的常见内容。 | Company information or gossip and everyday retail experiences are fodder for the majority of bloggers. | |
27 | 海南野生饲用牧草资源调查及开发利用研究 | A Survey on Indigenous Fodder Germplasm and Study on Indigenous Fodder Development and Utilization | |
28 | 黑龙江省饲草饲料生产现状及发展方向 | The current situation of forage and fodder production and its developing direction in Heilongjiang province, China | |
29 | 很多不知就里的邻居会发现他们的女贞树篱在夜深人静时被人剪了,那是因为我要给我的毛虫找吃的。 | Many a puzzled neighbour saw their privet hedges trimmed in the dead of night so I could get fodder for my caterpillars. | |
30 | 混牧林牧草群落利用及动态分析 | Utilization and Tendencies Analyzing of the Fodder Grass Group in the Grazing Forest |